'V Strikers Tins' Featuring Tyranitar V and Empoleon V in May!

Empoleon tin? With a Promo version??? I'll take 5..! if I can pre-order them in time.
update; i pre-ordered them in time. take that, scalpers
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The artworks are so good! They remind me of something, but I don’t really know what. V artworks are usually just *Approaches camera* but these feel like representing the pokemon and how it works in a more realistic way than usual
Nice, another Empoleon to collect! I've got an ongoing collection of every English Empoleon card, so seeing that they've made another version of the V, and one that looks great at that makes me incredibly happy. If I can't find the tin, because, hah, imagine finding anything in this hobby anymore, I'm definitely getting myself a copy as soon as I can.
Irl collectors can get excited, but on PTCGO sun and moon and before, when you bought a tin and entered the code you'd get a free deck based around that promo, and TWO of the promos. But they literally stopped doing that so tins suck ass now...Plus it ain't like Empoleon is good. Ttar is okay, they're just f*cking morons for not giving him a Vmax.
As usual only four booster for European release

I’d prefer the European version any day! I’ve never been that crazy about the new unnaturally elongated North American version with only two trimmed corners. Although I suppose it’s blessing enough that we have any tins at all.
Isn't there a chance that we get the horizontal design in Europe too?
As Shining Fates also hasn't been in the standard EU tin design.
I would prefer that much much more.