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W: Mewtwo EX

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Aspiring Trainer
Advanced Member
  • I live in the United States, and will send worldwide depending on the deal.
  • My cards are M/NM, I expect yours to be the same.
  • Person with lower refs sends first, unless otherwise agreed upon.
  • I usually send on Saturdays.
  • I'm only looking for my wants at this moment, I will not CYL.
  • My thread, you offer.
Wants (in order of importance)

Big Wants
2 Mewtwo EX (FA preferred, but regular will do)
1 Shiny Rayquaza
2 Terrakion EX FA
3 Darkrai EX FA

Small Wants
xX Pokemon Catcher
xX ND-DRX Shinies
xX PR Sleeves
xX Playmats


2 Registeel EX, FA
1 Terrakion EX (only looking to upgrade)
6 Garchomp #90
3 Hydreigon #97
2 Sigilyph
4 Garbodor, 1 RH
2 Tool Scrapper, RH
4 Rescue Scarf, 1 RH
5 Giant Cape
6 Devolution Spray, 1 RH
5 Blend GRPD, 1 RH
3 Blend WLFM

2 Entei EX, 1 FA
1 Kyogre EX
4 Pokemon Catcher (only looking to trade for a mint Mudkip*)
4 Zoroark, 2 RH
5 Sableye, 2 RH
7 Professor Juniper, RH
4 Ultra Ball, RH
1 N, RH
2 Dark Patch, RH
3 Random Receiver, RH
2 Rare Candy, RH
1 Cheren, RH
5 Dark Claw, RH
6 Enhanced Hammer, RH

2 Regigigas EX, FA
1 Shaymin EX, FA
2 Zekrom EX, 1 FA
1 Reshiram EX
2 Kyurem EX
2 Chandelure
4 Amoongus, 2 RH
1 Level Ball, RH
6 Heavy Ball, RH
4 Skyarrow Bridge, RH
6 Exp. Share, RH

2 Terrakion
4 Virizion, 1 RH
2 Victini
2 Landorus
2 Kyurem, RH
3 N, RH
4 Eviolite, RH
5 Rocky Helmet, RH
3 Super Rod, RH

3 Tornadus, FA
1 Thundurus, FA
2 Thunderus, 1 RH
4 Gothitelle, 3 RH
2 Bianca, RH
3 Max Potion, RH
2 Cheren, RH
4 Crushing Hammer, RH

1 Zekrom, FA
1 Reshiram, FA
1 Emboar, RH
1 Zekrom
2 Professor Juniper, RH
2 Energy Search, RH
3 Revive, RH
4 Switch, RH
3 Energy Retrieval, RH


1 Black Kyurem EX
1 White Kyurem EX
1 Celebi EX
1 Landorus-T EX
1 ACE SPEC. Gold Potion
1 ACE SPEC. Computer Search


1 Worlds 2012 Playmat
1 Worlds 2012 Deckbox
1 Worlds 2012 Binder
2 Play! Pokemon Playmat

Ask for anything you don't see! I have tons of unlisted T/S/S.
RE: Worlds Merch, Garchomp #90, and more!

cf11 said:
My hydreigon #97 your 150 codes?

Sorry, I traded the codes already and bought the Hydreigons off eBay.

Bump! Changed my wants.
RE: W: ND-DRX shinies!

Would you do this
Tornadus EX FA

Terrakion EX
Garbodor RH

LMK or counter
RE: W: ND-DRX shinies!

Hey man from your wants I have an Emboar Shiny. I'm interested in your Mewtwo EX FA and Raikou EX FA.
RE: W: ND-DRX shinies!

I like Raikou EX FA, I have a Shiny Archeops.
Maybe you could do this?
Shiny Archeops

Raikou EX FA?
RE: W: ND-DRX shinies!

I'm interested in a bunch of things you have, but I'm a bit confused with the way you list things. If you Put Raikou EX, FA , does that mean it's Fa or you have a regular but not FA. Same for 3 Max Potion, RH
RE: W: ND-DRX shinies!

Sleeping Snorlax said:
What condition is the mewtwo FA?

The front looks M/NM, but the back has some whitening from when it was pulled out of the pack.

NarcoticHobo said:
Please CML for:

Pre-release altaria
Raikou EX FA

Like I said in my rules, I will not CYL. Sorry.

justintam0731 said:
Would you do this
Tornadus EX FA

Terrakion EX
Garbodor RH

LMK or counter

cf11 said:
Hey man from your wants I have an Emboar Shiny. I'm interested in your Mewtwo EX FA and Raikou EX FA.

I couldn't do either of those for the Emboar. Is there anything small you saw?

Infinity said:
I like Raikou EX FA, I have a Shiny Archeops.
Maybe you could do this?
Shiny Archeops

Raikou EX FA?

I couldn't do that. I don't value the shinies that high. Was there something else you saw for the Archeops?

iisnumber12 said:
I'm interested in a bunch of things you have, but I'm a bit confused with the way you list things. If you Put Raikou EX, FA , does that mean it's Fa or you have a regular but not FA. Same for 3 Max Potion, RH

Haha, yeah. A lot of people got confused on Gym. If it says "Raikou EX, FA", then it's a FA. As for the Max Potions, the "RH" means they are all RH.
RE: W: ND-DRX shinies!

Mudkip711 said:
The front looks M/NM, but the back has some whitening from when it was pulled out of the pack.

Like I said in my rules, I will not CYL. Sorry.

I couldn't do either of those for the Emboar. Is there anything small you saw?

I couldn't do that. I don't value the shinies that high. Was there something else you saw for the Archeops?

Haha, yeah. A lot of people got confused on Gym. If it says "Raikou EX, FA", then it's a FA. As for the Max Potions, the "RH" means they are all RH.

Sorry, but did you reply to me yet
RE: W: ND-DRX shinies!

Do you have any interest in a Dragonball Playmat? It has Android 16, 17 and 18 on it.
RE: W: ND-DRX shinies!

iisnumber12 said:
Could you do the Raikou and Max Potions for a Playmat (The Play! one)?

EDIT:This one

I don't really value the playmats that high, so I can't. Sorry.

justintam0731 said:
Sorry, but did you reply to me yet

Wow, I thought I replied to you. Didn't mean to skip you, sorry 'bout that. Anyways, I'm really looking to upgrade the Terrakion EX. I don't need the Tornadus anymore either.

Infinity said:
Where do you value it?

$9-$10. It's not that big of a want.

Glace said:
CML formewtwo ex FA.

Like I said in my rules, I'm not checking lists anymore.

Fusion said:
Do you have any interest in a Dragonball Playmat? It has Android 16, 17 and 18 on it.

No I don't. Just Pokemon themed playmats.

Sleeping Snorlax said:
Dang. Ok well thanks anyways

I know. I wish it would have been mint too. :(
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