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(Want) DRE Ex's and more!!! (Have) Ex's/codes and more!!!

RE: [H] Lots [W] Lots of little stuff

wonderer said:
Would you do:
2x expert belt

2x rosanne's research?
Lmk or feel free to make a counteroffer

I'm going to pass on that offer, sorry.
RE: [H] Lots [W] Lots of little stuff

wonderer said:
Would you do:
2x expert belt

2x rosanne's research?
Lmk or feel free to make a counteroffer

Did you think about the counter I offered you?
RE: Updated 12/26 - [H] Lots [W] Lots of little stuff

Um... where did you leave me a counteroffer? I didn't get any pms and I don't see it here or on my thread...
RE: Updated 12/26 - [H] Lots [W] Lots of little stuff

wonderer said:
Um... where did you leave me a counteroffer? I didn't get any pms and I don't see it here or on my thread...

I posted on the wrong site, sorry about that. I offered you 2x Roseanne's for 4x Expert Belt's on the Gym. Unfortunately, I already confirmed a trade for the Expert Belt's that I needed.
RE: Updated 12/26 - [H] Lots [W] Lots of little stuff


Gengar Lv.X


Luxray GL Lv.X

If you need more, CML.
RE: Updated 12/26 - [H] Lots [W] Lots of little stuff

Brawler said:

Gengar Lv.X


Luxray GL Lv.X

If you need more, CML.

I didn't see anything on your list. I'll have to pass, sorry.
RE: Updated 12/28 - [H] 4x Gengar X, 3x Flygon X, Luxray X [W]Lots of stuff

anything you wan for those rotoms?
RE: Updated 12/28 - [H] 5x Gengar X, 3x Flygon X, Luxray X [W]Lots of stuff

Can you CML for 2-1 Blaziken FB Lv.X and DIalga G Lv.X?
RE: Updated 12/28 - [H] 5x Gengar X, 3x Flygon X, Luxray X [W]Lots of stuff

CML for Garchomp C Lv. X
RE: Updated 12/28 - [H] 5x Gengar X, 3x Flygon X, Luxray X [W]Lots of stuff

PokeKid Brandon said:
Can you CML for 2-1 Blaziken FB Lv.X and DIalga G Lv.X?

2-1 Blaziken FB Lv. X

Gengar Lv. X
Shiny Shinx

Would you do that?

Shoyru1444 said:
CML for Garchomp C Lv. X

1x Garchomp C Lv. X (tin)

2x Spiritomb, AR

How's that?
RE: Updated 12/28 - [H] 5x Gengar X, 3x Flygon X, Luxray X [W]Lots of stuff

Do you have any of the non-x garchomp? Well, I'd like to have that pack one and two of the non-x, so... see anything else you want?
RE: Updated 12/28 - [H] 5x Gengar X, 3x Flygon X, Luxray X [W]Lots of stuff

I'm interested in trading for your,

1x Technical Machine TS-1
2x Professor Oak's Visit
1x Luxury Ball
3x Premier Ball
3x Pokemon rescue
2x Bebe's Search

For a pretty much anything of mine, don't be shy in your offer I might be willing to trade a few holos.
RE: Updated 12/28 - [H] 5x Gengar X, 3x Flygon X, Luxray X [W]Lots of stuff

Radical144 said:
I'm interested in trading for your,

1x Technical Machine TS-1
2x Professor Oak's Visit
1x Luxury Ball
3x Premier Ball
3x Pokemon rescue
2x Bebe's Search

For a pretty much anything of mine, don't be shy in your offer I might be willing to trade a few holos.

I didn't really see anything sorry. Do you have any of my wants?
RE: Updated 12/28 - [H] 5x Gengar X, 3x Flygon X, Luxray X [W]Lots of stuff

Spardan19 said:
I didn't really see anything sorry. Do you have any of my wants?

No, thanks for looking though.
RE: Updated 12/28 - [H] Gengar X [W]Lots of stuff(H) Lots of stuff

Magnezone X
Regigigas X (pack)
Heatran X (pack)

Gengar X

RE: Updated 12/28 - [H] Gengar X [W]Lots of stuff(H) Lots of stuff

Please CML for your Latias EX dragon.

RE: Updated 12/28 - [H] Gengar X [W]Lots of stuff(H) Lots of stuff

Dark Arceus
Lightning Arceus
Fire Foil Energy
Grass Foil Energy
Arceus Sleeves x1
