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Vile Scrapper [Aggron/Sableye Mill]


The Nerdiest Pirate You'd Know
Ahoy, Mates!

Welp, a few folks gave me a few neat ideas on what decks I'd like to use. One of them gave me a twinkle in me eye, a smile that was grinnin' ear-to-ear, and the soft music of Trolololo in the corners of my mind. That was the Milling deck of Sableye and Aggron.

Without further ado, my list!

Pokemon - 16
  • 4 Sableye [Dark Explorers]
  • 4 Aron [Dragons Exhalted]
  • 3 Lairon [Dragons Exhalted]
  • 3 Aggron [Dragons Exhalted]
  • 1 Darkrai EX [Dark Explorers]
  • 1 Mr. Mime [Plasma Freeze]

Supporters - 12
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Cheren
  • 2 Skyla

Trainers - 24
  • 4 Devolution Spray
  • 3 Crushing Hammer
  • 3 Level Ball
  • 3 Enchanted Hammer
  • 2 Pokemon Catcher
  • 2 Super Rod
  • 2 Max Potion
  • 2 Heavy Ball
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Computer Search

  • 8 Darkness Energy


In a nutshell, it's a basic Sableye/Aggron Mill Deck. However, I did add a few tweaks to make it seem a bit more balanced and able to handle some more threats that could doom this set. A couple of Max Potions to heal any damage dealt to my pokemon, mostly the Aggrons. With a Darkrai EX or a Landrous EX who can whallop anything on my bench, it'd help keep them alive while I use Devolution Spray.

I brought in 2 Tool Scrappers as well, to help block things such as Garbotoxin from getting in my way, as well as the sheer annoyance of Float Stones and Evolites that are floating about.

I think that Level Balls work tremendously well, since Sableye, Aron, and Larion all fit in that category. If I get a good hand first turn with 2 of those babies and a dark in my hand, I can set up a near full bench in 2 turns without breaking a sweat.

Well, that's my first deck build. I'm eager to hear your critique.
in my aggron/sableye i use a random receiver that always proved to improve the consistency, I'd drop a sableye for this.
Other thing is i use the inverse of hammers 4 crushing and 3 enhanced, because against darkrai decks enhanceds are useless and they still are very popular in my area. If u take out one level ball to a hammer i think is great. Another thing is the use of life dew, it gives you that one more turn to mill!
Hope that helped!
DeckMaster said:
Keep in mind that Crushing Hammer is going to get rotated out in August.

Yeah, that's why I'm posting this as a "B/W-on" listing. It'll mostly be for the League get togethers, without tournaments in mind. However, when the B/W-on ruling comes into play next year, THEN I'll use it for that.

Mostly it's just to troll people with.
Ok got it
try this
-1 Enhanced Hammer (Not every deck uses Speical Energy if they do not then 4 cards is useless and Crushing Hammer is really important.)
-1 Level Ball (Need room and you still have plenty of searches.)
+2 Crushing Hammer (Darkrai/Blastiose and if needed you can still discard speical energy.)
Yeah, sorry that was a misread on my part. Thinking that Enchanted Hammers were a guaranteed energy removal vs a flip removal. I'll update the list as such:

-2 Enchanted Hammer
-1 Level Ball
+2 Crushing Hammer
+1 Computer Search (just because I have it. It'd help me out with finding that EXACT card I want.)
Have you thought about running Mr. Mime instead of, maybe, Darkrai? He'll protect your benched guys so you can still Devolution Spray them and not have to worry about Kyurem and good-ol'-Darkrai sniping your bench. Just a thought if you want to be more defensive.
TDK seems to be very prevalent in this format, so removing their Special Energies is very important. Here are my recommendations:

-1 Crushing Hammer

+1 Enhanced Hammer

It would also be nice to have another Skyla, but I'm not sure what you would take out.
Kecleon-X said:
Have you thought about running Mr. Mime instead of, maybe, Darkrai? He'll protect your benched guys so you can still Devolution Spray them and not have to worry about Kyurem and good-ol'-Darkrai sniping your bench. Just a thought if you want to be more defensive.

That actually sounds like a decent plan. The only thing I can state in which Darkrai needs to be in my deck is due to his ability of practically FREE retreat. The big weakness of replacing Mr. Mime with Darkrai in there if (and probably) an Aggron gets trapped in with a PokeCatcher. That Aggron is practically screwed after that point. If it's still standing, it can't retreat back into the bench so easily due to its ridiculous retreat cost. At least, this is what I, myself, see.

..perhaps, though, we could do something in which I get a Mime or two in there and keep the Darkrai. Perhaps...

- 1 Comp Search
- 1 Crushing Hammer
+ 1 Enchanted Hammer
+ 1 Mr. Mime
No, you really need the Ace Spec in there. Especially Computer Search/Dowsing Machine, so don't take that out. What I was thinking of was a -1 Darkrai or a Super Rod for the Mime. My reasoning with the Super Rod is that you already run one, so running two is a bit excessive since you are running Sableye. I ran a Flygon deck that had the same thing going on with it. Even though I did whiff it sometimes, it didn't really take away that much. And if Flygon can survive off one, I don't see why a deck such as this could do the same if not better, since you run Sableye.
Would Tropical Beach work in this deck for the beginning of the game when you are trying to set up?

Or against Gothitelle.

I would recommend adding Tropical Beach to this deck, but then again I'm not sure what to remove :/
SheNinja said:
Would Tropical Beach work in this deck for the beginning of the game when you are trying to set up?

Or against Gothitelle.

I would recommend adding Tropical Beach to this deck, but then again I'm not sure what to remove :/

Yeah, same here.

Um...I don't have Tropical Beach. Nor do I know how you can get it, aside from investing a fortune on the card. Quite honestly, I wanna use as little money as possible for this deck as well, just due to not having the greatest paying job in the world.

We'll just keep that option as a open-ended one. I already know too well about the power of Tropical Beach, it's just not too open for me at this time. If I'd drop anything, it'd probably the Cherens. After all, I'd probably be using the Tropical beach to get more items going at the get go than needing Cheren to give a few cards here and there.

Kecleon-X says:

No, you really need the Ace Spec in there. Especially Computer Search/Dowsing Machine, so don't take that out. What I was thinking of was a -1 Darkrai or a Super Rod for the Mime. My reasoning with the Super Rod is that you already run one, so running two is a bit excessive since you are running Sableye. I ran a Flygon deck that had the same thing going on with it. Even though I did whiff it sometimes, it didn't really take away that much. And if Flygon can survive off one, I don't see why a deck such as this could do the same if not better, since you run Sableye.


Fair enough. I'll probably take out a Darkrai for the Mime, instead of a Super Rod. Feel like the rod is a little more important than an extra EX.

I shall update my deck list as follows:

-1 Crushing Hammer
-1 Darkrai EX
+1 Enchanted Hammer
+1 Mr. Mime [Plasma Freeze][/b]