Was Phantom Forces a Let Down for Anyone Else?

My Little Keldeo said:
AZ's abd Xerosic's are... meh, but not horrible looking. Xerosic would look better if it didn't look like he was shooting an invisible bow and arrow. He definitely looks pissed enough though. However, i have to say that I love the Full Art Lysandre's Trump Card. That thing is just beautiful, and really shows off Lysandre's emotiosn when he pulls out that crazy device in the video game. As for missed FAs.... agreed. I'd have loved an FA Elesa, though the card sleeves featuring her come pretty close.

Bahaha I never looked at Xerosic that way. To me he's always seemed like he's singing at an opera. And if a FA Elesa came out I would make a deck solely around her and tools! :)
Phantom Forces has actually become my favorite XY set, and was not a letdown at all. I honestly thought I didn't like the set until I got my hands on some of the awesome purple booster packs at a prerelease. I'm still kicking myself for wasting money on tons of Furious Fists because Phantom Forces has cards that are playable in a wider range of deck types.
I for one am glad that people have at least a few new cards from this set to play with on TCGO. I haven't had to play a Mystic Might theme deck since before it was released. That's a good sign...