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Virizion / Genesect / Deoxys


i like charizard
Pokemon: 10
  • 3 Virizion EX
  • 3 Genesect EX
  • 2 Deoxys EX
  • 1 Lugia EX
  • 1 Mr. Mime

Trainers: 37
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 4 Skyla
  • 2 Shadow Triad
  • 1 Colress
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 3 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 3 Colress Machine
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 3 Energy Switch
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Energy Search
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Team Plasma Badge
  • 1 G Booster (ACE SPEC)

Energy: 13
  • 4 Plasma energy
  • 9 Grass

Get a Virizion active T1 and attach an energy. T2 Emerald Slash and get energy on Genesect. From there, Megalo Cannon or G Booster every turn. Lugia is a backup attacker and is good against the mirror/non-EX decks. Deoxys boosts damage for Genesect, Lugia, and Virizion/Plasma Badge. It makes some good math with Hypnotoxic Laser. Shadow Triad can get back a Laser, Colress Machine/Plasma energy, attackers, or most importantly G Booster.

Blastoise - From my experience, if they can get a Black Ballista off T2, it's hard for me to win. Taking out Blastoise is most important.

Mirror - Going first is really big in this matchup. As long as I get the T2 Emerald Slash, I can keep up, but getting G Booster out before them is important.

Plasma - They often start out faster, but as the game goes on it's hard for them to keep up on energy. Kyurem KOs are easy with Deoxys + bench damage from Megalo Cannon, or LaserBank

Darkrai/Sableye - I'll just start by saying that Crushing Hammer is my least favorite Pokemon card ever printed. Anyway, I am pretty worried about this matchup as it is fairly popular in my area and I haven't been able to test much at all against it. I teched Ghetsis for a while, but it wasn't much use in other matchups. Any tech ideas or other ways to improve this matchup?

Garbodor - I can survive without Abilities, but if I can draw into or Skyla for Tool Scrapper, it's usually not hard to Red Signal for KO. I'm kind of iffy in this one though.

Empoleon/Dusknoir - Unofrtunately, no testing in this one, but I imagine it depends on how fast they can set up their board.
RE: Virizion/Genesect/Deoxys

The deck is fine, its definitely teir 1 for sure. None of the common mistakes in decklist building, seems fine. With the darkrai sablye matchup, I agree, it is a very hard game for you, but if you go second and can plasma badge colress mchn attach grass and emerald it should be a pretty good game for you then on. This deck is fine against empoleon, but your one killer is ho-oh. Be wary.
RE: Virizion/Genesect/Deoxys

Like zavtac said the deck is well constructed and against the Darkrai/Sableye matchup you just have to start of big and strong. You can be able to attach a plasma badge on Virizion, then colress and attach a grass energy, you now have Emerald Slash ready to hit. Then setup Genesect as fast as you can and try getting that Mr.Mime on the bench for the splash damage that Darkrai does. Hope this help and nice deck :D.
RE: Virizion/Genesect/Deoxys

Now I've played against Virizion genesect variants with my Empoleon/Leafeon/Dusknoir deck, and to be completely honest, I haven't had much issues against Virizion genesect, as they try too hard to fit in a lot of different cards just to get the flashiest KO's, I play beach and Flareon for this reason, usually Virizion Genesect doesn't run more than 2 stadiums, it's either virbank or skyarrow bridge, and usually the Virgen decks tend to get out the virbank lazer out early to set me back, which doesn't even bother me as 25% to keep me sleep isn't worrying when I beach out the opponents' virbank, and get a new Empoleon set up in a jiffy.
Your deck has a good focus, which is, naturally, a good thing, and unlike most Virgen decks I've seen, you have included 2 Deoxys!
Why is this good? well because Weak Pokemon or stage 1 Pokemon that have 70- hp with only Virzion, which means you can save lazers for anything else.
You can get away with dropping a virizion, The reason behind this is because it's almost better to have the genesect start then the virizion start at times, t2 ohko ability, where as virizion sets the engine, then you can megalo cannon or deal the much more impressive 200+deoxys for the win, e switch, switch or SAB and then restart genesect for turn 2 off of virizion as opposed to only having the t3 ohko option.
Yo-yos said:
You can get away with dropping a virizion, The reason behind this is because it's almost better to have the genesect start then the virizion start at times, t2 ohko ability, where as virizion sets the engine, then you can megalo cannon or deal the much more impressive 200+deoxys for the win, e switch, switch or SAB and then restart genesect for turn 2 off of virizion as opposed to only having the t3 ohko option.

No, remember how you can get the T2 OHKO if you don't start first, Virizion's ability protects Genesect from a lot of terrible terrible things like paralyze, poison, sleep etc. and just negates the entire effect of all of them, also in late-game, if you switched out Virizion for something like energy search, you'd be dead, because you'd probably have to spend it early on, not even mentioning with Hammer-time back, but with Virizion in, you could Super rod, get an attack off, and drag in a couple of energies, or just get the attack off right away.
You cannot rely on energy searches and Colress machines for the entire game, why rely on them from the start of where you don't have Virizion to draw your energies and acutally have a chance to draw in a basic Pokemon? I would not risk to Mulligan as often as 4-6 basic chance out of 60, and adding in other Pokemon like Emolga would probably be a mistake compared to having Virizion in, as you could run Skyarrow Bridge and not need the free-treat from Emolga, and the basics on the bench early are not actually that useful in VirGen.
Sorry, you can't actually expect for things to go your way without Virizion.
Cards I would like to add:

1 Enhanced Hammer (especially for Lugia, but I've been playing a lot of decks recently where an Enhanced Hammer would make a big difference.)
1 Max Potion (works very well with Energy Switch. I had to drop it a while ago, but I'd like to be able to fit one back in.)
1 Ultra Ball (to give me more of a chance at the T1 Virizion with energy. I'm not getting this start as much as I'd like.)

1 Frozen City (only for Blastoise or RayBoar. Unfortunately it probably wouldn't last more than a turn or two because they run so many Beach, but it could make a huge difference in those turns.)
1 Plasma Frigate (for Fire attackers. My Genesects usually have Plasma attached, so I'd be okay for the most part. I don't imagine fire attackers will be very prominent, but a single Victini EX could ruin my deck. It probably will end up being a dead card for all other games.)

I have no idea what I would take out for any of these. Honestly, I don't really want to drop anything (if only 61 cards were allowed). Any thoughts?
helti said:
Yo-yos said:
You can get away with dropping a virizion, The reason behind this is because it's almost better to have the genesect start then the virizion start at times, t2 ohko ability, where as virizion sets the engine, then you can megalo cannon or deal the much more impressive 200+deoxys for the win, e switch, switch or SAB and then restart genesect for turn 2 off of virizion as opposed to only having the t3 ohko option.

No, remember how you can get the T2 OHKO if you don't start first, Virizion's ability protects Genesect from a lot of terrible terrible things like paralyze, poison, sleep etc. and just negates the entire effect of all of them, also in late-game, if you switched out Virizion for something like energy search, you'd be dead, because you'd probably have to spend it early on, not even mentioning with Hammer-time back, but with Virizion in, you could Super rod, get an attack off, and drag in a couple of energies, or just get the attack off right away.
You cannot rely on energy searches and Colress machines for the entire game, why rely on them from the start of where you don't have Virizion to draw your energies and acutally have a chance to draw in a basic Pokemon? I would not risk to Mulligan as often as 4-6 basic chance out of 60, and adding in other Pokemon like Emolga would probably be a mistake compared to having Virizion in, as you could run Skyarrow Bridge and not need the free-treat from Emolga, and the basics on the bench early are not actually that useful in VirGen.
Sorry, you can't actually expect for things to go your way without Virizion.

It doesn't matter if you start first or not, and all I said was to drop 1 virizion not all. But basically what you're saying is if you have the option to go for the ohko from the start you will not go after it? Thats fine for you, but I'm not talking about relying on genesect to work continuous ohkos from the start, I'm just switched up the factor so you start off with genesect then swicth to virizion, instead of just running virizion to genesect. Most times getting that early ohko lead and a single e.switch to setup the same or an alternative genesect the turn after the ohko gives virizion that extra turn to setup which then in turn makes the ohko rate much more consistent and unpredicable (also harder for you're opponent to catchup at times), if you just play virizion into genesect then they can assume you're playstyle and methodolgy to play, knowing this it makes it easier to know and how you're going to use you're genesects so they can counter them. Crushing hammer, you make it sound like it's like energy removal.

Thanks for the info I already know, I do own and play this deck.

Also on another note, 3 skyla is good enough.
Yo-yos said:
It doesn't matter if you start first or not, and all I said was to drop 1 virizion not all. But basically what you're saying is if you have the option to go for the ohko from the start you will not go after it? Thats fine for you, but I'm not talking about relying on genesect to work continuous ohkos from the start, I'm just switched up the factor so you start off with genesect then swicth to virizion, instead of just running virizion to genesect. Most times getting that early ohko lead and a single e.switch to setup the same or an alternative genesect the turn after the ohko gives virizion that extra turn to setup which then in turn makes the ohko rate much more consistent and unpredicable (also harder for you're opponent to catchup at times), if you just play virizion into genesect then they can assume you're playstyle and methodolgy to play, knowing this it makes it easier to know and how you're going to use you're genesects so they can counter them. Crushing hammer, you make it sound like it's like energy removal.

Thanks for the info I already know, I do own and play this deck.

Also on another note, 3 skyla is good enough.

I have to agree with Helti. Dropping the Virizion to 2 is a bad idea for a few reasons:
1. You need 1-2 Virizion out per game. If one gets discarded or prized, you only have 1 for most of the game. This is a problem especially against Garbodor or anything that can KO T2/3
2. You can't accelerate energy with just Colress Machine. It's not going to be consistent enough to do any real damage. With only two, the odds of getting it out early-game are much lower.

Why do you want to G Booster T2? Also, how often are you able to G Booster T2, and then get 2 more energy on Genesect T3, or hit the Grass and Switch and Energy Switch to Emerald Slash T3? It seems like you'd have to have a pretty great hand. Anyway, If they can KO your Genesect, it doesn't matter because you'll have no energy at all in the board. Trust me, it's pretty hard to win when you don't have any energy and they are set up. It seems like too much of a risk to make that my goal every game.

I'm not saying I never start with Genesect, because sometimes I don't draw Virizion. It's not bad either way, and sometimes Genesect starts are very good. However, if I have the choice, I'd rather sacrifice a little early-game power for consistency and attack power throughout the game.

Two more things and then I'm done.
Going back to your first sentence, it is very important to go first. Going first means that unless they get off a G Booster or Black Ballista T2, you'll be attacking and they probably can't KO Virizion.
Second, 4 Skyla is necessary, especially in the Genesect-start thing that you seem to be very fond of. Let's count. You need: 3 grass energy/energy search, 2 Colress Machine, and 1 G Booster. 3 Skyla doesn't seem like enough for that in your average game. Genesect can live off a Skyla per turn.