Writing Viridian City High (Pearlshipping PG-13)

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The Blonde Brainiac
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My third Pearlshipping fic takes place as Ash and Dawn transfer from Pokemon Gyms and Contests to the high school. Dawn moves to Kanto and is Ash's next-door neighbor

Chapter 1
It was a beautiful sunny morning in Pallet Town. Mrs. Ketchum was watering her flowers when she heard Ash's alarm ring
"Ash! Time to get up for school!" Mrs. Ketchum yelled
"I don't want to" Ash replied
"Come on, just get up!" Mrs. Ketchum replied, walking up the stairs
"I don't want to go to school!" Ash replied
"Dawn's downstairs, waiting for you" Mrs. Ketchum replied. Immediatly, Ash sprang up out of bed and raced to the bathroom. He took his shower and put on his clothes he set aside the night before. We ran down the stairs to Dawn sitting on the couch
"Hey Dawn" Ash said
"Oh, hi Ash" Dawn replied, getting up. She grabbed her bookbag and slung it over her shoulder. Ash grabbed a fruit bar and his bookbag. Both raced out of the door to meet their friends at Viridian City High School. On the way there, Dawn was listening to her iPod.
"Where did you get that?" Ash questioned
"Huh? Oh sorry, I couldn't hear you. Repeat what you just said" Dawn replied, taking out her earphones
"I said where did you get that iPod?" Ash replied
"Don't you remeber? My mom gave it to me for my 18th birthday" Dawn replied, putting the earphones back in her ears
"Oh, okay" Ash replied. Ash and Dawn are seniors at the high school. When they reached the campus, they were approached by Mary and Will
"Oh, Dawn, you're hair is so pretty!" Mary said, admiringly
"Thanks, it took me two hours to get it like it was" Dawn replied, running her fingers through her long, blue hair
"Hey, Ash. You ready for practice today?" Will questioned
"Sure I am! The Rockets will beat Pewter High!" Ash replied. Ash was the Rockets' starting QB and Dawn was the head cheerleader. The bell rang and the students filed into the campus. Ash and Dawn had homeroom, 2nd, 3rd and 4th periods together. 2nd period was English, 3rd period was Phys. Ed and 4th was Cooking. As Dawn and Ash filed into their homeroom, their homeroom teacher, Mr. Williams motioned the two to his desk
"Now, you do realize the Senior Prom is 4 months away" Mr. Williams said
"Yeah, we know. We have the date marked off on our calenders, May 23rd" Dawn replied
"Yes, I want you two to run for Senior Prom King & Queen" Mr. Williams replied
"Oh, that sounds great! Let's try it Ash!" Dawn replied
"Sure, why not?" Ash replied. Mr Williams gave them a form to fill out. They dropped it off at the Main Office. As they came out, the bell rang to start first period. And Ash and Dawn departed to go to their class

END Chapter 1!
i thought they were married?????
I love that your chapter is short enough i want to read, most long ones i just say "whate ever."
Dawn and Ash mustn't have a big intellect :O

They should be in college :O

Oliv17, why don't you even bother with long chapters ?
OMG, they are of the floor :O

How do they do it ? Their relationships always end up defying the laws of physics :O
lol, defying gravity!
I have decided tha the longer a chapter is the more boring it is, my story is always being updated! and next story each post will be 10% of a whole chapter, k?
and, for your three stories, do any of them connect, and what is the chronological order.
I mean their relationship is just getting started

Chapter 2

Ash found Dawn sitting at her desk as second period
"Hey, Ash" Dawn said
"Hey, Dawn" Ash replied, sitting down next to her
"Okay, we're going to start a project about Shakespeare, and by default, Ash and Dawn are partners" Mrs. Granderson said, "Now everyone else, choose your partners"
"You're so lucky" Mary said to Dawn
"I wouldn't consider me to be lucky. I'm lucky I've got a guy like Ash on my side" Dawn said, grabbing Ash's hand
"Now Ash, I don't want top be stuck doing all the work again" Dawn said
"But come on, you're the smartest girl in school! You have a 4.5 GPA! You take all honors and have an A or higher in all of them!" Ash stated
"But, I want you to do some work, too" Dawn replied. As they conversed over how to do the project, the bell rang, marking the end of second period
"Let's go to my house and do the project there" Dawn said, "My mom has a couple of books about Shakespear and we can always take out a book from the library"
"Let's just do this at your house, Dawn" Ash replied
"Okay, let's just stop at our locker for our gym clothes" Dawn replied (yes, they share a locker)

END Chapter 2! (Sorry this chapter is so short...)
I think your going a little overboard with all this Dawn and Ash stuff. You're creeping me out...:(
PMJ was making fun of the title in the chat room. *This has been another installment of Zilla's program on "Making the Forums a Better Place"*
Yeah I was, see?

<PMJ> wow viridian city high
<PMJ> I want to read it.

If I was making fun of it I would like to know where
ZILLA was lying or pmj is lying.if only im not banned from the chat.EDIT:pMJ NOR ZILLA was lying.it was a mistake ZILLA made
Get with the times KG, we rub stomachs.

And this is I guess a prequel of sorts, where Ash and Dawn are still lovable little scamps in high school before they uh, get married and get a baby from the stork because that is where babies come from :O
Wait, this story is weird for two reasons ...

1) We suddenly go into a time machine to the age of the cavemen to where their relationship began 0.o
2) Their relationship is defying the laws of physics 0.o

Why would they share a locker :/
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