VileGar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

hrm...since this thread is stickied I assume it's okay to post more than a couple of weeks after the last post, I do think this deck is still going to be played, so it isn't irrelevant either.

Medicham SV

Although there is resistance, it is helpful against Umbreon UD, not to mention the help it gives to Poltergeist and the damage one can do with Chakra Points on a Vileplume-clogged LuxChomp hand.
Why not take out one of the SF Gengars and use Gengar AR? He can poison Umbreon UD.
The problem with running that Gengar AR is that it only works for that specific situation. There's no point in reducing the amount of copies you run of your main attacker just to tech in another card that works for one situation. You probably just Shadow Room around Umbreon anyways.
Gliscor: There is another type of Vilegar. It is a sort of spread/tech Vilegar that uses a 4-3-1/1/1/1 Gengar Lv.X line with SF/AR/TM. It doesn't quite play the same as Vilegar, but it uses Vileplume so it is Vilegar.
There's also another version that runs 2 Gengar Prime and Lost World. But it's still Vilegar because of Vileplume. :p

There will always be different variants for cards that have multiple copies in the Format.

dmaster out.
I assumed that Stanky was referring to this Gengar. Unless the spread Vilegar deck you were talking about runs this Gengar, it's not worth running.