Vikavolt, IR Charjabug from “Wild Force” and “Cyber Judge”

I mean “something like Grotle” as in “a Charjabugel that can contribute to setting up your board in any regard”. Needing 4 spaces constantly between the Vikavolt you are attacking with, 2 Charliebug, and a backup attacker or Grubbin is a lot to maintain, let alone get set up even with a draw engine and Pokestop. Torterra has trouble maintaining all its moving pieces even with Grotle searching cards, and even with less of a demand from the Torterra evo line in play than this deck requires for its family line!

Full Charge
If this Pokemon have 2 lightning enrgy attached to it, you can discard this Pokemon and all attached cards to it excepts the energy and replace it with a Vikabolt in your discard pile

Something like that will help this deck, easy access to Vikabolt and dropping the pre-evos help to get them back on field
I can see a combo with Reuniclus to get multiple vikivolts with no need to use chargabug so you can eventually play 4 of them to max out the vikivolts attack
Like Vikavolt, I don't thing its very good; (no where close yo even post nerf klaff for anyone who wants to compare them.) But very creative. Also pkwmon please reprint zoroark rn.
Nice card design IMO, it'll be a fun casual deck but unlikely anything more. It reminds me a lot of Torterra, but it does get to big damage a bit quicker at least.
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Now that I see the two side by side, Misu Tsutsui’s art style seems to take a lot of inspiration from Kagemaru Himeno’s. The two at least share many stylistic similarities.
How funny would this be as an expanded budget deck with the UNB Charjabug that can attach itself as an energy? Could maybe also run a 1 of SUM Vika for
Charjabug is the best thing that happened to Temporal Forces. Tell me otherwise.