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W:Magnezone Yanmega PkmnCatcher H:Primes typh.. Collector DCE LostWorld Victory Medal

RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

i can only do I vuplix shiny for now
@ mlouden03
no thanks
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

I have 1 Smeargle UD please CML for Prorygon Z Lv. X
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

Got broken time space
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

jsut the smeargle

@ronshad and your wants?
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

Hi. CML for:
Darkrai Cresselia (TOP)
Darkrai Cresselia (Bottom)
Lugia Legend (Top)
Lugia Legend (Bottom)
Ho-oh Legend (Top)
2x Vileplume UD (if you have them)
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

are you saying you'll do it for the smeargle or all you saw was the smeargle?
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

flygon lvx
poketurn x2
raichu prime
yanmega prime x2
donphan prime
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

Only the Vulpix Shinies? Or only 1 Vulpix Shiny?
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

i only see smeargle i would other wants
no thanks
I can only trade 1 vuplix shiny right now
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

Oh. Do you have any Psychic HGSS energy?
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

cml please for your
donphan prime(high want)
yanmega primes
and raichu prime

RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

nope sry
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

Please CML for Fan Rotom:

Unlisted: Fire Arceus
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

i want 4xDCE
and 2x lost world
make me a offer and how much u vlaue each card in the trade

@dark void nothing sry
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

value lost world and dce around 5 each
and can do 2 lost world and 1 dce for:
donphan - $8
yanmega -$5

and a poketurn for
raichu prime - $4
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

donphan and raichu prime for 2 lost worlds and dce?
cazi value the yamega a bit more
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

please CML for:
Blaziken FB X
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

I am interested in your Great ball or Ultra ball playmat, 3x Scizor Prime, and Magnezone prime. CML?
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

My Lost World and something else, your Steelix Prime x2
RE: W: MewP Luxray X LostWorld PkmnCollector H:Triumphant Prime MewP Uxie Seeker Call NRG

@The Hybrid
i want your
Smeargle UD
steelix prime

i can trade some of these for them, make me an offer
Rescue Energy
Cyclone Energy
Call Energy

Spiritomb LA
Azelf LA
@glaceon i have a pending trade right now with them sry