• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Rayquaza. 'Nuff said.
Here is my Virizion/Genesect/Victini list. Below it are a few paragraphs of explanations and notes.
  • 3x Genesect EX
  • 1x Victini EX
  • 2x Drifbloon (DRE)
  • 2x Drifblim (DRE)
  • 1x Drifblim (PLB)
  • 1x Virizion EX
  • 1x Jirachi EX
  • 1x Tropius
  • 4x Professor Juniper
  • 4x N
  • 2x Bianca
  • 2x Skyla
  • 1x Colress
  • 1x Shadow Triad
  • 2x Skyarrow Bridge
  • 4x Colress Machine
  • 4x Ultra Ball
  • 3x Pokemon Catcher
  • 2x Enhanced Hammer
  • 1x Plasma Ball
  • 1x Super Rod
  • 1x Energy Search
  • 1x Tool Scrapper
  • 1x G Booster
  • 6x Grass
  • 1x Fire
  • 4x Plasma
  • 3x Blend GFPD
Overall strategy (each part will be elaborated on further): Use Victini EX turn 1 to attach to 1 or 2 Genesect EX's (depending on the situation). From there, sweep your opponent's team, taking all the necessary steps to overcome any obstacles. Begin the explanations.

Victini EX: Turbo Energise is much easier to get Turn 1 than Emerald Slash by a lot, and also allows for flexible energy acceleration; as long as a Genesect EX has an energy on it, it can be set up in one turn (attach, Colress Machine). Under this thought process, it is much safer than using Emerald Slash and attaching two energies to one Genesect EX, as cards such as Black Kyurem EX (Black Ballista) or Kyurem + Silver Bangle could one shot Genesect EX by turn 2, thus causing you to lose all the eggs you put in the one basket. Victini EX is also a good counter for the mirror match, and although it may be a bit hard to set up, once it is, it provides a major advantage for you. Problems include its low HP and weakness to Kyurem.

Genesect EX: The main attacker of the deck! Genesect is almost comparable to Darkrai with an addition in that it can one-shot anything via G Booster (Not now, Crystal Wall). Let's start with Red Signal. This ability is a very handy ability to have around, as it makes a Plasma Energy attachment not only an energy attachment, but a Catcher too. However, this ability isn't super amazing because another card in the format also does the same thing; Catcher! Nevertheless, it still finds its moments. Now to Megalo Cannon. If you used on its own, it is just worse than a Night Spear in that 20 to the bench does not make much of a differece; overall however, it is still a good attack. Now to G Booster. Although it takes up the Ace-Spec slot, it provides Genesect with the option of one shotting anything. This is further supported with cards like Skyla and Shadow Triad, which are in turn supported by Jirachi EX. Even more OP about this attack is that it is streamable (attachment Colress Machine), thus you can obliterate multiple EX's in a row. Unfortunately it is prone to Tool Scrapper, so one would only play it down the turn they need to use the attack. Problems with Genesect EX include fire types in general.

Drifblims DRE and PLB: These single handedly make the match up against Plasma decks so much easier. It's pretty straight forward: Use Drifblim PLB to "derail" a couple of special energies early game along with Enhanced Hammer, as well as hit Deoxys EX for double damage. The best part about this is that this can all be done for a free energy cost! (assuming your opponent has 3 Plasma Pokemon in play; they will usually have 2 at a minimum by turn 2, so you can hit them for one energy). Driflbim DRE is where discarding you opponent's Special Energies pays off. It's not hard to get 3 in your opponent's discard, at which point you can one shot Kyurem and Deoxys EX. After getting four in your opponent's discard, you are essentially G-Boostering for one energy and without discarding any. The best thing about everything i've just said above is that Drifblim is not an EX, thus after (and if) they are able to overcome the Drifblims, you still have Genesects waiting. The only real problems about these is that it doesn't do anything to help against match ups against decks which don't use special energy, namely Blastoise and Darkrai.

Virizion EX: Virizion, Banisher of Lasers! Like it says on the tin, Virizion counters HTL and stops Gothitelle/Accelgor in its tracks. Very important card as EX's with 170 HP are very prone to HTL. In most decks, it is used as the energy accelerator, but in this Victini takes its job.

Jirachi EX : Jirachi's controversial 90 HP means it's essentially a free two prizes. However, my thoughts behind it are, if you use it late game, you use it to grab G Booster via Skyla or Shadow Triad or any card that you need to essentially get checkmate. Thus if your opponent goes for your Jirachi (assuming they have more than 2 prizes, 3 if you include Lugia), then they give Genesect another turn to attack. Thus its 90 HP is really not a problem as long as you use it well. Unless you start with it, like me in my first game of testing it. (Then you have my permission to cry.)

Tropius: This card destroys Suicune/Terrakion by hitting them both for double damage, thus denying them a chance to set up. Although Tropius won't take all 6 prizes in the match up, you can still use G Booster or the Drifblims to snag a few prizes.

So, please leave me any advice you have or other ideas for the deck. Feel free to test it out yourselves and comment on any problems you may have encountered or what you liked about it.

Edited to meet the DLH standards! ;) ~Kecleon
matuxlogan said:
Rayquaza-XD said:
Thanks, guess I rushed it a little :/

it's fine, happends :p
anyway, i tested this list and for my surprise IT WORKS ! its rly fun btw, and i love how this deck can hit in an OP way
Good Job! And thank u!

Thank you for testing it :) Glad that it worked for you. Just a question; which match ups did you find it hardest against, why and how do you think the deck could improve?
There's too much variation with the pokemon, I would find out which are the best pokemon and take out the others and replace them with more copies of the pokemon you need more. I know having alot of tech pokemon can help but try a more consistent approach with the deck, from doing loads of testing, for me, consistency is way more important than having the odd tech cards scattered thought the deck. Apart from that, everything else look good :)
Joltic said:
There's too much variation with the pokemon, I would find out which are the best pokemon and take out the others and replace them with more copies of the pokemon you need more. I know having alot of tech pokemon can help but try a more consistent approach with the deck, from doing loads of testing, for me, consistency is way more important than having the odd tech cards scattered thought the deck. Apart from that, everything else look good :)

As of yet, I find the deck pretty consistent, but I am trying to find other ways to counter things which beat this deck easily instead of the things I use in this list e.g. I'm seeing how I can put HTL in this deck; easier to get instead of Deoxys+snipe. Another card i've been thinking of is Plasma Frigate, but that conflicts with Skyarrow. I should probably increase the Virizion line in case it's prized :|
After more testing and valuable advice from good players, I have come to the conclusion that Deoxys EX is impractical in that it doesn't make the Plasma match up that much better, or any other match up better really, thus I decided to replace it with Driflbims DRE and PLB (reasons are explained above), which in turn is why I raised the Ultra Ball line, which in turn is why I replaced two Colress with two Bianca (starting with Colress is just too debilitating). I also decided to drop the Victini line down to 1 because I feel that there isn't as much likelihood of being one-shotted by turn 2 than I initially thought.

Any thoughts or advice is deeply appreciated.