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W: Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Palkia & Dialga Legend

RE: W:Luxray GL Lv.X | H:Gallade 四 Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Blaziken FB Lv.X, RH Gardivour Line

AceBlade258 said:

Machamp SF
Gengar - Curse (AR 16/99)

I just traded the gengar(gonna update soon) but hows about the blastoise PT for it.
RE: W:Luxray GL Lv.X | H:Gallade 四 Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Blaziken FB Lv.X, RH Gardivour Line

I don't need the Blastoise all that much... I'll look and see what you have in a little bit.
RE: W:Luxray GL Lv.X | H:Gallade 四 Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Blaziken FB Lv.X, RH Gardivour Line

Bump, added the bonus to trading with me. (1st for week)
RE: W:Luxray GL Lv.X | H:Gallade 四 Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Blaziken FB Lv.X, RH Gardivour Line

Bump (2nd for week)

Updated a few wants, and changed the note on the Master Set.

I'd really like to get the Platinum Master Set off my hands, If anybody is interested in it, let me know... PLEASE!
RE: W:Luxray GL Lv.X | H: Gengar Lv.X, Blaziken FB Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

CML for Spiritomb AR
RE: W:Luxray GL Lv.X | H: Gengar Lv.X, Blaziken FB Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

Bump, Added Multi Energy to my wants. (1st for week)
RE: W:Luxray GL, Lv.X, Jumpluff (HGSS), Some RH's | H: Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

Bump, changed my wants a bit (2nd I think)
RE: W:Luxray GL, Lv.X, Jumpluff (HGSS), Some RH's | H: Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

cml for 4x poketurn, 2x energy gain, 1x mesprit lv x, gengar lv x and nidoqueen

RE: W:Luxray GL, Lv.X, Jumpluff (HGSS), Some RH's | H: Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

What set are your foil energy's from?

I like:
Spiritomb AR (2 RH)
TGI Power Spray (1 RH)
Rare Candy x4 (1 RH)
Pokemon Communication x1
DCE (2 RH)
Foil Electric x2
Foil Psychic x2
Foil Fighting x4
RE: W: Kingdra, Some RH's | H: Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

Bump, Changed a bit. Kingdra stuff is important. (1st for week of 4/19)
RE: W: Kingdra, Some RH's | H: Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

gibble staff
pichu staff

kingdra la RH
RE: W: Kingdra, Some RH's | H: Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

konter_j8902 said:
gibble staff
pichu staff

kingdra la RH

I'll do it for the Gible because I have 3 of them. Staff promos are worth about $10, and Kingdra is worth about $7 (eBay says $5 but it's a rev so I value it a bit higher)
RE: W: Kingdra, Some RH's | H: Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

2 kingdra for a plat shaymin ground form lv x
RE: W: Kingdra, Some RH's | H: Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

Tempting, but Shaymin Land Lv.X is worth a bit more than that...

If they are both Rev-Holo, let me know what else you have from my wants and we'll see what we can do. (Anything in my wants I am also looking for in Rev-Holo)
RE: W: Kingdra, Some RH's | H: Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

Take the Selling out of your first post. You're not a Verified Seller.

dmaster out.
RE: W: Kingdra, Some RH's | H: Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set


Added the RH Horsea's and the Broken PS3 controller (Can I do that? I didn't see anywhere that said I couldn't...)
RE: W: Kingdra, Some RH's | H: Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

Bump (Second/Last for week)

I really need the Kindra , I will trade a lot for them.
RE: W: Kingdra Prime, Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

Bump (First for week of 5/5)

I am reluctant to part with my Lux X, but I need those Kingdra Primes.
RE: W: Kingdra Prime, Some RH's | H: Luxray GL Lv.X, Gengar Lv.X, Platinum Master Set

CML for Lux X, I have 2 Kingdra prime and several trainers.