Uxie Lv. X

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one alternative to uxie X is Super Scoop Ups for regular uxie. Not the best choice, but if your attacker's main attack costs 0-2 energy, it can also help heal
Uxie X is also SP's answer to Machamp SF and Prime. and no, not all SPs are going to all of a sudden tech in a Toxicroak G, Skunktank G, and a stadium card. Uxie X is too useful. This is why its use will increase and its price will rise.

my two cents.
Card Slinger J said:
^ Finally someone with common sense about Uxie Lv. X as our
replacement draw engine after Claydol in MD-On that's splashable in the majority of decks played.

Glad I got mine. Prepare for most decks to slow down drastically minus Charizard and SP's.

Card Slinger J is right. Its our replacement of claydol. and the price did go up i bought one for 50 dollars.
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