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Virizion EX/ Genesect EX


Aspiring Trainer

Pokemon 9
  • 3 Genesect EX
  • 3 Virizion EX
  • 2 Tornadus PF EX
  • 1 Genesect
Trainers 37
  • 4 Juniper
  • 4 Skyla
  • 3 N
  • 3 Shadow Triad
  • 1 G Booster
  • 4 Catcher
  • 4 Colress Machine
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Team Plasma Badge
  • 3 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Skyarrow Bridge
  • 2 Team Plasma Ball
Energy 14
  • 4 Plasma Energy
  • 10 Grass Energy

Changed stuff around based on suggestions. I decided to have at least 1 Genesect just in case my G Booster is prized in the Safeguard or Klingklang matchup. I decided to go with plasma freeze Tornadus EX since he is already a Team Plasma Pokemon and does not have the fire weakness. I can also accelerate him quickly with Colress Machine.

The strategy is simple, use Virizion EX to power up my attackers and protect them from lasers. Genesect EX is the main attacker, and his ability allows me to use more catchers, essentially. Genesect is a tech against Suicune and Sigilyph, and call for family is helpful too. Tornadus is a tech against fire decks and Haxorus. Genesect and Tornadus are also good attackers that ignore Silver Mirror. In terms of Supporters, I maxed out on Juniper because it is simply the best card, and Skyla since this deck is reliant on trainers. Caitlin is a pretty good supporter as it allows you to put stuff you don't want on the bottom of the deck instead of shuffling it back in the deck. That way you know you won't end up drawing the same cards again, which could happen with N. However N is a necessity, if only to mess with your opponent when your opponent has few prizes left. I have Shadow Triad mainly to get back G Booster if it is discarded, but in a pinch could get me another Plasma Energy or Genesect EX. I thought that G Booster would be the best Ace Spec to use since this deck has lots of ways to search, and G Booster is needed for crucial knockouts and helps in case my techs are unavailable. 4 Catcher and Ultra Ball are obvious, and I decided to add an Plasma Ball since a little extra search never hurt. Tool Scrapper is important for Silver Mirror, Silver Bangle, Float Stone, and G Booster. Super Rod is good when I'm running low on energy. Since Emerald Slash gets grass energy from the deck, it is preferable to something like Energy Retrieval. Skyarrow Bridge is crucial, as it gives everyone free retreat. All my attackers have a retreat cost of 1. Verdant Wind protects from paralysis and sleep too, so I have a lot of freedom when choosing who I want to attack with.

I fixed your formatting of the deck list. Please use this format in the future.~KA
As Far as i know... Genesects attack does not nullify ability, but genesect caller is a viaiable option against built in safeguard, Also, i know why the bridge, but still switch is better to counter no retreat effects, drop 2 grass And add 2 switch
Genesect EX's normal attack does not nullify abilities, but the G booster attack from the Ace Spec does. That's why it's important. With the bridge making everyone free retreat, and verdant wind nullifying all special conditions, I figured there wasn't much of a need for switch, but I suppose I could try to fit in a couple spaces for it. The energy count is probably a bit high, and since I also have Super Rod it's probably not necessary to run 12 grass energy.
This list lacks speed, ie. has no acceleration whatsoever..

Too much Energy. Caitlin is a bit much on the Draw Support imo. Tornadus EX isn't an optimal tech choice for what you intend it for, heck with proper acceleration you don't even have to worry, just G-Booster and OHKO Haxorus. Even if Haxorus kills your Genesect, they'll have a harder time getting another set-up as fast as you would a Genesect..

What I'd change:
-4 Grass Energy
-3 Caitlin
+4 Colress Machine
+1 Shadow Triad
-1 Skyarrow Bridge
+1 N
-1 Super Rod
-1 Ultra Ball
+1 Team Plasma Ball
-2 Tornadus EX
-2 Genesect
+1 Virizion EX

From there you can either consider another form of acceleration (Ether/Lunatone, PlasmaBadge, etc.), or some tech options.
smeargleman said:
Genesect EX's normal attack does not nullify abilities, but the G booster attack from the Ace Spec does. That's why it's important.

I don't know if it already was settled here, but as far as i know an effect is the second consequence of an attack or a consequence given by an item/trainer card... Abilities while providing a "consequence" isn't an effect per se... I might post this doubt on the professor section, cuz right now i'm running my g-boosted genesect piercing mirrors bur not sygliph nor suicune.

Awesome, now that i've checked the beache's rulling over ability being considered an "effect" I can properly play that combo (also ask for a re-play on that keldeo-blastoise-suicune deck)

The thing about the switch is actually for attack with no retreat effect ("the defending pokemon cannor retreat on your opponent's next turn") Is not played that much but its not uncommon, also snorlax PLS does the same thing just sitting there :p
Sirmaiik said:
smeargleman said:
Genesect EX's normal attack does not nullify abilities, but the G booster attack from the Ace Spec does. That's why it's important.

I don't know if it already was settled here, but as far as i know an effect is the second consequence of an attack or a consequence given by an item/trainer card... Abilities while providing a "consequence" isn't an effect per se... I might post this doubt on the professor section, cuz right now i'm running my g-boosted genesect piercing mirrors bur not sygliph nor suicune.

Awesome, now that i've checked the beache's rulling over ability being considered an "effect" I can properly play that combo (also ask for a re-play on that keldeo-blastoise-suicune deck)

The thing about the switch is actually for attack with no retreat effect ("the defending pokemon cannor retreat on your opponent's next turn") Is not played that much but its not uncommon, also snorlax PLS does the same thing just sitting there :p

If I may be so blunt, those attacks are simply not played. They were at one time, but nowadays it is never run unless it is in a Rogue Deck, and even then. You should also not plan for Snorlax, especially since the one card that really makes it playable -- Recycle -- is going out, if not all of the Virizion that is going to be played. I personally think that Switch in this deck is simply not a good use of space that could be used for other things.

tl;dr In this deck, Switch is bad and you should feel bad! :p
Yes! Feel bad you horrible person you! :p

One thing: Have you thought about Tropius over Genesect (basic)? I've heard good things about him with his damaging shuffle-draw. Other than that, I really don't see much I would change without playing it myself. One thing I would watch out for is dead drawing into Shadow Triad, so I would personally switch one of those for an N. Other than that, I think that this is a pretty solid list! Good luck playtesting! :D
Kecleon-X said:
Yes! Feel bad you horrible person you! :p

:eek:kno: trophius is keldeos worst nightmare, And his shuffles compensate lack of family call, not that you need since no need for little basics
You might want to tech against victini since everyone's teaching it in just for the genosect/virizion match up. Maybe consider suicune and a couple of prisms just as a stable tech so you don't auto lose.