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VileMewCario (Any)


Aspiring Trainer
okay - started playing Lucario/Absol as my main deck and did terrible at regs this weekend (1-6). for some reason the deck wasnt setting up, support never came in time and i even had to twins into a pokemon collector at one point. taking all i learned from yesterday i did some total revamping for a pretty rouge build. it still needs some work i think - and before you post suggestions - im only using HS series (with only 1 exception - Poke Radar) on in the off chance that we do in fact eliminate all packs up to HS in rotation - so HS and up suggestions only please. also please post a trade off with your drop/add suggestions (ie + 1 such-and-such/- 1 such-and-such).

Pokemon: -22-
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
3 Relicanth CL
1-3 Lucario CL
3 Absol PRIME
1-1 Noctowl HS
1 Smeargle UD

Trainers: -20-
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Poke Radar
2 Energy Search
2 Energy Exchanger
2 Judge
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Switch
2 Twins

Energy: -18-
4 Darkness (specia)
4 Double Colorless
4 Rescue
4 Darkness
2 Psychic

My first Lucario/Absol build was effective at lost zoning stuff in deck tests and at regs i learned that it wasnt stable enough to run a high trainer/low energy count. in all but one game i was slaughtered because there was only 12 energy in that deck - so this one makes use of 18 energies to speed up things like Absol's Vicious Claw.

before i get to strategy, i would like to point out that having 3 full lucario lines is unnecessary with 3 mew primes. yes they are easy targets and the only thing i could test against today was a KGL deck (Kyogre/Groudon Legend) so that wasnt a factor, but the the rescue energies (which i didnt have in the earlier deck) should (in theory) compensate for the Mew's low HP. another note - this deck doesnt need Bebe's search. Smearle active can use the supporter without burning your turn's supporter play. also, the higher than average Pokemon count gives you things to lost zone without needing other cards like Bebe's and Uxie.

now strategy:

Basically, we use the Vileplume to stop trainers and then set up an Absol quickly to lost zone 2 of the loose lucarios, 3 if the rilou is prized, and more Pokemon. then DCE to Mew prime/Lucario CL to start taking prizes.

in 3 games (so far) Vileplume set up in the first 3 turns with an active Smeargle UD on game one, active Absol in games 2 and 3, while lost zoning for early prizes. Game three didnt use Lucario or Mew untill the last prize, but again that was against a spread deck that just hit the bench mainly.
RE: VileMewCario (Masters/Any)

Why The Vileplume line up? And the Noctowl?

Btw I would bump up your Lucario line up by +1 - +1.
RE: VileMewCario (Masters/Any)

I think the Vileplume line is the part that hurt you the most. I would get rid of it, so you can add enough to create a 4-4 Lucario line. Also, Sky Uppercut isn't a bad move either. I would maybe drop 1 Reg. Darkness and a Rescue for 2 Fighting in the chance that you need to use Sky Uppercut. The Noctowl line shouldn't be there, either. You could drop it for a 1-1 DCL if you wanted to spread.

Your T/S/S line needs some work too. I suggest dropping the Pokeradar, Elm's, Energy Exchanger, and Energy Search for more PONT and Judge, some Pokemon Communication, and a Black Belt or two. So, in summary:

- 2 - 2 - 2 Vileplume UD
- 1 - 1 Noctowl HGSS
- 2 Pokeradar LA
- 2 Professor Elm's Training Method HGSS
- 2 Energy Search (what set is this from?)
- 2 Energy Exchanger UD
- 1 Basic Darkness Energy
- 1 Rescue Energy TM
Total Cards Removed: 18

+ 1 Riolu CoL/UL
+ 3 Lucario CoL
+ 1 - 1 Darkrai/Cresselia Legend TM
+ 2 Fighting Energy
+ 1 Judge UL
+ 1 Professor Oak's New Theory HGSS
+ 3 Pokemon Communication HGSS
+ 2 Black Belt TM
+ 1 Pokemon Collector HGSS

And then you have 2 free slots. BTW, you wrote Switch twice. Was that an error?

On a final note, yes, I read you strategy, including the part where you said 3 full Lucario lines aren't necessary. They ARE necessary, which could be why you lost so many games. See if my suggestions work for you. :) Hope I helped.
RE: VileMewCario (Masters/Any)

@Yoshidude10 the vileplume is actually new - and it helped me at league yesterday.

the original pokemon list was (posterd here):
3-3 Lucario CL
2 Absol Prime
2 Smeargle UD/CL
2 Relicanth CL
4 Spritomb AR
2-2 Noctowl HS

i didnt catch that i put down switch twice - thanks i'll edit right away. im also a tad leary of DCL as its a legend and a dual prize at KO, but is it possible to lost zone the bottom and use the attacks? if so then i'll squeeze it in. I do see that Sky uppercut can work, and i have tried it out but there wasnt much cause for use as by the time i get Lucario up hes already at 5-8 ppokemon in the lost zone or mew is ready with the same and a lucario in there (which happened more often than not) - but again thats the last 3 play tests i did, with more coming this weekend.

@UmbreonEXE the noctowl is added draw (Night Sight) and something to lost zone, as is the Vileplume if i cant set it up. in my own personal playstyle relicanth dosent really touch the field and that one extra card a turn really helps me out.
RE: VileMewCario (Masters/Any)

Azurial said:
@Yoshidude10 the vileplume is actually new - and it helped me at league yesterday.

the original pokemon list was (posterd here):
3-3 Lucario CL
2 Absol Prime
2 Smeargle UD/CL
2 Relicanth CL
4 Spritomb AR
2-2 Noctowl HS

i didnt catch that i put down switch twice - thanks i'll edit right away. im also a tad leary of DCL as its a legend and a dual prize at KO, but is it possible to lost zone the bottom and use the attacks? if so then i'll squeeze it in. I do see that Sky uppercut can work, and i have tried it out but there wasnt much cause for use as by the time i get Lucario up hes already at 5-8 ppokemon in the lost zone or mew is ready with the same and a lucario in there (which happened more often than not) - but again thats the last 3 play tests i did, with more coming this weekend.

@UmbreonEXE the noctowl is added draw (Night Sight) and something to lost zone, as is the Vileplume if i cant set it up. in my own personal playstyle relicanth dosent really touch the field and that one extra card a turn really helps me out.

You REALLY need a 4-4 Lucario line up. or at least 3-3.

I think your Vileplume line up slows down your deck. He doesn't really contribute to the strategy so all it does is slow you down. Same for Noctowl. The draw one is "nice" but once again doesn't do anything for the strategy of the deck. There's plenty of T/S/Pokemon that draw you more cards. As for Smeargle over Sableye, thats completely up to the player. I myself prefer Sableye since his effect is more of a guarantee than Smeargle's effect. Although looking at your opponents hand is nice.

Now on T/S/S, you might wanna consider some Seekers and some Expert Belts. I find em a must for this type of deck, that way you wont need so many pokemon in the Lost Zone to KO any Pokemon. 5-8 can mean auto lose to a Lost Zone deck. I play this deck too and 4 or 5 Pokemon in the Lost Zone are just about right. Lucario does 110-130 damage with that many Pokemon in the Lost Zone. Just attach an Expert Belt and he'll be hitting 130-150. That pretty much OHKO's anything (assuming the opposing foe doesn't have big resistance against fighting).
RE: VileMewCario (Masters/Any)

i never discounted that a 3-3 to 4-4 lucario could help, and at the moment im play testing various lines to kind of optimize it for the way i play but i figure if im using the mew multiple full lines dont really matter as its like runing 6-8 lucarios without having to evolve and using the rescue energy can just pop it back into my hand once its koed - kinda the reason prof. elm is in there too. just sayin.

as for lost world, i kida think that its going to run alot slower once alot of the cards that help stuff like Lost Gar like Broken Time space and Dialga G will be gone, and Rare Candy will not be playable on a pokemon you played that turn, couple that with judge and it kinda slows down the opposition a a bit if not long enough to overcome them in the prize battle. just an observation for lot world - not argueing that the potential for auto-loss isnt there.

I have tried seekers and as my particular playstyle works, they just kinda sit in my hand most of the time with no real opportunity to use them, but they have come in hand in some of my other decks, and im trying to stay away from non-HS on cards, but i will think about a Black belt or two - i'll have to see how the next round of play tests go and then a round with atleast some of the changes suggested by Yoshidude
RE: VileMewCario (Masters/Any)

Right now, Lostgar is your biggest threat. That is why Sky Uppercut is necessary to 2-shot Gengar Prime (or you could use Absol, but it could hurt you).