Skyline said:I see... Well, you answered my question but I don't think you checked my list still, haha. Also, I have a butt load of cards so maybe I can send you like 866789965455 cards. Is there a particular set you're looking for?
Erling2204 said:I have 2 RH junk arm please cml for more. I need Magnezones
123wert50 said:Skipped? 2 Typlosion for a Steelix?
Skyline said:So.... You're saying you're okay with any nm-m cards? Cause I have so many HG/SS and B/W cards that I want to get rid of. If that is the case, let me count how many I have.
Skyline said:Why are you after so many cards, mind me asking? 300 cards counted, still going.
Skyline said:I think I read a typo. You put common and uncommon (circle and star). Star is rare and uncommon is diamond. 1600 cards counted, still going.
Skyline said:Well, I have over 1600 cards, trying to sort out the rares from the common and uncommons. I'll send you a PM.
glaceon said:Do you want just bulk UC/C, or RH, rare, and holo bulk as well?
hipoke said:CMT for FA Zekrom, and Machamp Prime, thanks!
hipoke said:I was skipped like 2 pages =P. Anyways I'm just intereed in the FA Zekrom now. I can trade 1500 common/uncommon bulk for all three, but do you happen to know about how much the shipping would be for 1500 cards? Also can you cmt for any cards you'd like to trade for? Thanks!
jgreen said:my
magnezone prime
mew prime
kingdra prime
yanmega prime
donphan prime
lmk or counter thanks