Ruling Was this a good trade at the pre-release?

Silver Sea Lugia

Champion Trainer

Time Space Distortion


1x Delcatty ExCG
2x Infernape DP

I REALLY needed the catty ex and infernape for meh deck, and i don't need TSD for any decks.

But people said it was uber rare, and someone traded an Electivier Lv.X for it and some cards.
Your thoughts?

its not worth it a guy said it was worth a LV.X and more so i would say its not worth it(wait was one of the infernape reverse holo)if so it was probaly worth it
Po-Po-Pocchama said:
Yeah it was Catty EX and 2 Infernape for 1 TSD is good if you don't need TSD

Gee...i hope so.
one guy was just freaking over TSD and had like brought a card book with like 6 magmortar lv.Xs

Its just a trainer card but its just uber Valuable and they go for like 25 to 30 bucks on ebay which is not worth for I traded for but close
I guess it was a good trade ,but some people say it's worth $100 and also its 1 pack you get it in out of 6 boxes so its really rare.
Lugia ex and Steelix ex are the only cards ever priced over 100 dollars that were in a FireRed + format (non erated). TSD is worth about 60-80, while the a Catty ex is worth about 10-15, and then infernape's are worth about 5 each. so you got 20-25 dollars worth of cards for a 60-80 dollar card. -_- Pretty big difference.
Deck Master said:

Time Space Distortion


1x Delcatty ExCG
2x Infernape DP

I REALLY needed the catty ex and infernape for meh deck, and i don't need TSD for any decks.

But people said it was uber rare, and someone traded an Electivier Lv.X for it and some cards.
Your thoughts?


I would probably say it was good because 1. You did get an EX card. 2. You got 2 Pokemon for a trainer card. 3. You got 1 of the first D/P starter cards.:)
well i think if it was a card you didn't need and cards you wanted then yeah but you probably could have gotten more
Never trade Time space distortion.You could have probably bought those cards on the internet for less tha what TSD is worth.Also Inferncatty may be a good deck but almost every deck has some way of easily beating it.
Person with Charizard avatar
1) ex's are becoming worthless
2) That doesn't change squat
3) That's just random

It was a bad trade. Try Infernape Lv.X, Delcatty ex and 1 Infernape, and that might have been worth it.
I am sorry to say this but you got !!!!!!JIPPED!!!!!! I would have gave you an Infernape Lv.X, Infernape, Delicatty ex, and a Promo holographic Chimchar. At least you got the cards for your deck though. Sorry about your luck :(
Are you stupid. I just got one today and it's the coolest thing ever. I would never trade it for that garbage.
ummm please be nicer <_< I say it was a good trade...but thats because Im not into collecting, Im into battling
sorry to say this but i think you got scammed my brother just got it and some body was offering 3 lv x all different a magmortarlv x lucariolv x and electivire lvx. but my bro declined,dang those lv x's would have been great for my collection.
Your brother DECLINED!?!?!? I would have accepted in a HEARTBEAT...