Ruling Was this a good trade at the pre-release?

flareon breeder said:
sorry to say this but i think you got scammed my brother just got it and some body was offering 3 lv x all different a magmortarlv x lucariolv x and electivire lvx. but my bro declined,dang those lv x's would have been great for my collection.

Ask him to reconsider that is one awesome deal for a card since the time-distortion card is only going for around $25 on e-bay right now, looks like the hype machine is slowing down.
Deck Master said:

Time Space Distortion


1x Delcatty ExCG
2x Infernape DP

I REALLY needed the catty ex and infernape for meh deck, and i don't need TSD for any decks.

But people said it was uber rare, and someone traded an Electivier Lv.X for it and some cards.
Your thoughts?


the only problme we infernape is that it dead with speedy empoline and gator the deck is worht less