We are #1!!!! Banners, avatars and more!!!

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RE: We are #1!! Banners, avatars and more!!

This is rather irrelevant to a shop, but I could I just ask, what programs do you use to do all of this? Sorry if this is classified as spam, I'm just curious on what programs you use.

Also to make it less spamish, I'd like to have a banner, made, I would like an Alakazam, on a psychic background (one of your choice) and then another alakazam next to it semi transparent. You can choose the background and the two Alakazams.

RE: We are #1!! Banners, avatars and more!!



you can choose witch one you like

if you dont like neither of them just tell me
RE: We are #1!! Banners, avatars and more!!

pm #1 weavile and hell see
in the meantime post some samples of your work
RE: We are #1!! Banners, avatars and more!!

Hey mash can u make me a banner with Pikachu and a ipod,turtwig and a ipod,shaymin and a ipod
RE: We are #1!! Banners, avatars and more!!

ok ill see what i can do
EDIT: can you please call me dark fire or DF
is there any thing other than turtwig and shaymin i cant find a goo pic and i pod pic that would fit them
RE: We are #1!! Banners, avatars and more!!

your in.....but you must pass the test...

the test is to take the order of the next customer

if the customer likes then you pass
RE: We are #1!! Banners, avatars and more!!

could you make me a banner?details-
Image:Charizard and rayquaza
effects: (if you want it that badly...)the charizard needs to be using flamethrower while the rayquaza is using hyper beam.the flames need to be doing the normal flame thing
text:The ultimate dragons
text color:The ult part orange and imate dragons part green
RE: We are #1!! Banners, avatars and more!!

I just made that ,If you wanted a bannerversion you could of just said so....
Its still rude seeing as I worked hard on it,for you just to request another one,here is the banner version.....


  • ultimate dragons banner.jpg
    ultimate dragons banner.jpg
    46.4 KB · Views: 12
RE: We are #1!! Banners, avatars and more!!

i wanted an animated banner.im sorry if this is rude.i like this banner,i might use it at another time,but i wanted an animated one.
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