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Volcanic Outburst (Camperupt EX / Magma Camerupt)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar

Pokémon (12):

  • 4 Camerupt EX (beatdown)
    4 Magma Camerupt (fuel)
    4 Magma Numel (evolve)

Trainers (36):

  • 4 Professor Sycamore (draw)
    4 Blacksmith (fuel)
    2 Lysandre (gust)
    4 N (draw)
    1 Startling Megaphone (discard)
    2 Battle Compressor (discard)
    1 Dowsing Machine (retrieve)
    3 Professor's Letter (search)
    3 VS Seeker (retrieval)
    2 Repeat Ball (search)
    3 Ultra Ball (search)
    3 Switch (switch)
    4 Scorching Earth (draw)

Energy (12):

  • 2 Double Colorless Energy
    10 Fire Energy


Go and start with either Magma Numel or Camerupt Ex. Attach to the latter one and use Scorching Earth to discard basic fire energies and to draw more cards. Make sure to have Camerupt Ex out on the second
turn and at least one or two Magma Camerupt on the bench. The latter ones are used to accelerate from the discard to fuel Implosion. Once two or three Magma Camerupt are on the bench the active Camerupt Ex can ohko the defender without the need to discard more than two energies attached to him. The deck runs a lot of Blacksmith and search and draw cards to make the deck a little faster and to ensure a continual stream of attacks.


Camerupt EX
Basic Fire Pokémon
HP 180
[R][C] Rolling Attack: 30+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 more damage.
[R][R][C][C] Implosion: 50x
You may discard as many [R] energy attached to your Pokémon as you like. This attack does 50 damage times the amount of [R] energy you discarded.
Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 4

Magma's Camerupt
Stage 1 Fire Pokémon - evolves from Team Magma's Numel
HP 110
Ability: Burndraft
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may choose 1 [R] or [F] Energy card from your discard pile and attach it to this Pokemon.
[R][C][C] Fireball: 60
Move 1 Basic Energy attached to this Pokemon to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.
Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

Magma's Numel
Basic Fire Pokémon
HP 70
[R][C] Ember: 30
Discard 1 Energy attached to this Pokemon.
Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Scorching Earth
Trainer - Stadium
Once during each player’s turn, that player may discard a [R] or [F] Energy from his or her hand. If they do, that player draws 2 cards.
RE: Vulcanic Outburst (Camperupt EX / Pyroar)

The main problem I run into using a Blacksmith deck is the fact that I can't use a draw supporter to get Blacksmith, then use it as well (one supporter rule). Personally, I would switch one Pyroar out for the PHF one and use that as a "Lysandre". That way it discards a [R] energy and it conserves your supporter for the turn. I'd then take out 1 Lysandre and run a 4th Blacksmith. Beign the core focus, you want as many opportunities to use it as possible. Also, I really hate starting with Litleos. To me, it's just too dangerous and by knocking out one, that's one less Pyroar I can get out. Seeing as how Camerupt is your main attacker, I'd assume you want to keep them in decent shape. Consider running Reshiram, it's a decent starter with outrage, and can be easily powered up. To make room for them, I'd get rid of a Switch and a Scorching Earth. You run plenty of draw support so losing one isn't too big of a deal, and retreating isn't too bad of a problem since you generally want [R] in the discard for Blacksmith.

-1 Pyroar FLF
-1 Lysandre
-1 Switch
-1 Scorching Earth

+1 Pyroar FLF
+1 Blacksmith
+2 Reshiram LTR (Outrage)
RE: Vulcanic Outburst (Camperupt EX / Pyroar)

Hi CHAcolate,

Thanks for the review. Cut one stadium for the fourth Blacksmith to test out a full set since Camerupt Ex discards a lot and switched one Pyroar for his alternate version to deal with occational omega barrier. Not entire sure on reshiram in addition to Pyroar. decided on Pyroar for the time being he can combat pure basics decks which could become more common around here with Silent Lab.
I really like this deck idea since it reminds me of RayEels. Why not run more Team Magma Camerupt, to really dish out the damage?

Torchic doesn't really seem that good. You don't really want to dump all your energy super quickly, since you're relying on Blacksmith and Camerupt to get it back. Something that's easy to forget is your energy attachment for the turn.

Also you need Startling Megaphone since if you're dumping energy to quickly and a garbodor (or Wobbuffet) drops, you will struggle to get energy attachments. Finally any water pokemon will run you over quickly.

I think if you up the Team Magma Camerupt line, you can cut the muscle band for weakness policy. +20 on camerupt with muscle band doesn't seem as relevant, compared to +50 from another energy.

I have no way of testing this deck, so I'll just leave these suggestions for you to consider. My only firm belief is that 4-4 Team Magma Camerupt would be better then 2-2 line.
Hi Snyder005,

Thanks for the review. Will consider to use a 3-3 line of Magma's Camerupt to catch more energies from the discard to boost Camerupt Ex. However more than that do not seem to be warrnated since Magma's Camerupt only attaches to himself. Nevertheless it can allow me to built a second Camerupt Ex on the bench with Blacksmith. Not sure on Weakness Policy outside of Primal Groundon decks since most decks either run Pokémon Tool F or two Startling Megaphone. Torchic was chosen to have another means to draw and fill the discard turn one in case I do not start with Scorching Earth. He is also a nice Pokémon to sacrifice when you need a turn to set up.

Torchic is useless. There is a trainer that can do that and not waste an attack.

-3 Torchic PCL
+3 Fiery Torch

Also maybe look at new Eelektross.
AJAxeman said:

Torchic is useless. There is a trainer that can do that and not waste an attack.

-3 Torchic PCL
+3 Fiery Torch

Also maybe look at new Eelektross.

Nah, new Eelektross is too clunky because it is a stage 2.
Hi AJAxeman,

Thanks for the review. Tochic can draw four cards and fill the discard turn one. The deck needs one or two turn to get rolling anyway. For that reason it is no a wasted attack. Eelektross is not needed at all in the deck and it is also a slow stage two evolution. I can see a one-off tech in some Eels versions but not in most other decks.
Hi folks,

Modified the deck a little after some test runs online and irl. The deck turned out to be more consistent and faster than expected. It is similar to former Electric decks although it seems to need one or two turns to set up properly. Still interested on hints on how to tweak this deck.
Dark Espeon, this deck will be top tier in the metagame. Sure. Camerupt EX with Magma Camerupt and Blacksmith is a big combo. Problems: You can't use Lysandre because Blacksmith is essential every turn to KO. The other problem is Kyogre: This deck really needs Weakeness Policy. What do you think?
Hi Andy414,

Thanks for the review. Water decks sure are an issue and I am not sure whether weakness policy resolves the problem. Most water decks around here run either two copies of Xerosic or Startling Megaphone. The deck needs one or two turns to set up and can have problems once the first Camerupt Ex was knocked out. Considered to loose the Bicycles to add a fourth Vs Seeker and remove two basic Fire for three Double Colorless Energy but I am not sure at the moment.
More specifically, Seismitoad / Garbodor will be a problem. Weakness Policy doesn't help in this regard alone, unfortunately, due to the fact that Laser is still in the format. What about running Keldeo EX and Float Stone to get rid of Poison so that, with the Weakness Policy, you aren't two-hit? Of course, you could just simply take the hard matchup and try to work with it once you do face it.

My philosophy is that if you only lose to one deck, then just feel good that you do well against everything else and make the list as consistent as possible. For instance, in this case, I might run two Battle Compressors just to get Fire into the discard with a Blacksmith, so that you can VS Seeker it and play those Energy into play if you don't use Magma's Camerupt. Just my opinion, though.
Hi Kecleon X,

Thanks for the review. Seismitoad decks and Primal Kyogre Ex are an issue for sure. The format seems to turn more and more in a more diverse format with counters to all decks and a focus on deck choice and consistent builts based on the local environment. Like the Battle Compressor idea. How about Battle Compressor over Bicycle?
Mm. Yes, I think that would be what I would do. I might also drop a Camerupt EX for a Double Colorless Energy, and maybe think about taking out some Fire for others. Double Colorless is actually really good with this, for you can DCE, Blacksmith and use Magma's to get the rest of the Energy in play all in one turn. If you've suffered a KO, and it will happen one way or another, then you'll have to sit there whilst you get another one set up. DCE mitigates this to some degree, and I might run a couple if I you.
Hi Kecleon-X,

Made the modifications but retained the fourth Camerupt Ex to allow me to obtain them faster and to make it easier in case one of them ends in the prizes. With three the deck had troubles with prized Camerupt Ex.