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Vanilluxe Vileplume Victini deck.

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Pokemon's 23

4 Vanillite (ND)
2 Vanillish (NV)
2 Vanilluxe (NV)
1 Vanilluxe (ND)
4 Oddish (HS Undaunted)
2 Gloom (HS – Undaunted)
2 Vileplume (HS – Undaunted)
2 Victini (NV)
2 Lapras (ND)
1 Virizion (NV)
1 Cleffa (Eeeeeeeek)

Trainer's 27

2 Professor oak's new theory
3 Cilan
3 Rare Candy
2 N
1 Sage's Training
2 Copycat
2 Professor elm's training method
1 Team rocket's trickery
1 Professor juniper
2 Engineer's adjustments
1 Pokegear
2 Seeker
1 Black belt
2 Twins
2 Pokemon communication

Energy's 10

2 rescue energy
8 water energy

The way I play is to get Vanilluxe, Victini and Vileplume out and have Vanilluxe as my
main attacker using Double Freeze, and re-rolling with Victini in case 2 tails. I use Vileplume's poke-body so they can't play switch's and full heals.
-1 gloom ( not needed)
-1 black belt ( you don't need to do extra damage)
-1 pokegear (blocked by vileplume and not really necessary)
-2 seeker (not needed)
-1 team rockets trickery (not very good)
-2 engineers adjustments (Not too good in this kind of deck)
-1 sages training (Not too good in this kind of deck)
-2 copycat (PONT provides better hand refresh)
-3 cilan (not needed)
-2 lapras (pokemon collector is a lot better and more consistent)
-1 virizion (not needed)
-1 oddish (3 is enough)
+2 PONT ( hand refresh)
+2 N (hand refresh and disruption)
+2 vanillish (consistency)
+1 vanilluxe NV (consistency)
+3 Juniper (hand refresh)
+4 pokemon collector (to get out basics)
+2 twins (to catch up)
+2 pokemon communication (to get vileplumes and vanilluxes out ASAP)
Pokemon's 18
3 Steelix Prime (HS) Unleashed)
3 Onix (HS Unleashed)
3 Oddish (HS) Undaunted)
2 Gloom (HS) Undaunted)
2 Vileplume (HS) Undaunted)
3 Cobalion (BW) Noble Victories)
1 Tonadus EX (BW) Dark Exploriers)
1 Mewtwo EX (BW) Next Destinies)

Trainer's 25
4 Professor oak's new theory
3 Rare Candy
3 N
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Copycat
2 Twins
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Cheren
2 Switch

Energy's 17
6 Metal Energy
4 Special Metal Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
3 Rescue Energy

Go with this deck, you still have vileplume to stop trainers from being played and have cobalion as the same concept of stoping your foe from attacking but not as a special condition. Thats why you also have steelix prime to avoid decks with special conditions against you and great to pull energy from discard pile and can discard stadium cards from play if needed. Mewtwo ex is used for massive damage when needed and not worried about cards to sack your energy to the discard area. Same for Tornadus and most decks use stadiums, like I said so if you dont want to discard them with steelix it can help you out massive with double colorless right away if needed. Special Metal energys is great in this deck since its mostly ran by steel and reduced all damage by 10 for each attached energy. Only weekness in this deck is Onix and Steelix for there 4 energy retreat, so in turn switch is in this deck if you get hit with catcher or other means until vileplume is out. Let me know if anyone may play this deck for nationals and any comments good or bad of this deck. Thx.
Well, I've played a Mewbox kinda deck for a while, and I know what to do with this *Laughs Evily, and plugs in electric cords*

-4 Vannillite (WHY WHY WHY WHY To make room)
-2 Vannilish (Not needed)
-1 Vanilluxe ND (NO NO NO NO NO NO, this card just plain sucks, it helps your opponet more than you)
-2 Lapras, (Not needed)

-3 Cilan (Why would you ever use this?)
-2 Copy Cat (Small hands aren't good)
-2 PETM (Wastes your supporter for this turn)
-1 Team Rockets Trickery (Just sucks in general)
-1 Pokegear (Trainer lock -_-)
-2 Pokémon Communication (-_- look above)

+4 Mew Prime (Gonna be great for the speed of this deck)
+2 PONT (Consistency)
+2 N (Great disrupter)
+3 Juniper (Need the spead bro)
+1 Black Belt (You'll fall behind, and that extra 40 damage can help)
+2 Twins (^ about the prize cards)
+3-4 Pokemon Collector (Gonna get out Mew Prime better)
+2-3 Sages Training (A absolutely essential to ALL lock decks IMO)

I really hope this helped, but at the moment your deck is looking really inconsistent, and not fast enough to keep up with the current Meta.
I played this one in a cities this past winter, it did ok. Unfortunately, the format is just too fast for this to work reliably. If you want my advice though, here it is:
-1 Vanilluxe (ND)
-1 Oddish
-2 Lapras
-1 Virizion
-3 Cilan
-2 Copcat
-2 Elm
-1 Juniper
-2 Engineer
-1 Pokegear
-2 Seeker
-1 Black Belt

+2 Vanillish
+2 Vanilluxe (NV)
+1 Pichu
+1 Communication
+1 Flower Shop Lady
+2 Twins
+1 N
+3 Sage's
+4 Collector
+2 Water
+1 Rescue
Mew Prime is not the way to play this deck because 60 damage is way too easy for the next pokemon to pick up the revenge KO.
And without it, you lose to speed, and much easier prizes. Mew Prime is better than just the regular guys. Especially when that oddish hits the table, people are gonna catcher and KO.
Deathmantel said:
Pokemon's 18
3 Steelix Prime (HS) Unleashed)
3 Onix (HS Unleashed)
3 Oddish (HS) Undaunted)
2 Gloom (HS) Undaunted)
2 Vileplume (HS) Undaunted)
3 Cobalion (BW) Noble Victories)
1 Tonadus EX (BW) Dark Exploriers)
1 Mewtwo EX (BW) Next Destinies)

Trainer's 25
4 Professor oak's new theory
3 Rare Candy
3 N
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Copycat
2 Twins
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Cheren
2 Switch

Energy's 17
6 Metal Energy
4 Special Metal Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
3 Rescue Energy

Go with this deck, you still have vileplume to stop trainers from being played and have cobalion as the same concept of stoping your foe from attacking but not as a special condition. Thats why you also have steelix prime to avoid decks with special conditions against you and great to pull energy from discard pile and can discard stadium cards from play if needed. Mewtwo ex is used for massive damage when needed and not worried about cards to sack your energy to the discard area. Same for Tornadus and most decks use stadiums, like I said so if you don't want to discard them with steelix it can help you out massive with double colorless right away if needed. Special Metal energys is great in this deck since its mostly ran by steel and reduced all damage by 10 for each attached energy. Only weekness in this deck is Onix and Steelix for there 4 energy retreat, so in turn switch is in this deck if you get hit with catcher or other means until vileplume is out. Let me know if anyone may play this deck for nationals and any comments good or bad of this deck. Thx.

Hey dude, it's called retreating. They can easily retreat out of the lock. Steelix isn't good either. Vanilluxe is better bc they can't retreat.
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