

OK, I've seen a lot of VileGar decks and i know how there played, but i have a simple question. Instead of Using Gengar SF, why not use Mismagius UD? they both have the same Poltergeist attack for the same amount of energy, and isn't Mismagius faster to set up? I think maybe It's because Fainting Spell, and Gengar's HP, but I just want to be sure.

Yes, Fainting Spell is very useful and such. Also, people use Gengar more beacuse of Gastly. If you look at Gastly SF, you can use some move where your opponent can't play Trainers, for no energy. Then Rare Candy Gastly (or BTS) into Gengar, and Poltergeist. See? That way, your opponent is almost gaurenteed to have Trainers in their hand. Gengar is also just about as fast, people run lots of Rare Candy and BTS's.

Hope this helps, and if you have any more questions, PM me please!
Gengar has a good level X, higher HP, a plus 30 weakness, and has an excellent sniping attack. It is worth the possible slower set up (they would both probably set up at the same speed as well).
Also Garchomp C X could snipe Mismagius. Setup with Gengar won't be that much slower compared to Mismagius because most Gengar decks have BTS(broken time-space).