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Wait what? (Plusle/Minun/Insanity)


Mi aerodeslizador es lieno de anguilas
This is an utterly insane deck I built to show the dark, sadistic side of Plusle and Minun and make clear how everything becomes good when you add Durant‘s trainer line. The game plan is to flood the board with damage thanks to Minun, while depriving your opponent of whatever they need to KO the Minun. You can easily switch to a highly disruptive strategy thanks to Hooligans, Judge and lots of Hammers, with Plusles Tag Draw easily compensating for the inability to use draw supporters simultaneously. A single Mewtwo EX is included to roflstomp things if necessary, though I prefer giving them a slow demise at the hands of a crazy Minun. I‘m thinking about replacing the Pluspowers with Defender. Please keep in mind this is a League deck, and its main purpose is to surprise and annoy people, not to sweep Nats. Though that would be pretty cool.

Pokemon: 8

4 Minun [DEX]
3 Plusle [DEX]
1 Mewtwo EX [NXD]

Trainers: 43

4 Hooligans Jim & Cas
3 Judge
2 Professor Juniper

4 Level Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Crushing Hammer
4 Junk Arm
3 Pokegear 3.0
3 Defender
3 Eviolite
2 Lost Remover
1 Skyarrow Bridge
1 Revive
1 Super Rod

Energy: 9

7 Lightning Energy
2 Double Colorless Energy
-3 pokegear 3.0

+2 random receiver
+1 plusle

Random receiver is better than pokegear 3.0 and I believe is better to have 4 of minun and plusle
Random Receiver is awful when you have four non-draw supporters. I don‘t think a fourth Plusle is necessary, because any beyond the first are usually redundant. I might try it though, but I‘ll definitely stick to Pokegears to get my supporters.

FYI people, Random Receiver is not strictly better than Pokegear. In most cases, however, it is superior. Not here though.
Why not try adding skyarrow? It seems like it could be very helpful for getting out a Plusle.
-2 Lightning Energy
+2 Skyarrow
You don't need that much energy, and you can fit in an energy retrieval if you're worried about it.
That sounds pretty good, the idea behind not running it was that retreat costs of one made additional energies about equal to skyarrows. With Mewtwo thrown in, I suppose I might as well...
I prefered the energies without the Skyarrow. This way it's easier to distrupt with Pokémon Catcher. Also, it's necessary for the deck to be able to start spreading early game.
Well, I'm not sure that this deck really has much of a great chance without that early game spread.

-1 Crushing Hammer (Not needed, 4 is overkill IMO)
-3 Pluspower (Only good for Mewtwo if I recall correctly)

+1 Lost Remover (Gonna give you a lot more disruption)
+3 Defender (Can keep Minun, and Plusle alive and is more versitile)

Honestly, I'd love to run one of these decks at the league to see how well it can actually preform. From what I've seen at my league, decks like this usually win, a splash of little guys, making a massive comeback FTW.

And if it was me, I'd suggest that you add in 2 Mewtwo EX, ( I couldn't find room) because Mewtwo EX is just gonna dominate your deck, and very quickly.
Updated the list: switched Pluspowers to Defenders, took out a Skyarrow Bridge for another Energy.

I‘m not going to put in more other attackers than the single Mewtwo I‘m already running. First off, Mewtwo EX is way too good for a deck like this: you don‘t feel trolled if a Mewtwo just sweeps you, but you do if a Minun clears all your Eelektriks off the field. It also detracts from the overall absurdity of the deck.

Second, I really, really don‘t want to start with Mewtwo. A Mewtwo start practically forces you into an unwinnable Mewtwo war, which is no fun at all. So, effectively, one Mewtwo>three Mewtwos in this
deck, because I don‘t want to get into a Mewtwo war.

And lastly, I onlly run the Mewtwo to stop any sweeps the Hammer suite can‘t hold off. Mewtwo isn‘t my only answer, it‘s my failsafe silver bullet. And besides, most people are conditioned to never drop the first Mewtwo, so I‘m not afraid very much.

But feel free to prove me wrong