RE: W: Gardevoir/Mawile | H: Unleashed
Sorry for the long wait, everyone. I got stuck out of state for a while and needed some time to relax =o=
Hope nobody has lost interest~
1Pokemon_Master said:
Hey I also have ex mawile sandstorm regular holo. my rs gardy isn't in good condition. there's a crease on it so i don't know if you want it, but if we work something out, i can throw it in the deal. it's the pack. I can't find my PK Gardy RH, but i have sabrina's alakazam both english and japanese, both pack versions. LMK the cards you want from the japanese gym 1 and i'll let you know if i have it. PM me when you update so i know that you updated with the lsit of cards you need.
Ok, cool. As for the Japanese Sabrina cards, I think I need everything from Gym 1 except Sabrina's Venomoth and Sabrina's ESP. If you wanna make an offer for all of that and your Sandstorm Mawile and other stuff from my last post, I'd appreciate it.
Aphotic said:
Have the following,
Gardevoir - 8/127 Plat (Non Holo)
Gardevoir - 7/132 SW (Holo - Seems to have some light scratches)
Kirlia - 31/108 PK
Kirlia - 53/132 SW
Kirlia - 32/101 DF
Ralts - 59/108 PK
Ralts - 61/106 Emerald
Ralts - 89/127 Platinum
Ralts - 60/101 DF (RH Stamped)
Mawile - 17/108 PK
I actually got a lotad, but could you cml for anything else.
I'm interested in:
Crobat Prime
Tyranitar Prime
Suicune | Entei Bottom
Ehhh? non-holo Platinum Gardevoir? I didn't know there was one. What's it from?
I'm not really interested in the non-RH Ralts and Kirlias, but I want your RH DF one. So it looks like this:
Gardevoir - 8/127 Plat (Non Holo)
Gardevoir - 7/132 SW (Holo - Seems to have some light scratches)
Ralts - 60/101 DF (RH Stamped)
Mawile - 17/108 PK
darksoulSP said:
Currently someone else is looking at it, unfortunately. :/
Could I add Darkrai MD and a Rare Candy for Donphan Prime?
I don't think I have a Donphan Prime right now. Is that on my list somewhere? @_@
Did you end up trading that Sabrina/is it still being looked at?
PoptartG4791 said:
I'm interested in your 2x Weezing HGSS. Please CML.
Sure, man
I'm interested in a MD Darkrai or two, SW Gardevoir, MD Manaphy, and MD Umbreon (are yours all RH? I want a normal one).
I've got no problem getting rid of those Weezings but is there anything else you might want?
UrsaLunarMinor said:
Hello, please cml for: HGSS DCE RH x1, Skyridge-Articuno (4/144) x1, Moltres (21/144) Reverse Holo x1, Pokemon Reversal RH x1 (HGSS)
Thank you :3
Not really seeing anything I want unless your Mawiles are RH. Maybe I want the Sabrina, is it holo or no?