Uxie Lv.X Discussion

Silver Sea Lugia

Champion Trainer
Good afternoon!:D

Why does a great number of users on PokeBeach like there 1-1 Uxie Lv.X tech in there decks? Sometimes even over Claydol GE. I don't see myself as a n00b, but it just doesn't make sence too me. Uxie LA makes alot of sence if a certain deck calls for it, but I don't understand Uxie Lv.X just becuase of the fact that you have to Level him up as active to get any use out of him <<thats slowww

Please explain what his purposes are :(
Two things...

One, Claydol can't attack in every deck and Uxie is an emergency extra 60 damage.
Two, most decks I like to play always bring me in the 8+ hand. Claydol actually slows me down. Uxie may only give you one card, but it's usually a card you like.

If you continue to have a low-numbered hand, then I'd suggest Claydol for you.
Yeah, you get 8 cards... But then what?! You play another Uxie? Oh yeah, that's right, you don't have one.

Claydol is so much more consistent. of course, in some decks, Furret > Everything else.
Ariadosguy said:
Yeah, you get 8 cards... But then what?! You play another Uxie? Oh yeah, that's right, you don't have one.

Claydol is so much more consistent. of course, in some decks, Furret > Everything else.

Uxie is just as consistent as Claydol. The main differnce is that Claydol ensures a hand of 6 while Uxie lets you draw a more likely useful card per turn. If you always have more than 8 cards in your hand then don't bother playing Claydol.

Furret is only good for setup decks. Jirachi is much faster in a sense though. Jirachi allows a T2 attack while Furret allows a T3.
I think Uxie is way better because it doesnt drain your deck oout. Cause Claydol seriously if you use claydol but you keep drawing 3 cards somehow your gonna run your deck out fast.
But with uxie you get to choose a card without putting something back. and if you play uxie righ twith a dusk ball you can get two cards to your hand. Lets see use uxies power
You have a
TSD a Lv X that you really need to play,
Bth are excellent cards but you can only pick one but wait
you have a dusk ball in your hand.
Get the TSD then duskball the Lv.X without giving something up from your hand.
SO see with claydol what if your hand was , rare candy, tsd and a lv x you need ? see UXIE is more professional claydol is more for noobs haha
Frankly, I like both.
Why, well Uxie X is a Pokedex and Claydol is a nice draw engine.
However, Claydol helps more decks, but Uxie can work great with claydol, say you cosmic power and then you did not get the card you wanted then you use Uxie X's Pokedex power and you get more draw.
That is an average 2-4 cards for cosmic power and a extra one from Uxie. (Moreover, if you play supporters on that turn)
Of course both cards have their pros and cons, but don’t all cards?
In addition, I heard of a engine where it used Unknown R with Uxie X. (read the card if you don't know what it does.)
Moreover, one of the fastest and best draw Engine is just plain claydol.

EastbayTrainer said:
see UXIE is more professional claydol is more for noobs haha
Wow... That is one big Bias there.
You only say Claydol is for n00bs because it is so common.
However, that is because it is good...
There's absolutely no way that Uxie Lv X is necessary. On its own, it's terrible, zyflair. Yes, Uxie Lv X lets you draw 1 (though it's better than one, since you get to choose out of two), but what happens when you play lots of cards, and your hand slowly gets smaller, and smaller, and smaaallllleeeerrrrr.....

If you absolutely CANNOT fit Claydol into your deck, run 4 Cynthia's Feelings. You could run Uxie Lv X/Cynthias, but Uxie Lv X would not play a vital role. It would just get you a slightly faster set-up, but that's after the level up. Point is, Uxie Lv X is never good enough to run on its own. Because the Lv X doesn't have a "draw up to" statement, you can add it onto another drawing card/engine, but it only helps slightly.
Ariadosguy said:
There's absolutely no way that Uxie Lv X is necessary. On its own, it's terrible, zyflair. Yes, Uxie Lv X lets you draw 1 (though it's better than one, since you get to choose out of two), but what happens when you play lots of cards, and your hand slowly gets smaller, and smaller, and smaaallllleeeerrrrr.....

If you absolutely CANNOT fit Claydol into your deck, run 4 Cynthia's Feelings. You could run Uxie Lv X/Cynthias, but Uxie Lv X would not play a vital role. It would just get you a slightly faster set-up, but that's after the level up. Point is, Uxie Lv X is never good enough to run on its own. Because the Lv X doesn't have a "draw up to" statement, you can add it onto another drawing card/engine, but it only helps slightly.
Your hand should never get low when you run uxie. In fact, my hand, without an opponet's wager, ususually hits 10+ easily (until I rowan it away). Uxie X is such a good card. It can actually attack, and a uxie start is actually a decent thing (compared to baltoy is god) as a level X lets you start to search through your deck but also draw an early prize. I don't see why uxie wouldn't be played with some draw cards. Claydol is, and he takes up more space (usually), is slower, and is a greater risk.
Uxie itself is a one-time lifesaver too. One quick setup, nabbing you 3-6 cards for one turn without trainers can massively turn the game around. Then you level-up and your hand is alot better.

Secondly, if you solely run Uxie as an engine (NO CYNTHIA'S! IT'S POINTLESS!), it becomes more vital than you think.
I like the idea of having 2-1 uxia lv.x, because with the extra uxia from LA you can get another fresh hand after draining your hand on turn 2 or so. ALso, if you combo with super scoop ups you get insane card advantage.
SSU for that? No, it's too flippy and you don't really need to use setup more than once. 1-1 line is much better.
I have this bad problem of drawing into the Uxia when i need it, and SSU is one of those cards that work really well if it goes off. Does anyone else tech in one Azelf LA with there Uxia?
Azelf and Uxie?!

How many techs do you add to your deck!?
Azelf is just nice to look at prizes and rearrange them for your liking. The 2-1 uxia replaces my 2-2 claydol. So all together i replace my 2-2 claydol line with a 2-1 uxie line and the 1 azelf.
Weird, but I see where you're going...

I just don't get it...
If you really think about it it's so much easier then having a 2-2 claydol line. You get your uxie with Roseanne's Research and the Azelf. If your Uxie lv.x is prized or something you need is there just grab it with Azelf. It works faster and better then claydol because you don't need to look with Bebe's or anything it just goes off when you bench them. The only problem i seem to be having is if i need to get Uxie lv.x out i need to make him the active pokemon.
well how i see it Lets all go through a situation WE HAVE ALL BEEN through for for those of us who run claydol
you have no basics in your hand but baltoy dang two turns before it can even attack ( thats even if you have the right energy and for 20? wow ) and if you get claydol evolved you only do 30 and your opponet will kill baltoy so fast so you wont even get to pull out claydol, Kingdra will kill baltoy Quick

and with uxie ( la ) i know you may not like fact that you dont get seven cards in your hand but you can do 20 damage turn one
and turn two you should have the tools you need to get uxie lv x out, Lv up add an energy Trade off then Zen blade
so you shouldve done80 damage by now enough to kill off a pesky pokemon, And kingdra cant killUxie right away like claydol haha cause it would take 2 to 3 plus powers so Uxie is better but i run a 1 1 line for both in my Magnevire deck
EastbayTrainer and Zyflair said:
well how I see it Lets all go through a situation WE HAVE ALL BEEN through for for those of us who run claydol
you have no basics in your hand but baltoy dang two turns before it can even attack ( thats even if you have the right energy and for 20? wow ) and if you get claydol evolved you only do 30 and your opponet will kill baltoy so fast so you wont even get to pull out claydol, Kingdra will kill baltoy Quick

One, I never ran Claydol. Ever. I realize how bad a Baltoy start is, but it's not hard to find another basic and then retreat. Nevertheless, it is time costly.

and with uxie ( la ) I know you may not like fact that you don't get seven cards in your hand but you can do 20 damage turn one
and turn two you should have the tools you need to get uxie lv x out, Lv up add an energy Trade off then Zen blade
so you shouldve done80 damage by now enough to kill off a pesky pokemon, And kingdra cant killUxie right away like claydol haha cause it would take 2 to 3 plus powers so Uxie is better but I run a 1 1 line for both in my Magnevire deck

Despite the fact that it is better, you still don't want to be forced to use Zen Blade. And Kingdra has alot of PP to easily KO Uxie, especially since you're most likely running a 1-1 line of Uxie.
well i run both actually a 1-1 line of each, and im saying cause if you get into the situation we have all been in were we have a tech out first that deosnt work and throws our speed off, and Zen Blade is a last resort kidna attack, and yeah if kingdra does happen to take me out first thent that would suck but i should be able to get something better out you know?
Isn't the same case with baltoy? Kingdra still donks baltoy and you just bring up a better Pokemon.

1-1 of each? Hm..