The whole tech vs. nature speculation, along with the "what if these games are set in the past"..
I gave no attention to tech versus nature, and I ruled out the "games set in the past" when we saw the obvious technological advancements.
We saw the information that in different versions of the game, some cities and towns looked different.
For instance, in Pokemon Black, one particular city looked modern, yet it's White counterpart was made of ancient-ruiny looking things. I'll grab the screenshot later if anyone needs it.
I don't know, it's been confirmed that cities will look different, but do you think ALL of them will come out entirely different? Like the entire white version is olden-times and Zekroms electricity is a breakthrough or something...
Blah. Discuss?
I gave no attention to tech versus nature, and I ruled out the "games set in the past" when we saw the obvious technological advancements.
We saw the information that in different versions of the game, some cities and towns looked different.
For instance, in Pokemon Black, one particular city looked modern, yet it's White counterpart was made of ancient-ruiny looking things. I'll grab the screenshot later if anyone needs it.
I don't know, it's been confirmed that cities will look different, but do you think ALL of them will come out entirely different? Like the entire white version is olden-times and Zekroms electricity is a breakthrough or something...
Blah. Discuss?