Bede exists. Considering Zard only needs 2 attachments and can tank most hits, you can easily commit to Lugia. 130 HP is a fair amount, though not ideal I know. It survives Rapidash's agility twice, survives Necrozma's attack if it hasn't attached a special energy, survives lots of fighting type stuff due to resistance, though it does die to Thundurus. If this Zard takes off then it tanks that too if there's no Leon in the discard. Most of the theme deck cards rely on 2 shotting stuff anyway. I'm just saying if it DOES survive an attack, it can steamroll out of control. It's the only basic mon that can reliably 1 shot anything in the format consistently.
I do agree that the deck will probably still lose to TEU Zard but there's a chance that it could hold its own. Dreadnaw might be good purely for type coverage, but it's still super clunky.