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Standard Water Silvally Box


Aspiring Trainer
3 Type: Null
3 Silvally GX
2 Tapu Fini GX
1 Lapras GX
2 Tapu Lele GX
1 Oranguru

4 N
3 Professor Sycamore
4 Guzma
2 Acelora
1 Brigette

3Ultra Ball
2 Rescue Stretcher
2 Field Blower
1 Special Charge
3 Aqua Patch
4 Max Exilir
2 Fighting Memory
1 Psychic Memory
3 Choice Band

10 Water Energy
3 Double Colourless Energy

I build this deck because after experience a meta game of 2nd Stage Deck like Gardevoir GX, Solgaleo GX and Metagross GX, the answer of my response to this is to build a basic deck that help me set up faster than my opponent, as a result, Water silvally box has come into my mind.

I first build my deck with more Lapras GX and less draw supporter since Lapras is a very good option to gain my hand already. However, I failed since it is not stable enough as m opponent always get to N me. So I have changed the portion of Tapu Fini GX, this is truly the MVP of my deck and I found it really useful, the Gx attack of Tapu Fini is always crucial when you opponent have a well prepared Solgaleo GX or Gardevoir GX, some Gardevoir deck user prefer building Gallade before Gardevoir itself, with my weakness of Silvally GX, Gallade will always able to OHKO my Silvally, as an answer, the GX attack of Tapu Fini always been crucial.
Another reason of choosing Tapu Fini GX is the capability to attack a escaping oppenent. One of the biggest weakness if Silvally is the power if its attack is not able to deal an OHKO to my opponent, even after attaching memory disc. Tapu Fini' s Hydro Shot is able to deal damage to bench pokemon, in cases like pokemon escaping from battle zone, Tapu Fini can help you take prizes, even without Guzma.

However, the deck quite require spaces for more and more memory disc, I assume that the portion of max exilir should be reduced.

And don't ask me why I am not putting Brooket Hill into my deck, I prefer 1 on time Brigette than 3-4 not on time Brooklet Hill, that's also the same reason I put less Ultra Ball, In m experience, the use of ultra ball is only to let me discard my water energy and let me apua patch them up lol.
I really like this deck, it's very stream line and works well if you can use Silvally's ability to stream back to back Lapras attacks for 160 (190 with choice band). Silvally works well to OHKO Zoroark-GX if you can get the Fighting memory tool on it. That's cool that we chose the exact same amount of energy :) I use Rayquaza in the mid-late game to get energy back, I was using Palkia-EX but I didn't like giving up 2 prizes to accelerate energy.

Here's my list:

##Pokémon - 14

* 2 Oranguru SUM 113
* 1 Rayquaza GRI 106
* 2 Type: Null CIN 89
* 2 Silvally-GX CIN 108
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
* 4 Lapras-GX SUM 139
* 1 Tapu Fini-GX BUS 133

##Trainer Cards - 33

* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 1 Skyla BKP 122
* 1 Psychic Memory CIN 98
* 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 2 Brigette BKT 134
* 2 Field Blower GRI 125
* 4 Guzma BUS 115
* 3 Max Elixir BKP 102
* 3 N FCO 105
* 4 Choice Band GRI 121
* 4 Ultra Ball FCO 113
* 2 Fighting Memory CIN 94
* 2 Aqua Patch GRI 119

##Energy - 13

* 10 Water Energy 3
* 3 Double Colorless Energy SUM 136

Total Cards - 60

I agree that Tapu Fini works very well in this deck, but Lapras's GX attack can also take down a Gardevoir/Solgaleo if you can keep your opponent from using a Guzma. Use N to shrink their hand size and then use your GX attack if you can.
I've been messing with a similar deck and I agree that it's pretty good. I think you should go 2 Lapras though, it's very important for dealing with base 190s and it sucks to have it prized. You'll almost never need more than 2 benched and even that is somewhat uncommon. I find that most of my KOs are from rotating Silvally's power up attack and Fini's snipe.

I don't think Ice Beam-GX should even be mentioned just because of Guzma being run at 3-4 of in every deck, you will almost always want to use Fini's GX with this deck.

When Fire Memory drops in SM5 you will definitely want to incorporate those. With all of the new metal decks running around Gardy will fall off in usage quite a bit so you won't need to run the psychic memory. It will also be a major help against Golisopod more than anything which I find to be the one major factor that stops this deck from getting more attention.
Wasnt there a water memory coming out in the same set with the Alternate Full Art Lusamine and Lillie?

EDIT: Lighting and Fire. Darn
You will find Rebel GX very usefull too. For me, when my opponent build up too fast, I will go for Tapu Storm GX to slow them down, otherwise, I prefer using Silvally's Rebel GX to get 2 prizes.
As I was mentioning, I would only use Ice-Beam GX if I could get the opponents hand size low with 'N' first. I would much rather use Rebel GX for big knock-outs. Tapu Storm GX is good but it doesn't get you prizes, it's a bit situational, it's only good in the early game or late game. Terrible in the mid-game.

I don't think I would go lower than 3 Lapras-GX. You only want to bench 2 of them but you want them to be available when you use Brigette. I usually Brigette for 1 type null and 2 Lapras, if any one of those are out already I usually grab an oranguru as a replacement. Kinda depends if I have another draw supporter in hand too.

It's always good to have a Lapras on the bench to max elixir and aqua patch to. One in the active is great too for the "Collect" attack to draw some extra cards to get Silvally out quickly.

Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to Fire memory. The Ultra Prism meta is definitely going to be metal centric...with a dash of Glaceon and Leafeon. Get to hit Leafon for weakness too with Fire memory :)
Since you’re doing a water box, what about incorporating the starmie line to get your water energies back?