Wall Everything? (Mewtwo Lv.X/Shedinja)


Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you.
Forward: Once, a long time ago, I had an amazing idea. To wall everything in existence. Now, this sounds hard, right? Well, not if you have these two cards. Mewtwo Lv.X [LA]. Shedinja [SV]. "Now," you ask, "how do you attack with Shedinja?" I don't. Nor Mewtwo Lv.X. I use a boomerang. Like Shuppet [PT]. That's what I originally used. But I was reading an article elsewhere and an idea hit me: Starmie [LA] A great boomerang, and an amazing secondary attack. All for a stage one with one energy costs and a free retreat. This seemed like a great idea.

3-3 Starmie (RR-LA)
2-2 Mewtwo Lv.X (MD-LA)
2-2 Shedinja

No trainers

4 Water Energy
6 Psychic Energy

Possible Techs:
Dugtrio [PT]: To "discourage" retreat.

Dodrio [UD]: Essential. Gives everything free retreat, since nothing has fewer than two retreat cost. Everything needs to be able to retreat for free so the wall can stay alive.

Seeker [TM]: Another essential. Picking up damaged walls to play them down again is crucial.

Last Words: I was originally going to include Cubone [TM] in this article, but I realized it had more negatives than positives. As for why I wrote this, I was wondering what people thought and if it might work. I was also wondering if anyone had some great ideas as to what other cards could be included.
things you dont wall against:
pokemon with attacks like swift that ignores all effects on the defending pokemon
Tyranitar PRIME
I think G-Dos should be mentioned before T-Tar, considering it is Tier 1. Anyways I personally like the idea, Dodrio is a must IMO, play Devoluter to counter lots of high HP powerful stage 2's, Mespirts couldn't hurt either.

Although it would take an evolved Pokemon to snipe, like Blastoise, it seems somewhat plausible. However, you need to set up really fast. If you don't, Luxray can Bright Look the Mewtwo before the LvX appears, or something like that. It seems good on paper, but there is gonna be a lot of counters.
this idea has some merit...however, sniping is a major issue...and while can be easily countered with Manectric (PL), that would require a good amount of setup, which would can easily be a difficult thing with so much to setup
I will not be like others and say:"oh my god, this deck fails against DGX or T-tar..." I am kind of annoyed with that because everything has their weaknesses.

So, one of the problems is that you will only hit for 50 every turn, as the BW rules says that Plus Power will be discarded instead of being attached. More, I know that BTS exist, but I still think that it will be slow. More, you will need set a stage 1 (starmie), another one (Shedinja), a dodrio(again) and finally, a Mewtwo, just to do a 50 damage per turn...

In the end, just like everyone mentionned, the deck has weaknesses, but a little too much: DGX, T-Tar, Arceus, Gengar X, G-dos, SP Snipe, Trainer Lock, Judge in random disrupting deck, Lostgar, Sablock... Pretty much everything that is played by the top players.
qnetykz said:
this idea has some merit...however, sniping is a major issue...and while can be easily countered with Manectric (PL), that would require a good amount of setup, which would can easily be a difficult thing with so much to setup
I don't think snipping would be an problem if Mewtwo and or Shedinja are the only pokemon on your field,
which is what you ideally do with Mewtwo against SPs.
wang zitong said:
Arceus No, Mewtwo Lv.X walls this quite nicely
Gengar X Shedinja helps. ;D
SP Snipe Mewtwo and only Mewtwo.
Trainer Lock Trainer lock wouldn't hurt this deck that much, it's not that dependent on trainers…
Judge in random disrupting deck
Sablock Both Mewtwo and Shedinja wall Sableye nicely…

Alright, so this deck has more weaknesses than I thought. But couldn't it still be a fun concept?
Against Mewtwo Lv.X, Arceus would Level Up the Psychic Arceus, Belt it, and then use the Water Arceus' attack to one-shot Mewtwo. If you do use Shedinja, then your opponent would bring up Fire Arceus some other Arceus that can do an easy 60 damage that isn't Leveled Up to one-shot Shedinja.
Arceus explained by Gliscor

Trainer Lock LOl?! Do you know how a Boomarang works? It takes Pluspowers and Expert belt to get a constant 80-90. So?

Gengar The deck will snipe the Pixies. Most likely, it will be paired with Viletomb, so Trainer lock, and Gengar Prime in Vilegar is also popular, so Byebye Starmie. More, Boomarang will only do 30 each turn, while Gengar does 30 to one of your opponents pokemon, with a maybe 60. Even with that, it beats the deck.

SP LOL?! Again? Boomarang needs a free retreat pokemon. the deck will need Dodrio, so... Don't tell me to put a Magnetric because 1, to much time 2, gust by Luxray.

Sablock It snipes like SPs. It disrupt like hell. It hand lock in the first few turns. Everything you do not want.
When B/W rules come out, pluspowers will no longer be attatched - so they can't be returned to your hand when starmie is returned. You still cant play expert belt or pluspowers under trainer lock. Dialga G lv X also has resist on mewtwo... and stomp you. Gengar decks can use haunter to 2 shot mewtwo (2x weak anyone?). 30 damage for 1 turn is very very bad. Also, you cant afford to have your set up skewed. You say you never attack with shedinja or mewtwo.. which means you will do 30 each turn with Starmie (or 50 with its second attack). With a belt, 50 per turn, is still not impressive. Considering that basically every top tier deck will have a way around this.
Gliscor said:
Against Mewtwo Lv.X, Arceus would Level Up the Psychic Arceus, Belt it, and then use the Water Arceus' attack to one-shot Mewtwo. If you do use Shedinja, then your opponent would bring up Fire Arceus some other Arceus that can do an easy 60 damage that isn't Leveled Up to one-shot Shedinja.

Wait, so Leveling counts as an evolution? Because if not, Mewtwo laughs at Arceus.
Shinigami said:
Gliscor said:
Against Mewtwo Lv.X, Arceus would Level Up the Psychic Arceus, Belt it, and then use the Water Arceus' attack to one-shot Mewtwo. If you do use Shedinja, then your opponent would bring up Fire Arceus some other Arceus that can do an easy 60 damage that isn't Leveled Up to one-shot Shedinja.

Wait, so Leveling counts as an evolution? Because if not, Mewtwo laughs at Arceus.

Gliscor said:
and then use the Water Arceus' attack to one-shot Mewtwo.

I dare you, DARE YOU, to put ten seconds of effort in and read his post, then actually look up what water arceus does.
Jahikoi said:
I dare you, DARE YOU, to put ten seconds of effort in and read his post, then actually look up what water arceus does.

Wow, way to be harsh with someone who doesn't know the game that well. And I did read his post, that's why I asked a question about something I didn't understand.
Leveling Up does NOT count as an evolution if you're Leveling Up from a Basic Pokemon like Arceus (or Luxray GL Lv.X for example). The only reason the Water Arceus's attack works is because it bypasses the Mewtwo Lv.X's Body, allowing you to be able to hit it. Leveling Up from the Psychic Arceus lets you hit as a Psychic Type, allowing you to attack for x2 damage.

dmaster out.
Once i thought of making a Mewtwo/Celebi Prime deck. However... hello Dialga G! Then there was Celebi Prime/Mightyena LA/Vileplume, AKA clunkiness and three energy types. This kindof reminds me of that.