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Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread. Looking for bulk Trainers.

RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

I have dual balls from your wants (and maybe groudon EX if the trade falls through) I'm interested in you smeargle UD RH, could you cml for it?
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

I have a lots of random dice (not clear dice), 3 gengar prime, and lots of tournament legal trainers/supporters that i'd trade for 3 celebi prime.
PM me if you're interested
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

Do you have any more Empoleons, besides the 1 RH one?
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

@ SoulWind: Alright. Let me think for a little bit and I'll get back to you. The Charizards are cards that I'm not 100% eager to trade.

@ The Pikachu Mafia: I'm interested in your Japanese Uxie Level X, Terrakions and possibly your Mewtwo EX. Is there anything else you saw? Wanna make me an offer?

@ ehitmontop: Gengar Prime doesn't interest me at all... I'm kinda looking to get rid of the Celebis though, do you have a more extensive list of your collection that I could see?

@ Rikko145: I don't have any regular Empoleon, and I just confirmed a trade for the reverse one. Sorry.
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

okay how about this:


1x JP Uxie lv. X
1x Terrakion NVI


1x Smeargle UD (RH)
1x Virizion FA
1x Cobalion FA



1x terrakion NV
1x JP Uxie lv. X


1x Regigigas EX FA
1x smeargle UD (RH)

I could trade mewtwo, but you would have to make an offer on him....
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

We're really far apart on card values here. I only value the Uxie at around 8 dollars... I might be able to do something like this

x1 FA Virizion
x1 FA Cobalion
x1 FA Regigigas EX
x1 RH Smeargle

Mewtwo EX
x1 RH Exp Share

Also, @ Hydro Cannon:
Not sure if you are still checking this thread, but I noticed that my first offer was pretty steep. I really want that Raikou, so here are some other offers

x3 CoL Shinys (your choice from what I have)

FA Raikou (Japanese)

Or maybe

x1 Fair condition base charizard (as described above)
x1 CoL Shiny

FA Raikou

LMK man.
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

ah sorry, I valued both terrakion and Uxie at $10 a piece.... also I wouldn't want to do that for mewtwo (because again our prices are off...) could we maybe do something like this:


1x JP uxie lv. X


1x Smeargle UD
1x Landorus FA

lmk or counter :)
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

@ justintam0731: How does this sound?

x1 Reshiram EX
x1 Regigigas EX

x1 FA Zekrom EX
x1 FA Tornadus

Let me know if that works.

@ The Pikachu Mafia: I'll have to pass on that offer. I don't really need the Uxie...

@ cf11: Posted in your trade thread last night.

Vulpix Yolk said:
Hey, you posted in my trade thread a while ago, and I'm interested in your instant deal. I'm willing to trade you a regular Groudon EX and a regular Virizion NV for your Celebi Star, if you can have the cards shipped to your American address. If not, I can make the deal larger. Maybe something like this if you are interested.

x1 Groudon EX
x2 Terrakion NV
x1 FA Virizion

Celebi Star
x2 FA N

I'm assuming that the Celebi Star is in English and in Near Mint condition. PM me if either of those deals work, if not feel free to counter. LMK man.
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

I'm interested in your Regigigas EX FA. I have these Neo Revelation rares -- Celebi #3 holo, Magneton #10 holo, Aerodactyl #15 rare, Celebi #16 rare, Starmie #25 rare, Sudowoodo #26 rare -- and sealed Next Destinies booster packs. LMK if we can work out a deal!
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

Could you do this?

FA Regigigas EX
Wizards Stamped Kabuto
Shadowless Kadabra
RH Drapion TM
RH Dragonite TM
RH Kangaskhan TM

6 Next Destinies Packs (unsorted?)
x1 Magcargo EX
x1 Sharpedo EX

Let me know if that works. If not, shoot me an offer.
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

Vulpix Yolk said:
@ justintam0731: How does this sound?

x1 Reshiram EX
x1 Regigigas EX

x1 FA Zekrom EX
x1 FA Tornadus

Let me know if that works.

@ The Pikachu Mafia: I'll have to pass on that offer. I don't really need the Uxie...

@ cf11: Posted in your trade thread last night.

No thanks because it is kinda unfair for me. Can you make another offer
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

My Magcargo ex has some creases along the edges and Sharpedo ex has one crease along an edge and a small spot with a scratch. If you're still interested in those two, I can do those plus 7 unsorted Next Destinies packs, or just 8 Next Destinies packs for what you listed.
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

I know how you feel. However, I am only truly interested in a mint charizard, it it is one. I value the shinies (CoL) at about $4-5 a pop. LMK. I think it's still a little unfair on my end! :) maybe I could try countering?
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

@ justintam0731: Make me an offer when you have time. I have no idea what you value everything at and so forth.

@ PsychedelicBreakfast: I'm ok with that. 7 packs and the exs for the cards I listed above. I'll PM you to confirm when I have some more free time later.

Hydro Cannon
: Ah, how about this:

Mint - Near-Mint Base Charizard

FA Raikou (japanese)
FA Shaymin (japanese)

Feel free to make me an offer if this doesn't work.
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

Bump (1). I updated my thread again, I now have 4 Mewtwo EX for trade!
RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread

Please CML for:
Kabutops ex
Aerodactyl ex
Magmar ex
x1 Claydol ex (1 mint)
Magcargo ex (creased in various spots)
Sharpedo ex (one crease)
Metagross ex (mint, power keepers