@vrapce: If you check eBay, you'll find that your values are false. It's nothing personal, but numbers are numbers and I don't really appreciate the "LOL" when you are clearly wrong. =\
@alex: Would you be willing to cut out the Drifblim FB? If so that's a deal.
@Luxray: I don't value them the same and wouldn't take that trade, but thanks for the offer!
@Bubble: I'm not sure, let me check my stock and I'll get back to you!
@Ash_Satoshi: Facebook'd you.
@alex: Would you be willing to cut out the Drifblim FB? If so that's a deal.
@Luxray: I don't value them the same and wouldn't take that trade, but thanks for the offer!
@Bubble: I'm not sure, let me check my stock and I'll get back to you!
@Ash_Satoshi: Facebook'd you.