RE: W: 5x Machamp (TM), 5x Machamp PRIME; H: Come and see
Ok, so let's make a deal. There are 3 options and I'll order them by my priority:
4x Machamp TM
3x Machoke TM (throw-in)
4x Machop TM (throw-in)
2x Sableye (If you find 2 spare ones)
2x Seeker
4x Machamp TM
3x Machoke TM (throw-in)
4x Machop TM (throw-in)
1x Sableye
3x Seeker
5x Machamp TM
3x Machoke TM (throw-in)
4x Machop TM (throw-in)
1x Sableye
2x Seeker
If you possibly have 2 extra Sableyes, please trade them first. If not, I'll do 3 Seekers rather than 5 machamps.