Wi-Fi Trades Vivillon Form Exchange Thread

Squinish said:
Currently On for the next 2 or so hours. Will post when I am off.

Currently catching Icy Snow Scatterbugs.

Have available:
Jungle Vivillon - only 1 Left
Sandstorm Vivillon - Only 3 Left
Archipelago Vivillon - Only 3 Left
Ocean Vivillon - Only 5 available
Polar Vivillon - Only 4 Left
Tundra Vivillon - Only 1 Left

For Vivillon (Very Specific so they have to be your region)
Meadow - Female with Compound Eyes and Modest nature. Name her Fluttershy.
Tundra - Female with Compound Eyes and Modest Nature. Named her Frega.
Monsoon - Female with Compound Eyes and Modest Nature. Name her Tear Song. (Willing to trade 3 Viv of your choice, Torchic(mega), Squirtle(Mega) or Bulbasour(Mega) to first Person that can meet my request for Monsoon. After that I am willing to trade for regular Monsoon.

Also looking for an Imposter Ditto at the moment. :D

Any other pokemon you would be after aside from Ditto? I've plenty of pokemon for breeding purposes, but I'm dying to get a Jungle, Sandstorm, and Archipelago pattern Vivillon. Just let me know!
Sykes said:
Squinish said:
Currently On for the next 2 or so hours. Will post when I am off.

Currently catching Icy Snow Scatterbugs.

Have available:
Jungle Vivillon - only 1 Left
Sandstorm Vivillon - Only 3 Left
Archipelago Vivillon - Only 3 Left
Ocean Vivillon - Only 5 available
Polar Vivillon - Only 4 Left
Tundra Vivillon - Only 1 Left

For Vivillon (Very Specific so they have to be your region)
Meadow - Female with Compound Eyes and Modest nature. Name her Fluttershy.
Tundra - Female with Compound Eyes and Modest Nature. Named her Frega.
Monsoon - Female with Compound Eyes and Modest Nature. Name her Tear Song. (Willing to trade 3 Viv of your choice, Torchic(mega), Squirtle(Mega) or Bulbasour(Mega) to first Person that can meet my request for Monsoon. After that I am willing to trade for regular Monsoon.

Also looking for an Imposter Ditto at the moment. :D

Any other pokemon you would be after aside from Ditto? I've plenty of pokemon for breeding purposes, but I'm dying to get a Jungle, Sandstorm, and Archipelago pattern Vivillon. Just let me know!

Oh do you have an Imposter Ditto. Cool! If you got a 2, that would take care of to Vivi. :D After that don't matter to me. Guess Eevee if you have one.
Squinish said:
Sykes said:
Any other pokemon you would be after aside from Ditto? I've plenty of pokemon for breeding purposes, but I'm dying to get a Jungle, Sandstorm, and Archipelago pattern Vivillon. Just let me know!

Oh do you have an Imposter Ditto. Cool! If you got a 2, that would take care of to Vivi. :D After that don't matter to me. Guess Eevee if you have one.

Ah.. I said aside as in not ditto, I don't think I have one with Imposter. I'm still trying to find a Safari area that even has Ditto aside from the Pokemon Village. :/ But I do have some nice natured Eevees. Anything in particular you're looking for?
Squinish said:
At the moment, nothing I can think of. Hmmm let me give it some thought here. :D

Alrighty! I've plenty of other pokemon aside from Eevee too!
Sykes said:
Squinish said:
At the moment, nothing I can think of. Hmmm let me give it some thought here. :D

Alrighty! I've plenty of other pokemon aside from Eevee too!

I think I might no of a way for you to earn them if you want to do a little work.

I want to catch a couple more Icy Snow in order to find a specific Scatterbug. If I don't find it in the next couple tries I will give up and just keep the better one I have so far.

Normally what I do is borrow my roomies 3DS and transfer them over to my main game for future trades so I can hop into a new region. He unfortunatly is asleep and I don't want to wake him for his 3DS since he works early. Bad form. :D

So this is were you will come in. I will have you transport them over for me. It will be about 10 pokemon. Vivillons, a Torchic (with Megastone), Possibly a Charmander or Houndoom with megastone, and a couple others. When we do the trade to my other game. The last 3 pokemon will be traded over for the 3 Vivi you want. I will even give you as many extra Icy Snow Scatterbugs I have for your own trade stock. Since they will get deleted when I make a new game.

Sound like a fair trade?
Squinish said:
Sykes said:
Alrighty! I've plenty of other pokemon aside from Eevee too!

I think I might no of a way for you to earn them if you want to do a little work.

I want to catch a couple more Icy Snow in order to find a specific Scatterbug. If I don't find it in the next couple tries I will give up and just keep the better one I have so far.

Normally what I do is borrow my roomies 3DS and transfer them over to my main game for future trades so I can hop into a new region. He unfortunatly is asleep and I don't want to wake him for his 3DS since he works early. Bad form. :D

So this is were you will come in. I will have you transport them over for me. It will be about 10 pokemon. Vivillons, a Torchic (with Megastone), Possibly a Charmander or Houndoom with megastone, and a couple others. When we do the trade to my other game. The last 3 pokemon will be traded over for the 3 Vivi you want. I will even give you as many extra Icy Snow Scatterbugs I have for your own trade stock. Since they will get deleted when I make a new game.

Sound like a fair trade?

Sure, I could do that. ^^ Just fair warning, my net's been a bit shotty tonight, which is frustrating, but I've done a trade or two today for Vivillons, so I'm sure it'll handle. :3 I've already added ya. ^^
Sykes said:
Squinish said:
I think I might no of a way for you to earn them if you want to do a little work.

I want to catch a couple more Icy Snow in order to find a specific Scatterbug. If I don't find it in the next couple tries I will give up and just keep the better one I have so far.

Normally what I do is borrow my roomies 3DS and transfer them over to my main game for future trades so I can hop into a new region. He unfortunatly is asleep and I don't want to wake him for his 3DS since he works early. Bad form. :D

So this is were you will come in. I will have you transport them over for me. It will be about 10 pokemon. Vivillons, a Torchic (with Megastone), Possibly a Charmander or Houndoom with megastone, and a couple others. When we do the trade to my other game. The last 3 pokemon will be traded over for the 3 Vivi you want. I will even give you as many extra Icy Snow Scatterbugs I have for your own trade stock. Since they will get deleted when I make a new game.

Sound like a fair trade?

Sure, I could do that. ^^ Just fair warning, my net's been a bit shotty tonight, which is frustrating, but I've done a trade or two today for Vivillons, so I'm sure it'll handle. :3 I've already added ya. ^^

Ok let me head to the bank to see how many I will be sending. Then I will send a trade request to you. :D

Ok it will be 12 total.
Squinish said:
Sykes said:
Sure, I could do that. ^^ Just fair warning, my net's been a bit shotty tonight, which is frustrating, but I've done a trade or two today for Vivillons, so I'm sure it'll handle. :3 I've already added ya. ^^

Ok let me head to the bank to see how many I will be sending. Then I will send a trade request to you. :D

Ah! Alright, sorry xD I saw you kept going offline so I wasn't sure if I was supposed to send one when you came back on. .w.
Sykes said:
Squinish said:
Ok let me head to the bank to see how many I will be sending. Then I will send a trade request to you. :D

Ah! Alright, sorry xD I saw you kept going offline so I wasn't sure if I was supposed to send one when you came back on. .w.

Ya was having router issues. Seems ok now.

So 12 to send over. :D

Squinish said:
Sykes said:
Ah! Alright, sorry xD I saw you kept going offline so I wasn't sure if I was supposed to send one when you came back on. .w.

Ya was having router issues. Seems ok now.

So 12 to send over. :D

Duuuude anything you send me will get deleted when I reset the game. Even those eevee. :(
Squinish said:
Sykes said:
Ah! Alright, sorry xD I saw you kept going offline so I wasn't sure if I was supposed to send one when you came back on. .w.

Ya was having router issues. Seems ok now.

So 12 to send over. :D

Squinish said:
Ya was having router issues. Seems ok now.

So 12 to send over. :D

Duuuude anything you send me will get deleted when I reset the game. Even those eevee. :(

It's fine, they weren't going to be used. I just named them on a whim. :p
Sykes said:
Squinish said:
Ya was having router issues. Seems ok now.

So 12 to send over. :D

Duuuude anything you send me will get deleted when I reset the game. Even those eevee. :(

It's fine, they weren't going to be used. I just named them on a whim. :p

I think I may need to get a new router.

Squinish said:
Sykes said:
It's fine, they weren't going to be used. I just named them on a whim. :p

I think I may need to get a new router.

Oh by the way the Jungle I am sending you won't be the one I will trade to you for keeps. It was a special Jungle I got for my collection. Hence the name :D
Squinish said:
Sykes said:
It's fine, they weren't going to be used. I just named them on a whim. :p

I think I may need to get a new router.

So I noticed. Also, I just realized those were my named eevees xD think we could trade 'em back once I get yours onto mine for the blank Eevees?
Sykes said:
Squinish said:
I think I may need to get a new router.

So I noticed. Also, I just realized those were my named eevees xD think we could trade 'em back once I get yours onto mine for the blank Eevees?

Sure! Also, I traded you a Continental Vivi. Do you need one? If you do you can keep that one I sent you.

Last one :D

I have to catch some junk pokemon so it will be a moment :D
Squinish said:
Sykes said:
So I noticed. Also, I just realized those were my named eevees xD think we could trade 'em back once I get yours onto mine for the blank Eevees?

Sure! Also, I traded you a Continental Vivi. Do you need one? If you do you can keep that one I sent you.

Last one :D

I have to catch some junk pokemon so it will be a moment :D

No prob on the junk pokemon, also Continental is my native xD I think... I bred a Vivillon at the daycare and it gave me a High Plains, but I'm in Colorado, so... it's weird. >>; But yeah, I have a ton x3
Ok dude... also look at my pokemon. One of them should have had Pokerus on it. If it does. Take advantage of it and infect some of your pokemon. :D
Squinish said:
Ok dude... also look at my pokemon. One of them should have had Pokerus on it. If it does. Take advantage of it and infect some of your pokemon. :D

No worries, I already had a Pidgeotto with Pokerus... which I spread to a vulpix baby for my friend on accident and he made a plague over Wonder Trade >.>;;
Oh all the ones I sent you I get. Then when I get back on my other. I will send over some extra Icy :D And your eevee :D