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W: Call Energies + Azelf H: Dialga G Lv X, Bday pikachus and more


Aspiring Trainer
Location: New York, USA



Blastoise 2/127 x3
Delcatty 4/127 x3
Gardevoir 8/127
Giratina 10/127
Rampardos 13/127
Slaking 16/127
Dialga G Lv.X 122/127

Reverse Holo:
Dialga G 7/127
Manectric 11/127
Weavile G 17/127
Blissey 22/127
Gyarados 30/127
Lickilicky 33/127
Grotle 49/127
Monferno 56/127
Prinplup 59/127
Cascoon 63/127
Chansey 69/127
Poochyena 86/127
Turtwig 101/127
Wurmple 103/127
Miasma Valley 111/127
Pokedex Handy 910is 114/127
Swable SH5

Bastiodon 20/127
Dialga 23/127
Dustox 25/127 x2
Giaratina 27/127
Giratina 28/127
Golduck 29/127
Ludicolo 34/127
Ninetales 36/127
Shaymin 38/127
Torterra 39/127

Skuntank G x2
Honchkrow G x2
Galactic Stadium
Houndoom G

Other notables:
Arcanine 1/111 RI x2
Professor Oak's Visit x4
Prerelease Armaldo
Prerelease Gyarados x2 (1 pending)
Prerelease Aerodactyl 1st edition
Winner Hitmonchan
Best Electabuzz
Best Rocket's Sneasel
_______'s Pikachu x8
Ancient Mew x2
Flying Pikachu (black star) x4
Surfing Pikachu (black star) x2
Most older Pikachu's really... (incl. yellow/red cheeks base and 1st ed. Jungle)
Charizard x2 EX Dragons 100/97
Charmander City Championship
Pluspower x16 (Base set)
Copycat x6 (2 RH) from older sets
Fisherman x3 (2 RH)
Warp/Cyclone Energies (some RH) from older sets
Warp Points (some RH) from older sets
other reprints too (Memory Berries, etc... some RH)
Oversized Box Topper Crystal Crobat
DCE x5
Base set 2 Charizard
Base set 2 Venusaur
Erika's Venusaur
Neo Genesis Azumarill
JUMBO Electabuzz "Winner" x3 (how do you ship these anyway?... lol)
And... Lots of old YuGiOh (incl. original full Exodia set, 3 original secret rare Gemini Elves, Yata Garasu and other staples)

1st Editions:
Neo Genesis Jumpluff
Base Pidgeotto rare
Gym challenge Chaos Gym
Most base uncommons/many commons/uncommons up to Neo Genesis (incl. Wartortles and Ivysaurs from Base)

Japanese cards:
Jungle Wigglytuff
Gym Set Lt. Surge's Magneton
Gym Set Rocket's Scyther
Gym Set Rocket's Hitmonchan x2
Gym Set Brock's Rhydon
Neo Genesis Typhlosion x3 (Fire Recharge)
Neo Genesis Typhlosion (crappy one)
Neo Genesis Meganium (good one)
Neo Discovery Smeargle
Neo Revelation Deliberd
Neo Destiny Espeon
Neo Destiny Houndoom x3
Neo Destiny Light Arcanine
Neo Destiny Togetic
Neo Destiny Dark Scizor
Metal Energy x3 (2 Neo Genesis, 1 VS series)

Unlimited staples:
Energy Removal xX
Pluspower xX
GoW xX
Computer Search x4
Sneasel x2
Cleffa x4
Professor Oak x2
Professor Elm x12 (1 1st edition, 4 holo promo)
Just ask for others... lots of diff trainers and diff kinds of holo/RH dark/metal/rainbow energies

1/1 Claydol (promo or GE)
Call Energy x1
Broken Time Space x1

Donphan Prime (HGSS) x2
Blaziken FB Lv. X (low)
Uxie LA x2 (or league)
Mesprit LA x2
TG PokeTurn/PowerSpray/EnergyGain x4
Crobat G
Typhlosion Prime x4 (low)
Ninetales HG/SS x3 (low)
Yay now I can approve it.


dmaster out.
CMl for these
Prerelease TATM Cacnea x1
Prerelease Aerodactyl 1st edition x1
Most older Pikachu's really... (incl. yellow/red cheeks base and 1st ed. Jungle)
Dark Raichu (Rocket)
Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard from EX Dragon set (some are promos)
Oversized Box Topper Crystal Crobat
DCE x5
Neo Genesis Lugia
JUMBO Electabuzz "Winner" x1 (how do you ship these anyway?... lol)

1st Editions:
Neo Genesis Bellossom
Neo Genesis Heracross
Neo Genesis Ampharos
Neo Genesis Togetic
Gym challenge Misty's Gyarados

Japanese cards:
Jungle Flareon
Neo Discovery Umbreon
Neo Destiny Espeon
Pryce's Murkrow 1st Edition VS
Jasmine's Steelix 1st Edition VS
Rocket's Wobuffet 1st Edition VS
Rocket's Suicune 1st Edition VS

I have
Blaziken FB x2
Blaziken FB Lv. X
Uxie LA x2 (or league)
Azelf LA
Hello, please CML for: 1st edition Fossil Lapras holo, Neo Discovery Umbreon (is this the holo one?), Neo Destiny Espeon (same question)

LMK, thanks :)
@dmaster: thanks~

@eevee: I will PM you

@UrsaLunarMinor: I'm perfect0ne on Pokegym.net btw XD It might be easier for us to continue with a trade there once you see how many Uxies you have~
Luhy said:
@dmaster: thanks~

@eevee: I will PM you

@UrsaLunarMinor: I'm perfect0ne on Pokegym.net btw XD It might be easier for us to continue with a trade there once you see how many Uxies you have~

XD AHAHAHA I knew it! I was thinking to myself, "ummm deja vu???"

sorry about that :S
CML for
RH Warp Point from CG if you have any
1 Birthday Pikachu(need this for brother's b-day present)
1 Best Electabuzz(not jumbo, need this for brother's b-day present)
1 Best Rocket's Sneasel
1 Best Hitmonchan
@DJ Hype Vibes: Not anymore~

@RareCandyAwesomeness: Trading trade bait for trade bait is never a good idea.

@Shadelon: Sorry. Nothing I can use.
@ArceusTrainer: I think 1 Bday Pika for a Typhlosion is fair. 12 dollars on Amazon for pika vs. 5 or 6 for Ty depending on promo or not, right?

@Juliacoolo: Sorry. Not interested.

@DJHypeVibes: I can do that. I'll PM you.