Want to Become a Strategist?

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Red Raging Rampage
We are looking for more PokéBeach Strategists again for our reformed program! To apply, make up your own application describing your qualifications to become a strategist, and post it in this thread. You may include anything that you think may be necessary to demonstrate that you are fit to become a strategist (examples: tournaments won, player ranking, past experience with the TCG, Pokémon community activity, etc). Spelling and grammar are a must to become a Strategist. Only a few positions are open, so put forth your best effort in creating and submitting your application; keep in mind that there will most likely be many other people that will want to apply as well. Even if you do not make it, your application may be considered in the future if new positions are open - we will have a "waiting" list. This thread will be open 24 / 7 / 365.25. If you think you can do it, show us what you are made of!

Please note that anyone who is discovered to have lied in their application will be denied any chances of becoming a Strategist. If a Strategist is later found to have lied in their application, they will be removed immediately. Temporary bans may be made in the above case, or if anyone plagiarizes a card review, so be forewarned!
If anyone wishes to become one, and needs a question asked, I would like to say that you may PM me, and I will try to help as much as I can. Also, I am certain that any of the Moderators or Strategists will help you as much as possible, as well. Good Luck ;).

Arcanine out.
The names Brian Jessing. I've won 3 CCs already this year out of 4 (coming in 2nd in the other). I'm 52nd in North America right now (I might be off by a place or 2 though), with a ranking of 1748. I've won 3 other cc's in the past (I could've won alto more, but I didn't want to deny people the chance to win them). I've won several (at least 15) prereleases and drafts. I've also played the game since jungle (base was a no-no, had to convince my dad to buy the cards). Even though I don't post that often in the deck help and strat forums right now, its mainly because I have very limited time online, which I ususally use to talk to friends about the game. Even still, I consider myself a very skilled deck fixer. I'm also a pojo strategist (although I haven't had time to report any at all...I was still accepted). I can't think of anything more...I'll probly add on to this after I see somemore applications.
Dear doc,

I think I would be a good strategist. Why?
1) Because I have experience. I used to be a strategist, although I heard that things changed a lot after I left, I still think that what I learned then can still come in handy.
2) I have been a decent player for quite some years now, but only started to become a competitive player a year ago. My PTCG skills have seriously improved since then. I came second at Belgium nationals 11-14, only losing to #4 of the world in 10-, who then recently became 11. Because he already got a free flight, I got to go to the PTCG world championship for free. Being both sleepy and nervous at worlds, and also because of a certain luck factor I didn't do well. But I wasn't disappointed at all. World drastically changed the way I looked at the TCG. And I've been busy with the PTCG every day since worlds, trying to find new strategies, new deck ideas and new techs.
3) I have a great memory. This helps me with in the TCG. For example: I know the effects, attacks, power, bodies, etc. of almost every card, and I'm known to come up with the strangest combination of cards which actually work.
4) English might not be my main language, but I think I've come to a point where my English is almost as good as my Dutch (My main language). I know my way with worlds and almost always find the right words for every situation.
5) I've seen it all. I was there when the PTCG was introduced when base set was 1st introduced in Belgium. I was there when my local league opened. I was there when Sneasel got banned. I was there, buying Japanese VS card to then find out that they wouldn't get released in English. I've seen Dark Pokémon making their debut, and their 2 comebacks. I've seen light Pokémon only appearing in one set. I saw "shining" changing into "*". I've seen the beginning of Pokémon-ex, and I will be there to see its end. In short: Pokémon has been there for me and I've been there for Pokémon ever since I was 9.

My achievements in the PTCG:
2nd at a local City Championship.
2nd at Belgium nationals 2006 11-14
#1 at a CG prerelease at worlds
#1 at a local DF prerelease, while I had to put bayleaf and flaafy in my deck because I didn't have any good Pokémon. It might have been "just" a local prerelease, #4 of the world in -10, his brother and mother and some other great foreign players participated, because it was one of the 1st DF prereleases in the world.
And winning a lot of local tournaments. This made me 2006's champion of my local league

I hope that my application was good enough, and I thank you for your time,

Okay, let's see:

I came second at the nationals, and third at the States. I have written 2 articles for Croftminster in Australia, and I used to be a CotD person fora site called Pokecorner. I've tryed to fix as many decks as possible in the deck garage place.

I got 4 at the local cities last year, but that was mixed age groups and I've gotten a lot better since then. I came seventh at the Sydney Cities 2 years ago, and my deck reeked back then.

Aso, I've had cards since I was 4, and although I've never been to the Worlds, I have beaten someone several times who has. and was two age groups infront of me at the time.
Hi. My name is Jarrett and I have been playing pokemon for about a year and a half. I am twelve years old. I have came in 2nd and 3rd at two City Championships this year with Bandoom and my ranking now stands at 1676. I orgionally collected the cards when Base Set came out but, I didn't know how to plave because I was only four years old. Here are my tournament records.

2nd at NJ Cities
3rd at NY Cities (this year)
4 way tie for first at DF Prerelease
8th at Brooklyn GC
7th at NY GC
12th at NJ GC
Top 8 at Regionals
2nd at NY States
5th at NJ States
3rd at NY Cities (last season)
Hi, my name is Caleb, a fourteen year-old living within Malaysia and would like to qualify the position of a strategist. I have been around the forums of this site for a short period amount of time, yet I feel the vigor and enthusiasm to write good and well-informed card/deck reviews as a way to inform others of the current trend of latest products from the company who are responsible for the creation of an everlasting appeal, Pokemon TCG!

My experiences with Pokemon TCG cards are (Shall you say) little compared with the other people I have seen upon here, but I feel to become a good strategists you have to become one with a first on experience as a writer to grow upon this position as it gets demanding. Writing is a part for which I prize upon to be one of the many "bread winners" of my future career and hope as I write this that the position offered upon to the members (Including myself) of this community will help If I were to ever to become one shape and expand this community as the best card review site to be seen on Pokemon TCG....
Hi nmy name is Cameron. I am 17 years old and, I know a lot about the tcg. I really want to become a pokebeach Strategist ever sinced I knew that there were Strategist. I wanted to become one ever since I joined Pokebeach. Here are some reasons why you should pick me.
1. I really do know a lot about the tcg.
2. I have been in pokemon tcg for a very long time
I can write really good card reviews and, I love rating the cards and, telling how good, or how bad it is and how well it would go into a deck. Plus I know almost every card so that helps. Also I am very good in english so I do not think that I would make any grammer mistakes.

And I see everybody is listing what they have won well, I have not won a lot but, I have passion for the game and I think that really counts.
I got 3rd in kentfield CC
sup, name's Robbie Price, 14, some may know me as Suicidal Pikachu on Pokegym

Won 2 City Championships and know alot about this game, also T8'd a GC last year..

i visit this site often and help out with decks on the gym.

i know all the rules that go along with the wierd cards and can easily find a card that could combo well.

Hi, I'm 15, and I live in England, GB

I don't have a lot of experience, but I'm a quick learner, and I have become quite dedicated to the site, even if I don't post much here.

I came joint 2nd in a DF prerealease last year.

However, I will always be picking new pride at POP.
Hi, I'm Tyler McCutchan, and I want to become a Strategist.I first started
playing pokemon in 2004 where I placed in the top8 at my first ever cities.
I wasnt the best of players, but I managed to stay at around a .600 Winnin %.
in 2005, thats when My pokemon career turned around. The first cities I won going
4-2 in swiss and then winning in top4. The next cities I won going undefeated during the entire tourny.
I traveled to one of the most competitive states in pokemon, Texas, and placed
2nd in the Fort Worth Cities to one of the Top 11-14 Players in the world at the time(cant remember her name.)

During the summer of 2005, I went to regionals and missed Top8 be .02%, but I was
determined to get to worlds. I worked on my deck(Blaziken...) for countless
hours a day. I then went to My GyM challenge and placed 3rd, with TERRIBLE draws in top4. The
next week i went down to Texas AGAIN for the Fort Worth Gym Challenge and went UNDEFEATED to
untill top 2 were I was unable to win due to COMPLETE shut down due to a great Magma deck.Due to Trickle down though,
I won the trip.

At worlds I metagamed COMPLETLY wrong(expecting Medicham EVERYWHERE) and bombed going

In 2006, I made the change to 15+ and found it MUCH more diffucult. I place 3rd in my first CC and missed top8 in my 2nd.
I made top8 at My gym but failed to go anyfarther.
Hello my name is Matthew and I'm 13 years old(soon to be 14) and I would like to be a Strategist. I have played Pokemon TCG ever since it came out. I was immediately in love with it; had every single card, I think in the first two sets and then I died out of it. Luckily five years later I got back into buying packs in (coincedince!) EX: Deoxys. Since then I have been buying packs and boxes and other non-Pokemon stuff and I haven't entered into many contests though. I have entered into 1 CC, 1 State Championship and 1 Gym Challenge and two prereleases. I was 3rd in the CC last December and 7th in the State Championship and 9th in the Gym Challenge. I may not have entered many championships, mainly because the people who run the prereleases and all the championships don't come down to Tucson since last summer and it takes money to go up there for gas,(There being, Phoenix/Tempe) but I have a lot of experience in the TCG and I always come up with something new(like a new deck idea or new combos) and I think I can be the best Strategist I can be. I have already done a few card reviews and I think I could get the hang of it in no time.(I have a great memory!) I can do deck reviews and could be a fixer as I have seen reviewer's work in different decks. I could catch on quick and I know all the top decks and know how they're played and mainly they're whole deck list. I think I can become a great Strategist if you give me the chance (I get on everyday by the way!)and I have a lot of experience and would love it if I could get the chance to work with wonderful people who know what they're doing!(and some kids!)
My name is Jordan Dupuis, and I obviously want to be a strategist since I’m posting in this thread. I have been playing Pokemon competitively for three years (since Magma/Aqua, to be exact) and I have several good accomplishments in this game. In the 2003-2004 season, I placed 3rd in the Southern Stadium Challenge and received an invite to Worlds. There, I ended up placing 33rd. In the 2004-2005 season, I placed 2nd at three Gym Challenges (Oklahoma, Houston, and San Antonio) and 3rd (or 4th) at another (Dallas). I also placed 4th at the Southern Plains Regional and top 32’d United States Nationals. I attended Worlds and missed the cut in the Grinder with a 4-1 record. In the 2005-2006 season, I placed 10th at United States Nationals and received and invite to Worlds.

I am a very active member at this site, and I try to be good at (and I believe am very successful at) helping people build decks and discover new combos. I also believe that I usually have well-thought-out insight on many cards, so I will be able to write very helpful card reviews.

I currently stand with a rating of 1699 after unbreakable conflicts have only allowed me to attend 2 City Championships. I placed 2nd and 3rd (or 4th) at them.

That’s all for now. I have many more things to say about my Pokemon career, but those are definitely the highlights. I’ll add more things if anything important comes up.

EDIT: Earlier today I finished first at a City Championship. My rating points will definitely be much higher now. I'll edit them whenever the tournament is reported.
My name is Jack, I'm 16, and live in the south of England.
I would love to become a strategist. Pokemon is a very deep game, and if you overlook them, they are all quite simliar.
But if you look deeper, you can spot the cards that can succeed, and cards that fail! It is often nothing more than an extra energy, a combo, or a certain weakness. But these are all crucial aspects indeed!

I began playing a rogue Typhlosion ex deck for a few reasons:
1. Water and Fighting were not played
2. Special energies (such as Holon's Electrode) were very popular!
3. Fire weak pokemon were very common

Despite everyone's warnings about failure, it succeeded, and won my very first city championship! This taught me the importance of the tineyest detail... true, Typhlosion ex had 150hp just like others, dealed 80 for 4 energy and was a stage 2, but it had:
1. A power that sped up play, so it could be used on turn 2, and support each other!
2. The abaility to discard enrgies of the opponent, gaining more speed
3. 1 retreat cost, so staus conditions were easy to rid of
4. No present weakness!

Someone once asked me "If you could move down an age group..would you?" I replied:
"Why not? You'd win every time!"
True, winning would be alot easier, but it's the careful strategy, the careful play, and a headwrecking game that I love! I would rather loose to a genius than beat a kid! Competition keeps you going, keeps you thinking...

I never play metagame decks. I play against them, thinking carefully about what could give me a garanteed victory.
The most interesting set is Dragon frontiers. So many similar ex's, offering the swift 3 energies 80 move with a bonus side effect to boot. Which ones really are worth playing? Why? It's the tinyest details that seperate them.
Last year I won 3 City championships. This year is much better, I have won none! Competition is tough this year, so card selection is crucial.  And what I love :)
Thanks for your time!
Hi I'm Andrew. I'm 14 years old and I've been collecting pokemon cards since they came out but I've been playing competitively since the release of the Ex Deoxys set. I think I'd make a great strategist because during that short time I won the pokemon championship at Supernova in Sydney, I came 2nd at the City Championships, I won the State/Regional Championship and I came 2nd at the Australian Nationals. I've won about half of the prerelease tournaments that I've gone to in my age catagory [Dragon Frontiers, Legend Maker, Delta Species and Unseen Forces]. I've also won a lot of Sunday tournaments.

The decks that made me so successful were used to counter popular stratergies and they were original. My regional one was specifically used to counter Dustox ex.

Playing cards on ordinary Sunday tournaments with others as they test out their own decks has taught me a lot about card strategies popular and unpopular alike in different decks and what's good and what's not.

Overall, I think I can become a good strategist for my achievements and knowledge of the game.

I'm Flygon, but I can't tell you my real name online... Just tell me if you need to know and I'll PM you. Ever since I knew there is a Strategist position, I wanted to be one, but when I joined that time, PB didin't need strategist. But now it needs, so I have come to try my chance at becoming a strategist.
I started playing PTCG at 25 December 2005... (Yes, christmas!) So I have a one-year expereince. During the one-year, I learnt a lot of stuff from usual Bsc players. My biggest lesson was the 2006 Nationals that thaught me almost everything to become competitive. Please read my bio for more info if you wish to know more.
I might not know everything about the PTCG... But I can try my best. I'm espacially good at the newest sets, because I get to know them in this site before the release. I can figure out strategies by looking at the scans provided here before the release of the set.
I can help PB members think of good strategies. I can rate the card for them. I can help them with their decks before a very big competition. Just PM me for that. I like helping a lot.
Also, I'm quite active around here.
Even though I did not get very good results in tournaments, I can help people win. The reason I can't win is because I don't have that much money to get cards I need for tournaments. Hope you understand that.

Hope that is okay... If you need any more info, PM me...
Thanks for reading.

I would like to be a strat.
I own three forums (only one is "alive"). www.ostrnovo.proboards51.com is one of them. I know you don't understand slovenian lang. but you can see it is pretty active. I am active on lots of forums (more then 15).
about me:
Name: Dev
Age: 13
Country: Slovenia (EU)
I play them from my 7th year. I play them only 2 years on tournaments and I am not so good (same reason --- I don't have enough money). My best position was 2nd on DS prerelease.
If you want to know anything else about me ... just ask :D
My name is Pro (yes, that is my nickname, Thai name). I am "20-days-to-be-12" years old. I played since Holon Phantoms. But when I look at a Deck, I can tell immediately what the strat is. Can I be one?
My name is Frank. I'm a 20-years old from The Netherlands.

I am not in the position to brag about anything on the subject of won Cities/Regionals or anything. Mainly because I have only attended two of them. However, I am one to pick up VERY fast on trading card games and coming up with (usually offbeat) strategies. The strategies I have a knack for are usually those which won't be used, but do pack a certain punch. And I believe those strategies are more important as the everyday cookie-cuttered strategies.

I am also one who always tries to help newer people into a Trading Card Game, instead of dissing them/making fun of them/flaming them. That is because I always intend to get more people interested for the game I play. The more, the merrier.

I think that is about all there is about me when it comes to the subject of Pokémon knowledge and what else there is to it. If I don't know a strategy just by seeing the card names, I look up the cards, and usually it's easy to put one and one together from there on. And for that matter, it is always useful to have so many card databases around.

Hope I make it.
My name is confidential.

I do not want to become a Strategist, for I am extremely weak at the TCG. In fact, I gave away my cards to Absol.

But what I would like to know is when the applications for the post of Strategist is closing.

EDIT: I would like to know how many positions are open for application.
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