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VileGar Legend ( Battle Road - Masters Division )


Aspiring Trainer
Well the major enemy of Vileplume UD is Dialga G and I made my own list of Vileplume, Gengar and Spiritomb.


4-3-3/1 Gengar (2 SF \ 1 CURSE \ LV.X )
1-1-1 Vileplume UD
2 Spiritomb AR
1 Uxie La
1/1 Azelf ( La\LV.X)
1-1 Entei & Raikou Legend
2-2 Ninetales HGSS
1 Unown Q


3 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe's Search
2 Rare Candy
2 Team Rocket Trickery or Cyrus Iniciative
2 Cyrus Conspyracy
3 Burned Tower
1 Palmer Contribution
1 Lookers Investigation
3 Copy Cat
1 Cynthias Feelings
1 Aaron or Fisherman


2 Lightning Energy
3 Fire Energy
6 Psychic Energy

Well this is my list, my strategy is equal to the rest os Gengar/Vileplume, just Treiner Lock and Poltergeist, but against Pokebody Locks I didin't really have any chance to win so I put Entei & Raikou Legend, and it helps a lot with Curse Gengar. Well the engine is Ninetales with Burned Tower. Burned Tower is Flippy but is Ok and help to bring back some Psychic energys. My meta is Luxchomp, Gengar/Vileplume, DialgaChomp, Machamp with techs, Palkia Lock and some others. Give me opinios but test 1st, and talk afther!
First off, you NEED a 2-2-2 Vileplume, and 4 Spiritomb, and a 2-1 line of Uxie Lv.X.

So let's see, you don't need Cynthia's Feelings, and honestly I don't think that Ninetales is going to be that big a help against Dialga.

So I say remove the 1 Cynthia's, 2-2 Ninetales' Line, and 3 Fire Energy. Then add a 1-1 Uxie, 2 Spiritomb, and a 1-1-1 line of Vileplume. With that extra space add a BTS.

Sorry this can't be longer, bed time. =/
Lol against Dialga G LvX with belt and 4 metal special I think I will use Entei & Raikou Legend xD and I will never attack with Ninetales! Ninetales is my engine, and I don't see why 2 vileplumes because I never see 2-2-2 Nidoqueen RR. I don't have Uxie lv x and I think is better discard 1 fire energy and draw 3, and get back that energy with Burned tower.
Cyrus is cool, and a little broken take off from my opponent something, more advices please, what you guys think?
you need a 2-2-2 line to make it both easier to get out, and the ability to replace it if it gets knocked out
without vileplume out (or spiritomb active) this deck get destroyed
also do you know how hard it is to get a legend out without trainers?
its hard enough with trainers
and by the time you do get it out, dialga could be sitting safely on the bench

if you want to kill dialga, i would suggest blaziken fb
ive tested it and it works beautifully

also as for the choice between aarons or fisherman, fisherman for sure, you dont even run sps
(but i guess you would if you do decide to go with blaziken)