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Victini EX/ Delphox Speed Deck


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2x Torkoal
    2x Victini EX
    4x Fennekin
    2x Braixen
    3x Delphox

  • 4x Blacksmith
    3x Fiery Torch
    2x Great ball
    4x Muscle Band
    2x Ultra Ball
    2x Pokemon Fan Club
    3x Shauna
    3x Professor Juniper
    1x Colress
    1x Skyla
    3x Rare Candy
    2x Escape Rope
    2x Professor's Letter
    2x Switch
    1x Megaphone

  • 12x Fire

Victini starter active pokemon, and bench either a Fennekin or a Torkoal, or both. Rare Candy on Fennekin to get Delphox out there ASAP so I can abuse his ability, which allows me to get what I want faster and I can use up my hand, knowing I'm gonna get a new one the same turn. Early game, use Victini EX to help set up my bench as well as the 1 energy per turn. An Emboar would help A LOT, but I have to work with this right now haha. Late game, should have at least a Torkoal and another Delphox set up and ready to go to hit hard with Muscle Band, as well. Still need that Victory Piece for Victini, though hah.

***** Special thanks to my buddies who built this deck for me <3 *****
RE: Torkoal / Victini EX / Emogla Speed Deck

Hey, cool deck and congrats on 4th place, but what set is that Torkoal in?? :)
RE: Torkoal / Victini EX / Emogla Speed Deck

Not sure what your budget is, but I'll try to keep the suggestions cheap.

For your pokemon, you should consider Reshiram (with Outrage and Blue Flare), they're pretty cheap and I consider them the best fire type non-EX, non-evolving attacker. You shouldn't need the Emolgas, especially with Pokemon fan club. Right now, a Pyroar is an instant game over to you. Delphox is great if you can afford it, if not, you could go with Arcanine (with the Blazing Mane) ability as a cheaper substitute.

Your Victini really wants a Victory Piece, and it's not that pricey for an Ace Spec. You should be able to cut some of the energy as well. Add in some Professor's Letters. You can easily get away with 12 energy with 3-4 Professor's Letters. That will open some space for some more trainers. I don't see Pal Pad, Max Revive, or Random Receiver as necessary. 4 Ultra balls seem like way too much. I'd cut it down to 2. A single copy of Town Map, Super Rod, and Startling Megaphone are good to add in, and a few Switch/Escape Rope cards as well.

For your supporters, I'd recommend dumping the Pokemon Center Ladies and the Team Flare Grunts. You should be using your Blacksmith instead of Team Flare Grunt to power up your attacker and knock out your opponent quickly so there should be no need to use up your valuable supporter for the turn on removing an energy that would get tossed out when you KO a pokemon anyways. Other good and cheap supporters to use would be Shauna and Professor Sycamore (these can also replace Tierno).

If you can afford to add more money to the deck, the first things I'd recommend you getting would be Delphox, Rare Candies, and Skyla. Hope this gives you some ideas.
RE: Torkoal / Victini EX / Emogla Speed Deck

I'm quite impressed! Looks like you made a really good deck with your resources! I would recommend replacing 2-4 energies with a Good supporter when you have the chance, like Sycamore or Colress!
RE: Torkoal / Victini EX / Emogla Speed Deck

megamaster125 said:
Not sure what your budget is, but I'll try to keep the suggestions cheap.

For your pokemon, you should consider Reshiram (with Outrage and Blue Flare), they're pretty cheap and I consider them the best fire type non-EX, non-evolving attacker. You shouldn't need the Emolgas, especially with Pokemon fan club. Right now, a Pyroar is an instant game over to you. Delphox is great if you can afford it, if not, you could go with Arcanine (with the Blazing Mane) ability as a cheaper substitute.

Your Victini really wants a Victory Piece, and it's not that pricey for an Ace Spec. You should be able to cut some of the energy as well. Add in some Professor's Letters. You can easily get away with 12 energy with 3-4 Professor's Letters. That will open some space for some more trainers. I don't see Pal Pad, Max Revive, or Random Receiver as necessary. 4 Ultra balls seem like way too much. I'd cut it down to 2. A single copy of Town Map, Super Rod, and Startling Megaphone are good to add in, and a few Switch/Escape Rope cards as well.

For your supporters, I'd recommend dumping the Pokemon Center Ladies and the Team Flare Grunts. You should be using your Blacksmith instead of Team Flare Grunt to power up your attacker and knock out your opponent quickly so there should be no need to use up your valuable supporter for the turn on removing an energy that would get tossed out when you KO a pokemon anyways. Other good and cheap supporters to use would be Shauna and Professor Sycamore (these can also replace Tierno).

If you can afford to add more money to the deck, the first things I'd recommend you getting would be Delphox, Rare Candies, and Skyla. Hope this gives you some ideas.

Without thinking on a budget, what should I get? Lol. I'll definitely make these changes. They seem legit to me :)
RE: Torkoal / Victini EX / Emogla Speed Deck

Made some changes, including the strategy in the first post!

-2 Torkoal
-2 Emogla
-2 Pokemon Center Lady
-3 Pal Pad
-3 Tierno
-1 Torch
-2 Ultra Ball
-2 Team Flare Grunt
-1 Max Revive
-1 Random Receiver
-12 Energy

+4 Fennekin
+2 Braixen
+3 Delphox
+3 Shauna
+3 Juniper
+1 Colress
+1 Skyla
+3 Rare Candy
+2 Escape Rope
+2 Professor's Letter
+2 Switch
+1 Startling Megaphone.