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[W]Zekrom FA, Shaymin, Pachi [H] Machamp, Donphan, RDL

RE: [W] HS-on RH Cards, Infernape 4 LV X

I have:
RH Sage's Training UD
RH Golduck TR
RH special dark energy COL
RH Junk Arm

Please CML and LMK if you have any of my wants.
RE: [W] HS-on RH Cards, Infernape 4 LV X

@rubxcube3742- Sorry, my Collection Wants is currently closed.
RE: [W] SRL Full, Infernape 4 Lv X

I have
1 raikou suicune legend full
1 RH ninetales CoL
1 RH lucian's assignment
1 RH infernape 4
and 1 meganium prime (tin promo)

would it be possible to get gengar prime and at least 1 lost world stadium for those?
RE: [W] SRL Full, Infernape 4 Lv X

I have Infernape 4 LV X, 1-2x Smeargle UD, 2x Steelix Prime, 1x Megainum Prime, 1x Feraligatr prime, and CML for more, I really want your 1x Gengar prime and 1x Gengar X LMK thanks
RE: [W] SRL Full, Infernape 4 Lv X

:eek: I'm being counter offered like, instantly.. Their offer looks better imo, so it wouldn't surprise me if you traded with them instead.
RE: [W] SRL Full, Infernape 4 Lv X

@The Wii Man1234 0 - Sorry, I was able to confirm another trade for the Infernape 4 Lv X. I could not find anything else from your list.
RE: toffeefi's PokeShack

Ohhh, that sucks can I do my 1x Smeargle UD and 2x Steelix prime UL for you gengar X?
RE: toffeefi's PokeShack

I don't see anything else from your list. :( Do you have cards from my Major and Minor wants? LMK :)
RE: toffeefi's PokeShack

I have:
Scyther PL Reprint x 2
Typhlosion Prime x 2
Meganium Prime PROMO x 1
Lanturn Prime x 2
Steelix Prime x 1

I'm interested in your:
Gengar Prime
Gengar Lv. X
Blaziken FB
Luxray GL x 2
RE: toffeefi's PokeShack

@Zangoosed - Sorry, my Major wants list was outdated. Please see my list again.
RE: [W] HS-on RH Cards, Magnezone Prime, Typhlosion Prime [TIN]

I have a zone prime for trade too so can we trade try to trade for gengar X?
RE: [W] HS-on RH Cards, Magnezone Prime, Typhlosion Prime [TIN]

Hey, I have:

Lanturn Prime
2x Typhlosion Prime (Tin)
1x Typhlosion Prime (Pack)
Feraligatr Prime (Tin)
Meganium Prime (Tin)
Voltorb RH (Triumphant)

Do you have anything off my wants?

I'm also supposed to be getting a RH Ninetales CoL, and numerous collectors ( I think 5 )
RE: [W] HS-on RH Cards, Magnezone Prime, Typhlosion Prime [TIN]

@Lunistrella - I have nothing from your wants except a Gyarados*. This card is also pending (in another site) but it is not confirmed yet. Would love your 2 Typhlosion Tins and Voltorb though!
RE: [W] HS-on RH Cards, Magnezone Prime, Typhlosion Prime [TIN]

wait what about me? You never truely gave me an offer or passed.
RE: [W] HS-on RH Cards, Magnezone Prime, Typhlosion Prime [TIN]

@The Wii Man1234 - woopsies. Sorry, I read your post. Just got sidetracked (lol). Do you have anything else from my main wants? I read through your thread but couldn't really find anything else.
RE: [W] HS-on RH Cards, Magnezone Prime, Typhlosion Prime [TIN]

again I have 1x Magnezone prime that is it from you big wants that I have for trade
RE: [W] HS-on RH Cards, Magnezone Prime, Typhlosion Prime [TIN]

... You don't expect me to trade 1:1 do you? o_O
RE: [W] HS-on RH Cards, Magnezone Prime, Typhlosion Prime [TIN]

No, but you do also have steelix, lanturn, feraligatr, and meganium prime so I was hoping you would take a combination of them.