• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

W:Magnezone Yanmega PkmnCatcher H:Primes typh.. Collector DCE LostWorld Victory Medal

RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/24/2009

Depends on how good the offer.
Your in Canada so I won't lie, I will most likely trade there. ^w^​
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/24/2009

Shuckle the Snail said:
I think I was skipped.

Read the rules, Don't you think that the deals on your side which makes it pretty much a stupid trade so you were ignored.

SotH said:
Depends on how good the offer.
Your in Canada so I won't lie, I will most likely trade there. ^w^​
You want to make the offer?
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/24/2009

Dark Cynthia said:
Read the rules, Don't you think that the deals on your side which makes it pretty much a stupid trade so you were ignored.

SotH said:
Depends on how good the offer.
Your in Canada so I won't lie, I will most likely trade there. ^w^​
You want to make the offer?

That is why you counter.
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/24/2009

Shuckle the Snail said:
You want to make the offer?

That is why you counter.

why would you give me an offer you wouldn't make if you had the 4 gengars?
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/24/2009

Stop arguing you two. =/

Anyways, I need to know how much you value them first, so I can possibly do add ins and stuff like that if I choose to offer. =3​
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/24/2009

SotH said:

Anyways, I need to know how much you value them first, so I can possibly do add ins and stuff like that if I choose to offer. =3​

Ok shaymin sleeves $25ish
Shaymin Towel $25ish
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/24/2009

Hhmm, I can get the shaymin towel for $10 so that's out. XP
As for the sleeves.....hhmm Luxray is worth at least $35.​
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/24/2009

SotH said:
Hhmm, I can get the shaymin towel for $10 so that's out. XP
As for the sleeves...hhmm Luxray is worth at least $35.​

Ok see if you can make me a deal.

Good morning Dark Cynthia!

Any interest in -

Cresselia LvX

Garchomp LvX
Plus some other cards

Thank you.

- Hypno68
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/25/2009

I can offer you a Professer playmat (unoppened) and somthing else for your Uxie Lv X
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/25/2009

SrSpoony said:
Hmm well did you see anything for x2 MT Garchomp?

Ok how many Broken Time Space can I get for a Garchamp MT?

Hypno68 said:
Good morning Dark Cynthia!

Any interest in -

Cresselia LvX

Garchomp LvX
Plus some other cards

Thank you.

Naa, I'll pass, thank for the offer

- Hypno68

shadoworganoid said:
I can offer you a Professer playmat (unoppened) and somthing else for your Uxie Lv X

Do you have cyrus's conspiracy(more than 1) you can add?

gengar666 said:
2xDialga Sleeves

You do know these are spare sleeves in packs with 5 sleeves each.
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/26/2009

No sorry. I dont have any...

I can thow in a few other things though. Like a RH Energy Gain. ECT.
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/26/2009

shadoworganoid said:
No sorry. I don't have any...

I can thow in a few other things though. Like a RH Energy Gain. etc.

I don't need RH cards
Do you have energy gain and poketurns>?
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/26/2009

Yes, I have 1 or 2 Energy Gain. (1 is RH)

I have 1 spare Rare Candy.
Maybe 1 Spare googleanes.
Many Bebe's.
4 Pokedrawer+
2 Felicity
3 or 4 Cyrus's Initiative.

I only have 2 poketurn, but I need them for my deck.

Hopefully we can work somthing out...
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/26/2009

shadoworganoid said:
Yes, I have 1 or 2 Energy Gain. (1 is RH)

I have 1 spare Rare Candy.
Maybe 1 Spare googleanes.
Many Bebe's.
4 Pokedrawer+
2 Felicity
3 or 4 Cyrus's Initiative.

I only have 2 poketurn, but I need them for my deck.

Hopefully we can work somthing out...

Hmm i need to think about it I don't really need any DP block trainers...
can i see ur refs?
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/26/2009

CML for your

1x Legends Awakened (these are the 1's with Regigigias right?)
1x Red Pokeball Sleeves
1x Black Pokeball Sleeves

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/26/2009


I have 2 trades in the mailing process right now.
When the other 2 members get their cards in the mail, they can leave a good rep for me each.

Right now I have no positive or negative refs. Im new to trading.

Look, I'm even willing to trade you the playmat AND a Lv X.
RE: Lv. Xs Dark Cynthia's Treading Thread 8/26/2009

shadoworganoid said:

I have 2 trades in the mailing process right now.
When the other 2 members get their cards in the mail, they can leave a good rep for me each.

Right now I have no positive or negative refs. Im new to trading.

Look, I'm even willing to trade you the playmat AND a Lv X.
Ok Playmat and Blaziken FB X?

the crippler 18 said:
CML for your

1x Legends Awakened (these are the 1's with Regigigias right?)
1x Red Pokeball Sleeves
1x Black Pokeball Sleeves

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)

1x Legends Awakened (these are the 1's with Regigigias right?) yes
1x Red Pokeball Sleeves \
1x Black Pokeball Sleeves /-You do know these are spares and come with 5 sleeeves only right