Pokemon: 26
Standard list. May drop 1. Lydander for 1. Red Card, other than that it's mainstream. Is this deck a good choice for States? Should I expect many Garbrador variants? It's either this or Lucario/Bat. I refuse to run Yveltal/Gallade or Night March.
- 4 Oddish
- 3 Gloom
- 3 Vileplume
- 4 Combee
- 4 Vespiquen
- 4 Unown
- 3 Shaymin
- 1 Bunnelby
- 4 Ultra Ball
- 4 Acro Bike
- 4 Trainers' Mail
- 4 Battle Compressor
- 4 Forest of the Giant Plants
- 4 Professor Sycamore
- 2 Revitalizer
- 2 Float Stone
- 1.AZ
- 1 Lysandre
- 4. Double Colorless Energy
Standard list. May drop 1. Lydander for 1. Red Card, other than that it's mainstream. Is this deck a good choice for States? Should I expect many Garbrador variants? It's either this or Lucario/Bat. I refuse to run Yveltal/Gallade or Night March.