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Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (24)

3-3-3 Victreebel (HS Triumphant)
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
1-1 Umbreon UD
3 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Porygon-Z G

Trainers/Supporters (20)

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Seeker
4 Memory Berry
3 Bebe's Search
3 Twins
2 Palmer's Contribution

Stadiums (3)

3 Broken Time-Space

Energies (13)

6 Grass
3 Dark
4 Warp Energy

Deck Total: 60

Thought I'd revamp this deck again, it's gotten better since last time.
Credit goes to ~Absol+Gallade~ from PokeBeach and EvilHamster from http://google.com/ for the deck idea.

Basically how this deck works is it's supposed to lock Pokemon by manipulating their bench with Victreebel having Memory Berry attached to use Bellsprout's Inviting Scent attack and utilize Acidic Drain to Burn and Poison their Defending Pokemon.

Since this deck is going to be ahead on Prizes alot Twins seemed sufficient to get what I need, Umbreon UD is to help stall with Moonlight Fang, one of my friends suggested I should run something in terms of bench spread over Umbreon like Abomasnow SF but Umbreon seems to work just fine.

Porygon-Z G is in the deck for Dowsing Code to shuffle back in any Memory Berries I have in my Discard Pile incase any of my Victreebel are KO'ed.
I love your deck. After seeing at leuge i was like "that's pretty cool", love the synergy
I think, You can add a Victreebel LA, otherwise, the Deck looks pretty good^^
Vileplume is bad ! With him, you can't attach your Memory Berry ! :O
Maybe add some Expert Belt ? (If you don't use Vileplume of course)
I've already tried Victreebel LA and it didn't work that well cause they can still retreat out their Pokemon while I'm stuck not being able to switch Victreebel out with one of my benched Pokemon unless I attach
a Warp Energy to it. I actually did thought about Expert Belt in this deck but for some reason the cons outweigh the pros for it in this deck.

You don't get it with Vileplume, I use Seeker on it to bounce it back to my hand in order to play out
my Memory Berries onto Victreebel and then play Vileplume again with Broken Time-Space afterwards as long as Spiritomb isn't Active. If I don't get a Seeker soon I can always use Cyrus's Conspiracy or drawpower from Uxie to get one. With all the Trainer lock I have in this deck I don't need to run any Rare Candies since I already have BTS.

Thanks for the comments SPIRE_FAN, I can't take all the credit for this deck design though. I'm really liking Burning Spirit with Acidic Drain doing 70 damage with Victreebel, very very nice.
Well with the BTS out he can evolve it right up. But if he places his Memory Berry on Gloom he can still use it.
Yeah but the main Pokemon I'd be attaching Memory Berry to would be Victreebel or 1 of it's lower Stages, Gloom would be okay I guess but not necessary.