for me its between mortal kombat, pokemon, fire emblem, and call of duty: world at war.
MK, it has drastically changed from its roots in a good way, many new characters, awesome combos, stages, overall just great, plus i loved the fun, yet challenging puzzle kombat,
pokemon, i shouldn't have to explain this,
my 1st FE game was the sacred stones for GBA, i still have it, i love the strategy of these games, whenever i beat the last chapter i fell like a genius, even though i'm probably the farthest from being considered one, i also love the background of all the characters, in sacred stones my favorite character was google, he was my unstoppable beast!
call of duty world at war FOR WII, i've played it on the 360, and i fail, but on my wii i'm pretty good, i love the online play, it's loads of fun, even when the max players per map is 8,
, the graphics are pretty good for a wii game, most noobs just get a machine gun and blast away, so as the sly fox i am, i can manueveur behind him and take him out, it's what i do,