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Vile Box (BW-on)


Aspiring Trainer
Boundaries Crossed will be a great set, and the addition of Vileplume to the format has caused some eyebrows to be raised. It looks like a good card on paper, but can it be played the right way and fit into the format? That's what I'm trying to figure out, and I think that with this list it would fit right in as a dangerous competitor.

3-1-3 Vileplume (ND)
2 Terrakion (NV)
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Shaymin EX
3 Emolga
2 Sableye
2 Rayquaza (DV)
3 Cheren
3 N
2 Skyla
3 Catcher
3 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Heavy Ball
3 Switch
2 Energy Switch
2 Blend GRPD
4 Blend WLFM
2 Prism
2 Fighting
2 Electric​

Strategy: The strategy is fairly basic. Get a Vileplume on the field to make all weaknesses 4x and then tear through the metagame decks with Mewtwo, Terrakion or Zekrom. Mewtwo is there to counter, of course, Mewtwo. Terrakion counters Darkrai, and Zekrom counters the new additions in ND; Keldeo and Blastoise. Shaymin EX is also fit in as a late game tech if I'm down in prizes. Rayquaza is there to counter all the ever present Dragon decks and for a possible donk. Shaymin is just a grass type version of Emolga which I think would be fun to run.

Please tell me if there are any great cards I missed! I would love to have a counter to everything big right now but I can't think of every played deck at once. I will consider all suggestions, so don't by shy if there is a truly great card I am missing.
RE: Vile Box (BC-on)

Keldeo and Blastoise are weak to {G} not {L} so I don't see how Zekrom helps too much.
Also your list includes 1 Shaymin EX and 3 Shaymin ND, when in fact the only Shaymin we have from ND is Shaymin EX.
Consider using Energy Switch, since it can help to change attackers.
Also Emolga DRE can help to get set up faster.
Try to fit in normal Energy, since against any Sableye deck using Enhanced Hammer, you may not be able to set up at all.
edit: also the title should be BW-BC, not BC-on
Keeper of Night said:
Keldeo and Blastoise are weak to {G} not {L} so I don't see how Zekrom helps too much.
Also your list includes 1 Shaymin EX and 3 Shaymin ND, when in fact the only Shaymin we have from ND is Shaymin EX.
Consider using Energy Switch, since it can help to change attackers.
Also Emolga DRE can help to get set up faster.
Try to fit in normal Energy, since against any Sableye deck using Enhanced Hammer, you may not be able to set up at all.
edit: also the title should be BW-BC, not BC-on
Thanks for pointing all that stuff out. Most of it was dumb typos. But I didn't realize that Keldeo and Blastoise were weak to {G}, I just assumed that they were weak to {L}. Thanks! And Shaymin BC has the same effect as Emolga, just in a grass type. Same health and everything, I just wanted to play the Shaymin because I like Shaymin.
So the changes I made were
-2 Zekrom BW
+2 Energy Switch
EDIT: Also, on the topic of Sableye and Enhanced Hammer, I'll have to playtest. I haven't seen many Hammertimes around my area so the threat may not be there as much. However, I'll see if there's any space to fit in some basic energies.
Dia said:
And Shaymin BC has the same effect as Emolga, just in a grass type. Same health and everything, I just wanted to play the Shaymin because I like Shaymin.

The difference is that Shaymin BC has 1 retreat, Emolga has no retreat cost at all.
Keeper of Night said:
The difference is that Shaymin BC has 1 retreat, Emolga has no retreat cost at all.
Oh, I didn't even notice that. I'll switch out the Shaymin for Emolga, I guess I was just excited at the introduction of a new similar card.
I added in 4 basic energy; 2 Fighting and 2 Electric. Rayquaza and Terrakion will probably be my most used Pokemon so I figured it's fitting.
Actually, Terrakion, Shaymin EX, and Mewtwo will probally be the ones you attack most with. So maybe try basic 2 grass and 3 fighting , and 1 more Shaymin EX and/or Mewtwo EX.
May I recommend Bellossom BC over Shaymin EX? With a Plume set up it OHKOs Blastoise, Keldeo EX, Terrakion, and Terrakion EX for 1 energy. Also, I think Landorus EX would be better than Terrakion, since 90 damage is kind of overkill in Vileplume and Landorus hits for 1 energy instead of 2.
Puff said:
May I recommend Bellossom BC over Shaymin EX? With a Plume set up it OHKOs Blastoise, Keldeo EX, Terrakion, and Terrakion EX for 1 energy. Also, I think Landorus EX would be better than Terrakion, since 90 damage is kind of overkill in Vileplume and Landorus hits for 1 energy instead of 2.
lol, I completely forgot about Bellossom. However, Terrakion may still be better than Landorus since, even with Vileplume, Landorus EX can't OHKO Darkrai.
My vile box runs
Shaymin ex
Rayquaza dv
Lapras nd. (Cff) 1 dce does 160 and you can search for 2 basic Pokemon.
And the last spot I was back and forth with zekrom (outrage) and reshiram ex.
Zekrom owns emopleon, and reshiram ex's glinting claw for shaymins and other vileplumes.
ashtavakra said:
Lapras nd. (Cff) 1 dce does 160 and you can search for 2 basic Pokemon.

Actually, the first attack for 1 water lets you search for 2 basics, the other for a DCE does 40 (160 with weakness and Vileplume) and 20 to itself. But it might be a good choice if Charizard or Camerupt become popular.
Lapras ND
Keeper of Night said:
ashtavakra said:
Lapras nd. (Cff) 1 dce does 160 and you can search for 2 basic Pokemon.

Actually, the first attack for 1 water lets you search for 2 basics, the other for a DCE does 40 (160 with weakness and Vileplume) and 20 to itself. But it might be a good choice if Charizard or Camerupt become popular.
Lapras ND

yeah i was at work, so my explanation was short lol..
thank you for clarifying.
Lapras won't be very useful in most situations, especially considering it doesn't even OHKO EX, and with Reshiram EX being bad and fire decks losing popularity it's not a valuable play, added is the fact it has a 2 retreat cost and although it can search stuff out it won't be more valuable than Emolga which sits at a free retreat cost. Maybe a good idea if Charizard gained popularity, but not a safe play right now. Thanks for the idea though!
As for Bellosom, maybe. It's a risky card to play, especially considering that the deck currently revolves around accessing basic Pokemon that can hit weakness on metagame cards. Bellosom I can get up in two turns if I'm lucky, and added to that is the fact Shaymin can OHKO Terrakion if they've taken 2 prizes, which is likely the case because I play mostly EX. If it tests well, I'll definitely add it. I have to admit that I didn't even think about it at first, thanks for the suggestion.
Zekrom doesn't really hit weakness on anything but Emolga it's only useful for Outrage, but the deck revolves around hitting weakness. And Reshiram is a very situational tech that takes at least 2 turns, probably 3 to load up to the point where it could KO a tech that won't end up hitting my deck too hard. If Vile Box becomes truly popular, though, I'll run it.
Landorus EX is not that great of a card because it hits 120 for at its best on Darkrai, and let's face it, any acceptable build of Dakrai/Hydreigon plays Eviolite which means that it is a weak 2HKO. Terrakion works as a good revenge kill on a Darkrai always. Plus Landorus is an EX making it less attractive than the possiblity of getting an odd prize count. I was originally thinking of running Landorus, but Terrakion is so much better.
I'm going to run basic Lightning just because in my area the meta seems to mostly be based around decks such as Rayquaza, Darkrai/Hydreigon and Garchomp. Easy weaknesses to hit.
Thanks for the suggestions, though! Keep em coming.
Dia said:
Lapras won't be very useful in most situations, especially considering it doesn't even OHKO EX, and with Reshiram EX being bad and fire decks losing popularity it's not a valuable play, added is the fact it has a 2 retreat cost and although it can search stuff out it won't be more valuable than Emolga which sits at a free retreat cost. Maybe a good idea if Charizard gained popularity, but not a safe play right now. Thanks for the idea though!
As for Bellosom, maybe. It's a risky card to play, especially considering that the deck currently revolves around accessing basic Pokemon that can hit weakness on metagame cards. Bellosom I can get up in two turns if I'm lucky, and added to that is the fact Shaymin can OHKO Terrakion if they've taken 2 prizes, which is likely the case because I play mostly EX. If it tests well, I'll definitely add it. I have to admit that I didn't even think about it at first, thanks for the suggestion.
Zekrom doesn't really hit weakness on anything but Emolga it's only useful for Outrage, but the deck revolves around hitting weakness. And Reshiram is a very situational tech that takes at least 2 turns, probably 3 to load up to the point where it could KO a tech that won't end up hitting my deck too hard. If Vile Box becomes truly popular, though, I'll run it.
Landorus EX is not that great of a card because it hits 120 for at its best on Darkrai, and let's face it, any acceptable build of Dakrai/Hydreigon plays Eviolite which means that it is a weak 2HKO. Terrakion works as a good revenge kill on a Darkrai always. Plus Landorus is an EX making it less attractive than the possiblity of getting an odd prize count. I was originally thinking of running Landorus, but Terrakion is so much better.
I'm going to run basic Lightning just because in my area the meta seems to mostly be based around decks such as Rayquaza, Darkrai/Hydreigon and Garchomp. Easy weaknesses to hit.
Thanks for the suggestions, though! Keep em coming.

tell me you are joking...
shaymin ex is is widely played card..
do you not understand the premises of a vilebox?
you search the pokemon for the best matchup against your opponent to 1hko everything they have.

shaymin is played in a LOT of decks because blastoise/keldeo is going to be popular most likely during cities, if you are even a competitive player..

this is how the deck works.

your opponent starts darkrai/sableye.
you search landorus/terrakion and rare candy down your vileplume for x4 weakness.
and you dont play a single other pokemon except maybe 1 emolga for free retreat after you get ko'd.

you play against blastoise/keldeo.
you play virizon/shaymin ex and dont play anything else until they all get ko'd.

your opponent plays a shaymin and tries to sweep you late game.
you play the ho-oh or reshiram and catcher the shaymin for 1hko.

you play a mewtwo variant deck, you search out your mewtwo and 1hko theirs if you get the chance before you get 1hko'd.

you play against a eel deck, you play landorus and rayquaza and nothing else.

do you understand how the deck works? it is not a conventional i play through my deck and hope i can win in the end and get my stuff set up.
you DON'T play down the access pokemon if they are of no use against your opponents deck.
ashtavakra said:
tell me you are joking...
shaymin ex is is widely played card..
do you not understand the premises of a vilebox?
you search the pokemon for the best matchup against your opponent to 1hko everything they have.

shaymin is played in a LOT of decks because blastoise/keldeo is going to be popular most likely during cities, if you are even a competitive player..

this is how the deck works.

your opponent starts darkrai/sableye.
you search landorus/terrakion and rare candy down your vileplume for x4 weakness.
and you dont play a single other pokemon except maybe 1 emolga for free retreat after you get ko'd.

you play against blastoise/keldeo.
you play virizon/shaymin ex and dont play anything else until they all get ko'd.

your opponent plays a shaymin and tries to sweep you late game.
you play the ho-oh or reshiram and catcher the shaymin for 1hko.

you play a mewtwo variant deck, you search out your mewtwo and 1hko theirs if you get the chance before you get 1hko'd.

you play against a eel deck, you play landorus and rayquaza and nothing else.

do you understand how the deck works? it is not a conventional i play through my deck and hope i can win in the end and get my stuff set up.
you DON'T play down the access pokemon if they are of no use against your opponents deck.

If I ran any card to counter Shaymin it would be an Entei. And like I said, I would playtest through it. Thanks for the obvious details though, it's not like I have every one of those cards except a counter to Shaymin which I can easily 2HKO with Mewtwo. Thanks for the advice.
Dia said:
ashtavakra said:
tell me you are joking...
shaymin ex is is widely played card..
do you not understand the premises of a vilebox?
you search the pokemon for the best matchup against your opponent to 1hko everything they have.

shaymin is played in a LOT of decks because blastoise/keldeo is going to be popular most likely during cities, if you are even a competitive player..

this is how the deck works.

your opponent starts darkrai/sableye.
you search landorus/terrakion and rare candy down your vileplume for x4 weakness.
and you dont play a single other pokemon except maybe 1 emolga for free retreat after you get ko'd.

you play against blastoise/keldeo.
you play virizon/shaymin ex and dont play anything else until they all get ko'd.

your opponent plays a shaymin and tries to sweep you late game.
you play the ho-oh or reshiram and catcher the shaymin for 1hko.

you play a mewtwo variant deck, you search out your mewtwo and 1hko theirs if you get the chance before you get 1hko'd.

you play against a eel deck, you play landorus and rayquaza and nothing else.

do you understand how the deck works? it is not a conventional i play through my deck and hope i can win in the end and get my stuff set up.
you DON'T play down the access pokemon if they are of no use against your opponents deck.

If I ran any card to counter Shaymin it would be an Entei. And like I said, I would playtest through it. Thanks for the obvious details though, it's not like I have every one of those cards except a counter to Shaymin which I can easily 2HKO with Mewtwo. Thanks for the advice.

mewtwo can't 2hko a shaymin.
because at the end of the game, shaymin 1hko's mewtwo.
and a good player won't play shamin if they dont get the attack off first.
you need to run 4 plus power, because shaymin isn't played unless it can 1hko for game or they have an eviolite for it.
At the end of the game, your Shaymin can OHKO an opponents' Shaymin as well.
Try this:
Take the format and split it into the most played decks:
1: Darkrai/Hydriegon
VileBox counter: Terrakion/Landorus EX/Raquaza
2: Blastoise/Keldeo (Not a good deck really anyway)
VileBox counter: Shaymin EX/Virizion
3: Garchomp varients
VileBox counter: Raquaza/Shaymin EX (For the versions that use Terrakion)
4: Eels varients
VileBox counter: Terrakion/Mewtwo EX/Raquaza/Shaymin EX (For the versions that use Terrakion)
5: Garbodor/Terrakion
VileBox counter: Shaymin EX/Mewtwo EX

Really, VileBox could be a great deck, the best way to play it is to play it simple, search for the cards you need, then get Vileplume, and then easily sweep your opponents' field. It's really a high-risk, high-reward kind of deck.
May I suggest putting in 1 Meloetta from BC? With 1 Psychic Energy in 1 shots Mewtwo with a Vileplume up, which would save you from getting Mewtwo revenge killed and ahead on the prize trade. Just a suggestion.

The biggest problem I see with this deck is also the lack of Ho-Oh to keep the Energy coming and the Mewtwo war, which may or may not backfire on you. I would honestly suggest running at least 2-3 Ho-Oh for Energy acceleration.