Very Odd Nintendo Comics! (12+) If you wish to continue reading these, please look at Bobblehead's n

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RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! (13+)


This comic shows how much Julie means to Ezra.
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY!!! (13+)

What's Professor Oak doing at the PC? It's funny that they're so oblivious to him.
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY!!! (13+)

Professor Oak is on some restricted pages. I LOL at the part of you are hot.
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY!!! (13+)

lawl at Oak. Nice, very funny! I loved the meme on the previous page! Please, please make more!
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY!!! (13+)

Goofy. Loved it. But why is Prof. Oak there?! Isn't he satisfied at home?!
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY!!! (13+)

a running gag is that whenever a computer appears, Prof. Oak will be on it searching: 'Restricted Websites'
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY!!! (13+)

Hahaha! Prof. Oak really needs to lay off the restricted websites...
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY!!! (13+)

Poor Prof. Oak...I think he's finally cracked...
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY!!! (13+)

ROFL Make more pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY!!! (13+)

Lol, Prof. Oak's on the computer again! :p
Great job!
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY!!! (13+)

Gah! I just broke a running gag! Mario calls Ezra by his real name in this one... I'll fix that in a minute...

EDIT: Its fixed.
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY!!! (13+)

Mario must've had a brain lapse...or something...:p
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY (I'm on a role!) (13+)

RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY (I'm on a role!) (13+)

Oak goes to jail... lolololololol

Best quote ever:
Oh joy, a Pokedex. That will solve all my problems... not.
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY (I'm on a role!) (13+)

Prof. Oak went to jail. That's what he gets for going on those restricted websites.
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY (I'm on a role!) (13+)

Lovely, absolutely hilarious
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY (I'm on a role!) (13+)

WAAT oak in jail i hope he makes sure he holds the soap thight in his hands xD just kidiing this comic is awesome i couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes or so
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY (I'm on a role!) (13+)

Yay! I'm glad you got another one done so quickly.
Lol, I can't believe that Oak got arrested! :p
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY (I'm on a role!) (13+)

Prof. Oak getting arrested, lol. Keep up the good work.
RE: Very Odd Pokemon Sprite Comic Made by me! UPDATED TODAY (I'm on a role!) (13+)

I feel sorry for Ezra.
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