• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Virizion EX / M Manectric EX / Dragonite EX


Um, what?

  • 3x Virizion EX
    3x Manectric EX
    2x M-Menectric EX
    3x Dragonite EX
    1x Reshiram (Legendary Treasures)
    1x Kyurem (Legendary Treasures)

  • 4x Professor Sycamore
    4x N
    2x Az
    2x Lysandre

    4x Ultra Ball
    4x VS Seeker
    3x Bicycle
    1x Professor’s Letter
    1x Computer Search
    1x Battle Compressor
    1x Startling Megaphone
    1x Target Whistle
    2x Escape Rope
    3x Muscle Band
    2x Manectric Spirit Link


  • 7x Grass Energy
    5x Electric Energy

The goal of the deck is to mass energy with M-Manectric EX and/or Verizion EX, switch in to Dragonite do terrible damage. AZ any hurt Pokemon back into my hand after taking their energy off with a new Dragonite put into play. VS Seeker AZ back into you hand and repeat. VS Seeker Lysandre as needed.
RE: Virizion EX/M-Manectric EX/Dragonite EX

A few things to consider.
A non EX Pokemon or two just in case of safeguard Pokemon (or just to make an opponent take a 7th prize). Tornadus (LT) is a good one that can move energy around while KOing Suicune/Sigilyph with muscle band. Tropius is also decent.
Jirachi EX: Four Ultra Ball. 5 more ways to get supporter early game.
Ace Spec: Scoop Up Cyclone would be great here. Though Computer Search or Dowsing Machine are good too.

I'd take out the Virbank/Lasers. I remember Pooka featuring a similar deck (using Dragonite) and he did fine 2HKOing things.
RE: Virizion EX/M-Manectric EX/Dragonite EX

pokedan24 said:
A few things to consider.
A non EX Pokemon or two just in case of safeguard Pokemon (or just to make an opponent take a 7th prize). Tornadus (LT) is a good one that can move energy around while KOing Suicune/Sigilyph with muscle band. Tropius is also decent.
Jirachi EX: Four Ultra Ball. 5 more ways to get supporter early game.
Ace Spec: Scoop Up Cyclone would be great here. Though Computer Search or Dowsing Machine are good too.

I'd take out the Virbank/Lasers. I remember Pooka featuring a similar deck (using Dragonite) and he did fine 2HKOing things.

I knew I had forgotten to cover some bases, I am not actively playing right now, but i still love deck building. I was waffling about the lasers too. I feel that Jirachi EX will be a liability with Target Whistle and I can't justify 2 prizes for consistency.

+3 Bicycle
+1 Kyerum
+1 Reshiram
+1 Target Whistle
+1 Computer Search
+1 Lysandre
-3 Hypnotoxic Laser
-2 Virbank City Gym
-2 Head Ringer
-1Mr. Mime