More drawings! The first one is of Lucian Umbra, the prosecutor in the Al Catraz series. The last time I think I actually tried drawing him seriously with colour was back in March, which didn't exactly turn out too well.
This one was originally done on Pokémon Art Academy and transferred over to my computer. The drawing actually turned out quite nice, especially with the suit sleeves and hair, but I left it without a background at first, deciding to do that on my computer. Needless to say, it still turned out pretty nice. The only issue I have with it is the jagged edges on the drawing from me erasing excess airbrush lines. Nonetheless, it's a cool drawing in my opinion, and if I actually used Lucian as an avatar, this would probably become an avatar for a week or so.
I also tried drawing another Pokémon, since I was playing Pokkén for the Worlds LCQ and got inspired by the many Gardevoir dittos I had. Here it is:
This turned out pretty okay. Other than the one arm (which looks a bit stiff), I think the actual Pokémon proportions turned out pretty good, and the texturing/lighting ended up coming out alright. I don't really have much to say about this, but I might do a full-body version for a card or something.
That's it for this update! I probably won't be updating this often for a week or so, as I'll be on vacation, but I might be able to do pencil sketches! Until the next update, whenever that happens to be!
However, when I drew him this time around, I think I greatly improved on how I drew him! Here it is:
As we can see here, he looks dead-eyed, has really weird shoulders, and just doesn't look right.
This one was originally done on Pokémon Art Academy and transferred over to my computer. The drawing actually turned out quite nice, especially with the suit sleeves and hair, but I left it without a background at first, deciding to do that on my computer. Needless to say, it still turned out pretty nice. The only issue I have with it is the jagged edges on the drawing from me erasing excess airbrush lines. Nonetheless, it's a cool drawing in my opinion, and if I actually used Lucian as an avatar, this would probably become an avatar for a week or so.
This turned out pretty okay. Other than the one arm (which looks a bit stiff), I think the actual Pokémon proportions turned out pretty good, and the texturing/lighting ended up coming out alright. I don't really have much to say about this, but I might do a full-body version for a card or something.