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Water Cycling Deck in Need of Update (Unlimited, Want to go to HG/SS)


Aspiring Trainer
Hey folks, I'm a newcomer around here looking for your expert advice on a deck that I threw together over the course of a couple of weeks. My friends and I have been attending some tournaments that disregard the whole rotation thing, but just in case I want to attend some official tournaments, I'd like to ask you guys for some help updating my deck to the current official rulings.

Pokemon: 27
4 Zekrom
4 Electivire FB (Outdated)
2 Electivire FB LV. X (Outdated)
4 Oshawott
3 Dewott
3 Samurott (Shell Armor version)
3 Psyduck (Platinum; Outdated)
2 Golduck (HG/SS)
2 Alomomolla (Rare version)

Trainers - 15
2x Pokemon Communication
3x Professor Juniper
3x Professor Oak's New Theory
2x Fisherman
2x Energy Retrieval
2x Energy Search
1x Switch

Energies - 18
14 Water
6 Lightning

This deck's key strategy has been, since I added Electivire EX, to fill the discard pile prior to Electivire's arrival and utilize his ability in order to stack my bench thoroughly, as almost all of my cards key off of energy building (besides Zekrom, who is an excellent wall and source of damage). From there, it's just a matter of pumping out a beatdown with cards like Samurott, which will do 100 damage charged regularly for its attack, and Golduck and Electivire, who can do massive damage if the field is properly charged with energies.

I've been thinking of changing the tempo so that my deck could be tournament legal by cycling out the Alomomollas in my deck, along with the Electivires in order to go 3-3-2 on the HG/SS Feraligatr family so I can take advantage of Feraligatr Prime's ability.

Regardless, I'm sure that you guys could have some suggestions for a deck like this, and I have a feeling that, with Reshiboar being so popular in the meta, this sort of deck could prove successful vs. what will be found in tournaments.


ok your deck is over flowing with problems "lets cut with scalpel not a machete"
but we will use the machete anyway

- 4-2 electivire (not possible+out dated)
- 2 alomomolla (just isnt worth the time)
- 4 {W} (14 is a little much)
- 2 energy seach
+ 0-1-1 samurott (the ability one{this will majorly boost consistency})
+ 1 golduck (again consistency)
+ 2 pokemon collector (consistency)
+ 2 communication (consistency)
+ 4 {C}{C} (will speed up every thing in your deck)
+ 3 rare candy (will get samurott out quick)
hope I helped and stay away from feraligatr it will slow your deck down alot & try to get more switches in

Electivire isn't an EX, it's a Level X, but anyway, take out the rotated stuff, the Alomomolas, and the Energy Searches for Collectors, PETMs, and Rare Candies. You can choose a good amount.

fly_ray said:
ok your deck is over flowing with problems "lets cut with scalpel not a machete"
but we will use the machete anyway

- 4-2 electivire (not possible+out dated)
- 2 alomomolla (just isnt worth the time)
- 4 {W} (14 is a little much)
- 2 energy seach
+ 0-1-1 samurott (the ability one{this will majorly boost consistency})
+ 1 golduck (again consistency)
+ 2 pokemon collector (consistency)
+ 2 communication (consistency)
+ 4 {C}{C} (will speed up every thing in your deck)
+ 3 rare candy (will get samurott out quick)
hope I helped and stay away from feraligatr it will slow your deck down alot & try to get more switches in


Alright. I'm going to perform surgery on my deck as soon as I get ahold of these cards. Once I do, I'll post the results.
