Wailord-EX, Trevenant-EX, M Aggron-EX, Others from 'Primal Clash!' [11/30]

In a way it would be nice to see Ampharos in this set...and yet in a way I hope the next Ampharos we see is Ampharos EX and M Ampahros EX...or two of them, as I would personally love to see both Electric and Dragon types. Since we're more likely to only get one I wonder which it will be.

Thinking on it I don't see an Archie or Maxie for this set. Only because of the mini set in January devoted to Aqua/Magma though.
NintendoAlian said:
Wailord EX. 250 HP? WHY? I mean, come on! What is it going to take for Pokemon to realize that EX's are overpowered. Yes, there's Pyroar but no one plays it because of Donphan.

Im looking for shinys so if u have some ask for my friend code and I'll trade
Is anyone else very surprised how early the english set is being sold? even if it just a promo pack that comes with a binder. I'm not sure about all pre-release events, but don't the winners get prizes? would suck if people had these cards and could essentially make a good deck during pre-release due to the extra cards they have. The place I used to go for TCG stuff awhile ago stopped giving prizes based on placements at pre-release for that reason.

The scans are nice though, although yet to see the english a growth unless I missed it.
Valex said:
Is anyone else very surprised how early the english set is being sold? even if it just a promo pack that comes with a binder. I'm not sure about all pre-release events, but don't the winners get prizes? would suck if people had these cards and could essentially make a good deck during pre-release due to the extra cards they have. The place I used to go for TCG stuff awhile ago stopped giving prizes based on placements at pre-release for that reason.

The scans are nice though, although yet to see the english a growth unless I missed it.

Right here! ;)
