Mudkip* - mint - $30
Torchic* - near mint, some scratches - $20
Treecko* - near mint/slightly played, there is a small area on the bottom left corner that looks like a drop of water hit it, but it's really only visible from the back - $17
Latias* - near mint, the very top edge of the card looks as if it would have started to peel if it had been left out of a sleeve for a little while longer, but it's very hard to notice - $30
Latios* - mint - $50
Rayquaza* - near mint, there is a tiny speck or smudge or something above the picture - $30
Entei* - near mint, there is a very nearly transparent smudge on the top of the card, above the picture but below the physical end of the card. It is on the back as well, and slightly more visible - $20
Raikou* - mint - $20
Suicune* - near mint/mint, there is a very tiny smudge on the back near the top right - $20
Regice* - mint - $25
Regirock* - mint - $20
Registeel* - near mint, the card just looks older, I'm not quite sure how to describe it. It's like somebody left it in a binder sleeve for a while and then took it out, but there's no actual damage - $15
Groudon* - near mint, there is some dirt around the top and right edge of the card - $28
Kyogre* - mint - $20
Metagross* - mint - $30
Gyarados* - near mint, the back shows some very faint signs of wear - $25
Mewtwo* - near mint, there are some very, very faint scratches on the picture that I can just barely see in the light - $18
Pikachu* - mint - $35
Alakazam* - near mint, there is a very tiny speck of dirt on the upper right hand side of the card, next to the picture - $15
Celebi* - near mint/slightly played, the card has a very tiny bend (not a crease) to the left of the poke-power on the edge - $12
Charizard* - mint - $75
Mew* - mint - $23
Flareon* - mint - $15 (I have two if you're interested)
Jolteon* - mint - $15
Vaporeon* - mint - $15
Umbreon* - near mint/slightly played, there are some smudges over the front of the card, but they're not too bad - $50
Espeon* - near mint, same issue as the Umbreon, but significantly better - $55
I only put mint when I could not find a single thing wrong with the card, but I'll admit I'm not perfect and I have missed stuff before. I made sure to look each card over very carefully before posting their condition. All the cards are from the pack, and are all real and English. There are no WC or anything like that. I based my prices off of and ebay completed listings.
The total for everything came to $728 (or $743 if you wanted the second Flareon*) but I can bring it down to $700 with insurance and delivery confirmation (or $710 if you want the second Flareon*). LMK or counter please.