Uxie, Mesprit, Axelf, LA???? How GOOD are these cards?

uxie is almost a staple.
mesprits power locking ability makes it a powerful disruption card and can combo with alot of different cards.
azelf allows you to make sure you can drw what prizes you need/ get a key pokemon out of your prizes and again almost a staple.
very powerful cards.
trevorispro said:
uxie is almost a staple.
mesprits power locking ability makes it a powerful disruption card and can combo with alot of different cards.
azelf allows you to make sure you can drw what prizes you need/ get a key pokemon out of your prizes and again almost a staple.
very powerful cards.

why is uxie a staple???? i have one, but not in my deck. should i put him in????

i have a mesprit too, how can i combo with him??? i don't understand. sorry im still trying to get a hang of this game. i've got a big collection, but not too good at playing/using strategy yet.

Uxie is a staple for drawing cards. For example, you can get rid of your hand then drop an Uxie. 7 Cards right there. :D
Uxie is a staple because of its ability to set up and draw cards until you have 7 in your hand when you play it from your hand to the bench. The power is great and definitely will stock up your hand. I'm not too sure about the LA Mesprit, because I played 2 copies of the MT Mesprit when I played my AMU deck, but Uxie is definitely a staple. Also, if you're having trouble making a deck, post in the card combos and strategies forum, people will be more than willing to help you.
1Pokemon_Master said:
why is uxie a staple???? I have one, but not in my deck. should I put him in????

I have a mesprit too, how can I combo with him??? I don't understand. sorry im still trying to get a hang of this game. I've got a big collection, but not too good at playing/using strategy yet.

mesprit combos with palkia g lv.x and its lost cyclone pokepower.
it combos with super scoop upin the sence that you can reuse its power if you flip heads.
cheetor explained why uxie is a staple.
trevorispro said:
mesprit combos with palkia g lv.x and its lost cyclone pokepower.
it combos with super scoop upin the sence that you can reuse its power if you flip heads.
cheetor explained why uxie is a staple.

interesting.....man, it makes my current deck seem so one dimensional.

while I wouldn't go as far as to call Uxie a staple...alot of decks do use Uxie for "Set Up" draw power

Mesprit is really mainly used for it's power to shut down other powers during your opponents next turn...while it does get some use, it's probably the least used out the LA 3

Azelf is well, Azelf...the ability to possibly get a well needed pokemon that could be stuck in the prizes can be epic in alot of situations

when running AMU, I really try to stick to Uxie LA, Azelf LA, and Mespit MT (instead of LA)...the Uxie and Azelf for already stated reasons...but to get free retreat from Mesprit MT, comes in extremely hand, especially if you're trying to set all the X's up for some Supreme Blast fun
^I know I'm just going to repeat what others said, but that post will confuse people. Uxie is more used than Claydol, the most consistent draw engine in the format. Uxie is not only faster, but has Psychic Restore, meaning it won't get stuck in the active spot from a Bright Look, Restructure, Intimidating Roar, Warp Point, Inviting Trap, Double Poke Blower+, Luring Flame etc. Also, most SPs and about 30% of the Gengar don't use Claydol whereas every deck should be using at least one copy of Uxie.

Also, a note to the poster - Azelf should only go in your deck if you're running a single copy of a key card (like a LV. X or a 1-0-1 tech). Uxie should be in there no matter what, and Mesperit only works with a certain few cards - ones that try and buy a turn or a few turns from the opponent or just have an extra bench space 90% of the time/have a way to make bench space.
Celebi23 said:
^I know I'm just going to repeat what others said, but that post will confuse people. Uxie is more used than Claydol, the most consistent draw engine in the format. Uxie is not only faster, but has Psychic Restore, meaning it won't get stuck in the active spot from a Bright Look, Restructure, Intimidating Roar, Warp Point, Inviting Trap, Double Poke Blower+, Luring Flame etc. Also, most SPs and about 30% of the Gengar don't use Claydol whereas every deck should be using at least one copy of Uxie.

Also, a note to the poster - Azelf should only go in your deck if you're running a single copy of a key card (like a LV. X or a 1-0-1 tech). Uxie should be in there no matter what, and Mesperit only works with a certain few cards - ones that try and buy a turn or a few turns from the opponent or just have an extra bench space 90% of the time/have a way to make bench space.

man, i have no idea what you're talking about. haha what do you mean 1-0-1 tech? i only have uxie and mesperit so its cool, but could you explain that to me?

If you're running... say a 1-0-1 Togekiss tech (1 togepi and 1 togekiss without the togetic, hence the 0) and one of them is prized, you're in a sticky situation. Azelf remedies that with Time Walk, as you're allowed to look at your prizes and choose a pokemon from the prizes to switch with a card in your hand. Same thing if you're running 1 Lv. X for your main attacker, Azelf makes sure it's not prized. That's why Azelf is valuable.
cheetor586 said:
If you're running... say a 1-0-1 Togekiss tech (1 togepi and 1 togekiss without the togetic, hence the 0) and one of them is prized, you're in a sticky situation. Azelf remedies that with Time Walk, as you're allowed to look at your prizes and choose a pokemon from the prizes to switch with a card in your hand. Same thing if you're running 1 Lv. X for your main attacker, Azelf makes sure it's not prized. That's why Azelf is valuable.

i see...interesting....thanks!
what do u guys thinks of the AMU Lv. X combo? i got pretty interested in the combo recently. Anyone run it, is it as hard as it looks and is it worth the setup to do 200 then discard?
I don't have tons of experience with AMU, but I will give you this. With Legoes, Power Spray, Mewtwo Lv.X, Gengar, and Machamp being so popular, AMU just doesn't stand a chance against the meta. Against Legoes, if they drop a Mesprit first (they usually run more LA Mesprit than AMU) then you've lost everything. AMU is works heavily on Poke Powers, thus locking one power could prove somewhat fatal. And speaking of powers, that is more bait for Gengar. You may be able to G one of your pixies, but then you still have tons of Poke Power users left for Gengar to snipe. Plus, they Poltergeist you for weakness. Azelf Lv.X might block it, be he too needs to be G'ed. AMU doesn't really have many ways to get around Mewtwo, other than Palkia Lv.X. Machamp can just one-shot AMU unless you G your Pokemon correct too. And, before I forget, Flygon just eats everything away. But, if you can get the 200 out then it does seem to be pretty good, but what's at stake just isn't worth it. Unless your deck allows it, you'll have to run the flippy Energy Pickup/Energy Restore to take back the energy.
^You are aware that AMU swept the entire north-west around states? While it's setting up, attach a basic energy to another Pokemon then Energy Switch it to Mesperit when it needs. Also, most people use at least one copy of the MT Azelf and Mesperit, which don't have powers. Machamp isn't very popular anymore and you have its weakness so Uxie Lv. X one-shots it. And one Mewtwo counter - Palkia LV. X - is enough. And you can restructure Palkia's MT Mesperit then play your own. The MT Mesperit hurts Luxape too. Sure, Palkia and Flygon are somewhat bad matchups, but not impossible. You can Restructure/Azelf LV. X's attack to KO Claydol and then Flygon should fall apart. And Palkia can't keep the lock going forever. Bad matchups exist for pretty much every deck.

My opinion on AMU is that it's Tier 2 because if it doesn't get setup it doesn't win. Restructure is so great in this deck, but aside from Mesperit there isn't a really good attacker. With the addition of Level MAX, I've gotten all 4 LV. X's out T1, however I only got that twice (in RS) in all the games I've played it. The rest of the time it's about T3, which Beedrill also does. And aside from Flygon LV. X, Beedrill OHKOs everything in the format. It's also easier to get out imo, with better recovery and it takes less energy, even if it doesn't have Palkia LV. X/Azelf MT/Mesperit LA.